Inspire Hypnotherapy

Inspire Hypnotherapy Inspire Hypnotherapy is the leading provider for Hypnotherapy in Brisbane. Quit smoking, weight loss

Jeremy Walker is the author of the book, Freedom From Addiction. He created the WARP (Walker Addiction Removal Process), to help people beat their compulsions and addictions.


Happy New Year from Inspire Hypnotherapy!

The new year is a time for a fresh start, exciting goals and personal growth – and we will be here to support you every step of the way.

I recommend being clear with what you want. This is a great mindfulness tool to create your best life. The more detailed your vision, the greater chance for accomplishment and less drag from bad influences.

When choosing a goal, see that it provides all or most of the following:

• Time
• Money
• Energy (Health)
• Peace
• Rewards important to you

Use this list when making decisions about physical health, work, relationships, family and lifestyle.

For example, a job that pays well, doesn’t drain energy, is fairly peaceful and is rewarding to you, would be an instant yes in most cases. The same usually goes for drinking water and eating well. So, moving forward we can choose options that bring us greater overall satisfaction.

Below are my updated services. I welcome helping you get the best possible results in 2025!

Give yourself a score in each of the categories. This is a benchmark you can use for physical and mental health.== 7 Cor...

Give yourself a score in each of the categories. This is a benchmark you can use for physical and mental health.

== 7 Cornerstones of Amazing Health ==

Breathing: Am I consciously breathing? Did I use breathing to become present this week? Did I use breathing to shift emotion? 1/1

Water: Have I been drinking water? Am I avoiding sugar, diet and zero sugar soft drinks? Am I hydrated? 1/1

Real food: Did I eat quality food? Did I feel energised and light after meals? Am I in control of cravings? 1/1

Exercise: Have I moved my body this week? Have I stretched or received massage? Did I get incidental exercise at work, walking pets etc? 0.5/1

Being still/Rest: Did I spend time just being? Did I avoid screen time before sleep? Have I meditated this week? 0.5/1

Self talk: Were my thoughts based in reality? Was I successful shifting doubt, anger and anxiety? Did I choose to be grateful this week? 1/1

Passion/Purpose: Did I pursue that which makes me come alive? Did I focus on big picture goals that matter? Is purpose at the centre of my life? 1/1

My score is 6/7 🏃‍♂️

What is your score this week?

You have a storehouse of feel good chemicals in your body. Activating them can take between 5-20 minutes.• Endorphins: e...

You have a storehouse of feel good chemicals in your body. Activating them can take between 5-20 minutes.

• Endorphins: exercise, excitement, spicy food.
• Serotonin: exercise, sunlight, dark chocolate.
• Dopamine: meditation, exercise, pleasure.
• Oxytocin: hugs, affection, love, comfort.
• Melatonin (Sleep Hormone): dark room for sleep, meditation, avoid artificial lights before bed.

* Laughter, music, nature, animals and body treatments are all beneficial to enhance mood and energy too.

When experiencing high stress & fatigue, the body produces adrenaline and cortisol. These stress chemicals (hormones) are linked with inflammation and overwhelm.

Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Iron and Magnesium are all key for greater wellness. Use diet and supplements as needed.

Real world and online are very busy now. Use your body to recover energy and mood. These feel good chemicals can produce relaxation and lower physical pain over time.

Plan activities each day that make you come alive ☀️

GRATITUDE What are you most grateful for today?


What are you most grateful for today?

Important Food Advice Dairy and sugar together dramatically increase weight gain.Soft drinks are another path to unwante...

Important Food Advice

Dairy and sugar together dramatically increase weight gain.

Soft drinks are another path to unwanted weight gain.

Although zero sugar soft drinks have no sugar they mess with your metabolism.

Real food doesn't have an ingredient list, like: Protein, lentil, dahl, carrot, apple, fruit, vegetable.

Have real foods that are easy on digestion.

To reduce unwanted cravings drink water, exercise and eat 3 meals per day.

Reduce cravings continued: Peppermint tea, the vitamin chromium and brushing after meals are useful.

Stop emotional eating. Reach out for support if required. We focus on satisfying the emotional need, not with food or drinks.

