When you can’t decide what you want, decide on ALL of it! ❤️⛽️💪😍🫶🥰🤤☀️
Nobody’s coming to do your work. It’s nobody else’s priority and it’s nobody else’s responsibility to bring out your best you... YOU are the only person who can make that happen.💡❤️ #selflove #selfcare
❤️ Left overs for days! That’s what we love about heading in to the cooler months and food prep! ❤️
This morning’s session was LIT-erally a burner! 🔥🔥🔥 But I’m getting ready to lead my 2022 #bbf6wbt team, by example, into the best mindset, physical shape and energy field they’ve been in for a while and I never take this responsibility lightly.
This always means I get my butt into gear too, dust off all of my excuses (we ALL have them and I’ve binged my way through covid, too!) and prepare to put in the work to reach my personal goals, alongside my team.
It’s called #teamwork and it makes the dream work. See you soon, ladies!!! x
For me. SPRING = SHED! 🌺🍉🌸☀️🥭
It’s my favourite time to shake off the winter slumber, GLOW & GROW!
My Spring Shedding Tip:
WRITE DOWN some personal goals you want to achieve! ✍🏼
ALIGN YOUR ACTIONS to the goals! 💥
Remember to ENJOY the process! 🙏
Some wish for it, others work for it. #biancaballingerfitness ❤️💪
Assisting Children to positively develop in confidence, skill set and enthusiasm for Mobility and Movement, particularly in Sport, is an area that I am incredibly passionate (and qualified) in.
As a Mother of 3 myself, I know how challenging it can be sometimes, to divide your attention and focus between each individual child, to best nurture and encourage their physical development. I have definitely learnt that it’s not all about enrolling your child in more and more classes/clubs, until they either love it or hate it, sink or swim, it’s about providing them as INDIVIDUALS with the EMOTIONAL SUPPORT they need to help them feel more CONFIDENT to interact socially, particularly with their peers to find sports more enjoyable and less intimidating.
Social Sport, at any age, even a simple PE class, can be overwhelming and intimidating for some children and a great way to help promote more confidence and participation is by encouraging your child to TRY new movement patterns. It is also extremely important to keep it FUN, lead by example, get outside more, use a variety of equipment and be an encouraging role model.
Children are like a sponge and will absorb what they are shown/taught, while it is important to introduce children to different sports/classes/clubs to help enhance their physical health it is just as important to reinforce their emotional health FIRST and always remind them that failure is not something to be feared! Especially if they can’t do something as fast or as refined as their peer, it doesn’t mean they can’t do it!
Sometimes, Children just need to the CONFIDENCE to TRY first and from there CONTINUE TRYING and if they are around the right people, they will only continue to flourish and develop. It’s just a way of growing! And that is exactly what they are doing! 🌱 🪴 🌳 ❤️
Keeping things simple! ❤️💪