Don't have EVERYTHING in moderation. Really, everything?

Eat food for a purpose. Hydrate and move the body.

SATURDAY   What are you most grateful for this week?If you normally read this, why not comment for the first time. Refle...


What are you most grateful for this week?

If you normally read this, why not comment for the first time. Reflect on your blessings including appreciating yourself 🙏🙏🙏

Success Story  #5 David's Va**ngDavid had Work Stress, Trouble Sleeping and Felt Lethargic.He wanted to quit va**ng and ...

Success Story #5 David's Va**ng

David had Work Stress, Trouble Sleeping and Felt Lethargic.

He wanted to quit va**ng and improve well-being. In David's session we were able to find powerful new perspectives, that changed his life for the better.

What we focus on can make us feel stressed or blessed. My mind has worked against me so many times, usually because I did not want to experience pain. In therapy we open doors with questions. The better the questions, the greater the results.

I) What is great about this problem?
ii) What is true in this situation?
iii) What am I grateful for right now?
iv) Are there solutions available?
v) What would love do now?

Back to David: In case you are not aware a ‘vape’ is an electronic cigarette which is filled with various flavours and chemicals, like ni****ne.

David worked in conjunction with insurance companies, and his team repaired damaged houses. He solved problems and made dozens of phone calls every day, to those in upper management and the team. When stressed, va**ng was used as a coping mechanism.

Me: “David, what type of situations cause you stress?”

David: “When my team make a mistake, it adds to my workload. I have to fix the situation and explain to unhappy customers what went wrong and how long it will take to fix.”

Me: “Are there 1 or 2 employees that mostly make mistakes or is it across the board?”

David: “Across the board.”

Me: “How is accuracy of communication between upper management, yourself and staff?”

David: “It can be rushed sometimes, missing information.”

Me: “In any team the number one confidence builder is knowledge. Does the team have all of the information they need? Are there times they don’t know what to do? Is it possible to improve communication across the board, to minimise errors?”

I continued: “Clear instructions create accurate work and less errors. On complex projects a rushed phone call, means details could get missed or forgotten by staff. Misinterpretations could also occur. I wonder how much accuracy would increase if you combined a phone call with a step-by-step email.

You could send an email to staff, outlining every single step for the job. This can include as much clarity and detail as needed. The email message could be saved as a template and used hundreds of times over for future jobs, tweaked as needed and saving time in the long run. The purpose is to give very clear instructions so less things go wrong.

Think about setting up email templates for repeatable processes in tandem with a phone conversation. The work to prepare job templates will be a big time saver, once in place.

Seeing as there are so many errors, I’m wondering if communication is rushed and lacking detail. Take your time and verify that staff fully understand what to do. With a checklist, staff can review it as many times as needed. Easy to access information has a high chance of improving results.

They read the email and you give the team leader a call to verify they understand the importance of each step. Knowledge and support always make a project more successful. Do you feel these ideas could improve communication and therefore lessen mistakes?”

David: “Yes” while mind gazing into the future, picturing these new tactics in action.

Me: “When the job gets done right first time does that mean you can have more positive conversations with customers about work completed to their specifications?”

David: “Yes, it’s less stress all around, saves time and improves our reputation.”

Me: “When you are out smoking or va**ng who is supporting the team?”

David: “For that 5 minutes, no one is. The problem is that’s happening 15 or 20 times per day too.”

Me: “So, the truth is you are falling behind with work and feeling unwell after va**ng. You have avoided working to your potential as a leader and problem solver. No wonder you have been tired. Towards the end of our conversation, I asked if the following are true for him.

• Is there relief when jobs are completed properly?
• Does clear communication at work and home mean better results?
• Does being present rather than distracted mean better results?
• Does feeling healthy and energetic mean less stress?

We delved into just 2 of the questions at the start of this section. ‘What is true?’ and ‘Are there solutions available?’ This brought about a change of perspective; realising that va**ng added to his stress, while other tactics (like clear communication) actually increased work standards, productivity, finances, presence, time, energy, self-pride and well-being.

The power of new perspective is not just thinking differently. It can shift our daily life. In David’s case, a 20-year habit of smoking and va**ng changed to, “I am really looking forward to being productive and getting things done right.” He isn’t avoiding stress at work, instead improving communication so less problems occur in the first place.

Addiction always includes an anxious lie and it’s really hard to perceive, when in the middle of it. His lie was this: I need smoking and va**ng to relieve stress. The truth was avoidance CAUSED work stress, because he was not performing at his peak and ironically blaming others for not performing their roles too. The path of empowerment is doing his best at work, home and with health.

    Be present with the content in your mind.Are you focused on solutions or problems?Are your beliefs empowering or fal...

Be present with the content in your mind.

Are you focused on solutions or problems?

Are your beliefs empowering or false/limiting?

You can shift focus, in the present moment.


When healing from Chronic Fatigue I said 15 affirmations, twice per day, for 30 days. That's 900 affirmations: 🙏🙏🙏

The ones I can remember.

I am healed
I am strong
I am energised
I am whole
I accept myself
I love my body
My body supports me
I am complete
I am light
I am love

What are you currently saying to yourself...



Story #4 Support Body with Lifestyle

Lillian's Collapse!

Chronic Fatigue for Lillian had become very serious. Her nervous system was so overwhelmed that she would lose consciousness without warning. She feared for her health and safety.

Some stresses like health issues, renovating a house and caring for family, can't be resolved in one go. We need healthy lifestyle to support body and mind.

Lillian: “I don't eat breakfast or lunch. When highly stressed I won't have a proper dinner either. I consume 8-10 coffees a day, it's virtually stopped being a stimulant through overuse. I can stay awake for 48-72 hours straight however will become unconscious without warning. This resulted in my driver's licence being cancelled, due to risk of me falling asleep behind the wheel.”

Lillian and I chatted about her health and life. She was formerly a nurse and is now caring full-time for a husband and 2 children with special needs. Her husband returned from military service with PTSD. He has good days but mostly challenging days. Ci******es were her go to lifestyle habit when she wanted a break.

In the absence of a functional destress ritual, smoking filled the void. “It's very quick and easy to do.” Life was exclusively lived in the sympathetic nervous system (stress and stimulation), followed by collapse. Although I have consulted with many overwhelmed people, hers was most serious due to loss of consciousness.

Such was the extent of Lillian’s stress and anxiety, her nervous system decided to shut down from time to time. Although ci******es allow her a break from stressful situations, they don't provide any significant grounding or relaxation, that is sorely needed.

Ci******es also suppress appetite, and less appetite means lower overall nutrition. Puffing on a smoke, is different from the deeper relief felt, activating your parasympathetic nervous system (the rest and digest nervous system). Here is what you can practically do.

Ways to activate the parasympathetic nervous system PNS:
• 20 minutes of meditation
• A tai chi or yoga class
• Physically connecting with nature and animals
• Hypnotherapy treatment

How the sympathetic nervous system SNS activates:
• Work excessively without breaks
• Avoid solving problems, turn to sugar, smoking and caffeine instead
• Have poor eating and sleep habits
• Be too focused on the past or future

Because Lillian’s physiology was so extreme (high stress followed by unconsciousness), support through lifestyle was critical. Our body can only handle so much pressure, so it is important to lower overall stress levels. My suggestion was to incorporate rest that activates the PNS, for 20 minutes, twice per day.

Me: “Spontaneous collapse is a risk to safety, so I suggest using lifestyle to support your body and mind. Dedicating 40 minutes total per day to properly relaxing, will activate your parasympathetic nervous system. The purpose of a de-stress ritual is to lower your baseline stress level and therefore your anxiety.

Over time the body gets familiar relaxing without drugs, medication or collapse. Burnout is not the desired option with 2 kids and a partner to support. We need rest and space to process our human experience.”

Lillian decided that short rituals wouldn’t be enough. She started spending the whole day, once a week at a relative’s property. She relaxed in a caravan on the farm, doing nothing or whatever she wanted. During this time, she also quit ci******es and replaced most coffee, with water.

Find opportunities to renew physical energy and mental clarity. You might like a little rest each day or a longer break once per week. Light meals full of vitamins are valuable. Fun and recreation may be the break needed to refresh your mind. The opportunity here is to acknowledge when your physiology has had enough and use healthy rituals to stabilise.

Chances are you are a service orientated person, taking care of family, putting others ahead of yourself. Are you the honourable one who cares deeply for others welfare, at the expense of your own? Do you take on extra shifts when asked? Work unpaid overtime? Say yes to friends’ problems when there is already too much to do?

Are you the nurse, carer, teacher, worker or protector for those around you?

The low self-esteem character, who puts themselves last, secretly wants to scream in anger. Food, alcohol, ci******es, drugs, phone scrolling and ma********on are used for stress relief or maybe all of these.

Saying no to other people's problems, is saying yes to yourself. If someone wants attention during your self-care ritual, you tell them you have an appointment. Tell your loved ones, you are unavailable during certain time periods. This is a healthy self-esteem action.

Here is how to do it. Choose 2x 20 minute periods prioritised for self-care. Book it in your diary, like it is a doctor’s appointment. People keep their doctor’s appointment, because they are necessary. Place a high importance on your recovery time.

Lillian quit smoking and lowered coffee consumption. Water and food intake was increased. She took time out once per week in a natural farm setting. Lifestyle made a difference. The time you use to look after body and mind is well spent.

Send a message to learn more

SATURDAY   What are you most grateful for this week?


What are you most grateful for this week?


Story #2 Distance From Stress

Christine's Manager:

Christine had taken several months of leave, due to stress. During this time, she didn’t work and was dedicated to improving mental health. Two issues she wanted to resolve were emotional eating and weight gain. Meals were inconsistent, often skipping breakfast and lunch. When emotional, she consumed sugar close to bedtime.

In the week following her visit to my clinic, she made better food choices and was doing it without needing to use willpower. Christine felt happy and confident. Stress overall was lower and she, “Didn’t even feel like eating sugar.”

The first week after treatment can often be excellent yet it is also worth preparing for potential stresses. I asked if there was a scenario in the future where she might be concerned of reverting to emotional eating.

Was there a challenge she needed to prepare for? What had triggered emotional eating before? I asked these questions for the purpose of building her resilience. Success does not happen with only positive thinking and hope. A solid mental health plan buffers against future challenge that would normally overwhelm us.

Being aware of her biggest trigger, meant she would be confident dealing with it in the future. If there is a recurrence of stress, she will then be mindful to take a healing action.

She told me details of her work situation before taking a leave of absence. Christine was a co-ordinator in a government department and carried a lot of responsibility. Most of the time she loved it, thriving on achieving targets, excellence and having an organised workplace.

Recently there had been personnel changes. The new bunch of workmates were lazy, gossiped about team members and the manager didn't care about performance. The new supervisor had actually asked that she lower her work ethic.

After a few more questions it was revealed that she struggled working alongside leaders with low standards. “I get anxious and angry.” However, with leaders that encouraged meeting targets and showed appreciation, she thrived.

A high-quality manager who shows appreciation goes a long way. Her breakthrough question was, “How were your stress levels and eating patterns whilst working with a high-quality manager?”

Christine replied: “I had very little stress and ate minimal sugar.”

At that moment she realised the source of stress was related to the management structure above her. When there is poor leadership at work, stress and comfort eating increase. Would she be comfortable going back to work, under a manager or company that was professional; where she could make a difference and be appreciated?

A comfort eating ritual had taken the place of a fulfilling work ritual.

Me: “Would you be confident eating well when your work is enjoyable and fulfilling?”

Christine’s energy changed as her brain connected the dots and at the end of those dots was a healing possibility. Distance from inept managers significantly lowered Christine’s stress. That’s why she needed a break. “When work is rewarding, I don’t really have food problems or weight gain.”

When Christine was denied rewarding work, she used sugar to stimulate the dopamine centre of her brain. It is reasonably common for those lacking work fulfilment to struggle with compulsions. Those who are achieving goals that are meaningful to them, have far less tendency to addiction and relapse.

Lacking in fulfilment means we are more likely to create artificial reward, through compulsions and addictions. Higher levels of sugar, drug use, medication, alcohol, ci******es and gambling could be overcompensating for a lack of purpose and passion in life.

Back to Christine. Changing eating habits are easier because she knows the main trigger for sugar cravings which was used for stress relief and reward. Now she is aware that she desires excellence at work and distance from low-quality managers.

Sugar cravings are not about sugar, it’s about what the sugar is being used to compensate for. If Christine does enter a situation of high stress again, she has options now. Leave and seek employment that is fulfilling. Stay in the job short-term and use other ways to release stress. Her heightened awareness tells her now, “I am desiring fulfilment. I am not hungry for sugar!”

When the real reason for binge eating and comfort eating is dealt with, you will feel completely in control. Awareness questions: If you regularly crave sweets, where are you missing sweetness in life? Do I need space from a challenging person, job or situation?

Send a message to learn more

SUNDAYGive yourself a score in each of the categories. This is a benchmark you can use for physical and mental health.==...


Give yourself a score in each of the categories. This is a benchmark you can use for physical and mental health.

== 7 Cornerstones of Amazing Health ==

Breathing: Am I consciously breathing? Did I use breathing to become present this week? Did I use breathing to shift emotion? 1/1

Water: Have I been drinking water? Am I avoiding sugar, diet and zero sugar soft drinks? Am I hydrated? 1/1

Real food: Did I eat quality food? Did I feel energised and light after meals? Am I in control of cravings? 1/1

Exercise: Have I moved my body this week? Have I stretched or received massage? Did I get incidental exercise at work, walking pets etc? 0/1

Being still/Rest: Did I spend time just being? Did I avoid screen time before sleep? Have I meditated this week? 0.5/1

Self talk: Were my thoughts based in reality? Was I successful shifting doubt, anger and anxiety? Did I choose to be grateful this week? 1/1

Passion/Purpose: Did I pursue that which makes me come alive? Did I focus on big picture goals that matter? Is purpose at the centre of my life? 1/1

My score is 5.5/7 🏃‍♂️

What is your score this week?

An appointment just became available this Saturday 16th, at 11:00am. Hypnotherapy, Demartini Method, Mindset Therapy. In...

An appointment just became available this Saturday 16th, at 11:00am. Hypnotherapy, Demartini Method, Mindset Therapy.

In person at Wavell Heights or online. Let me know if you want this 🙏



What is your intention this week?

SUNDAYGive yourself a score in each of the categories. This is a benchmark you can use for physical and mental health.==...


Give yourself a score in each of the categories. This is a benchmark you can use for physical and mental health.

== 7 Cornerstones of Amazing Health ==

Breathing: Am I consciously breathing? Did I use breathing to become present this week? Did I use breathing to shift emotion? 1/1

Water: Have I been drinking water? Am I avoiding sugar, diet and zero sugar soft drinks? Am I hydrated? 1/1

Real food: Did I eat quality food? Did I feel energised and light after meals? Am I in control of cravings? 1/1

Exercise: Have I moved my body this week? Have I stretched or received massage? Did I get incidental exercise at work, walking pets etc? 0.5/1

Being still/Rest: Did I spend time just being? Did I avoid screen time before sleep? Have I meditated this week? 0.5/1

Self talk: Were my thoughts based in reality? Was I successful shifting doubt, anger and anxiety? Did I choose to be grateful this week? 1/1

Passion/Purpose: Did I pursue that which makes me come alive? Did I focus on big picture goals that matter? Is purpose at the centre of my life? 1/1

My score is 6/7 🏃‍♂️

What is your score this week?

FRIDAY   How is your life balance at present? The Yin/Yang symbol has many meanings, one of which is balance.1. Work/Pla...


How is your life balance at present? The Yin/Yang symbol has many meanings, one of which is balance.

1. Work/Play
2. Activity/Recovery
3. Financial Risk/Reward
4. Technology/Nature
5. Selfish/Selfless

If any of these are out of balance, then stress is likely higher than we want it to be.

You can create healing by returning closer to the centre. Think less extreme. A balanced approach to lifestyle, means your nervous system equilibrates.


52 Jeffcott Street
Brisbane, QLD


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