A walk through the beautiful space here at the Tolman Health Healing Hub in Bali.
A place to be supported by us, away from the hussle of home and work.
A place to take back your health.
Remember, you're in the driver's seat. This is your life, own it, enjoy it, learn how to heal, and have the most epic life you can 💖
Why Would You Fast?
Theres so much more to fasting than abstaining from meals, and so much more than just drinking water.
Doing it supported is key. Usupported, unsupervised, can not only bring about less than optimal results, and in my opinion, is not something that is safe for you, on your own.
Here you've got an experienced Tolman Health beside you, guiding you, lifting you up, reminding you of the daily things you can do when feeling like 💩
A few things that happen -
💖 Cells repair themselves
💖 You give your immune system a boist
💖 Inflammation is reduced, pain subsides
💖 Emotions are given the space to clear out
💖 Your thoughts, your mental space becomes clear, brain fog gone 🙏
If you're feeling this is a place and something that would benefit you, shoot me a direct message, and I can get on a call to answer any questions.
#tolmanhealthcoachnat #FastingBenefits #liveyourbestlife #HealthTransformation #NaturalHealing ##tolmanhealthcoach #icebathbenefits #perthholistichealthcoach
Come away with us to Jurien Bay. An epic, relaxing weekend filled with good company, sound healing with Colleen Pearce, mindfulness and heart filled chats.
Discover the simple daily activities that Nat has used for herself and her clients that transformed her life and theirs.
Nat works in Bali at the Tolman Health Healing Hub, guiding people through extended fasting to assist in the healing of chronic and degenerative conditions. Nat also offers 1:1 coaching, and 1 day events and weekend getaways in Australia like this one.
Over this weekend Nat is sharing with you the techniques, the daily actions as taught to her by her teacher and mentor Tyler Tolman that are incorporated into the daily life at the healing hub in Bali, ones that powerfully shift and lift people out of illness.
Along with sharing life changing mindset activities that she has learned throughout her life that has helped her, her family members with severe PTSD, and clients with debilitating anxiety and depression you are in for one heck of a weekend.
You'll be literally learning not only the info but be actually doing the things that will empower you to take back your health and get up out of bed full of energy and excitement every day.
And of course the fuel we put in our body nutritionally is key, you'll be nourished with simple and delicious plant based meals, you'll learn how to put them together for yourself so that you realise you dont have to be a chef to create magic, it's going to be epic!
And what better place than on the land, in the beachside fishing town of Jurien.
DM, I'm in, and Nat will send you booking info and answer any questions.
Let's go!
It's been an adventure, one after the other here in Bali.
Meeting and guiding beautiful souls who come here to heal from chronic illnesses through extended water fasting.
Saying goodbye to beautiful souls after they've completed their stay.
Roaming the streets, immersing myself in Bali life.
Swimming at the beach.
Wading through flooded roads 😄
I found myself walking to work the other morning with a huge smile on my face. I'm missing my family so much. It takes something special for me to decide to go overseas for a long time, without them. Yet here I was smiling, and I realised that it was all because my life here is all about helping others, truly being of service.
It is the most heart filling way to spend my days here.
#tolmanhealthcoachnat #tolmanhealthcoach #waterfastingcoach #perthholistichealth #perthwellnesscommunity #perthwellnessevents #naturalhealthtips
Mondays.... check out day at the Tolman Health Healing Hub here in Bali.
Saying goodbye is not easy.
A month together, guiding amazing humans through 21-day water fasts means you make strong bonds very quickly.
The healing journey always continues beyond the hub, and I know we will stay in touch.
I'm really excited for each of them, I know they have amazing lives ahead 💖
And, Mondays are also check-in days. 3 epic humans have come in, including Saxon & Sinclair @fastingthehealerwithin to reset and to heal. Jump over to their page to see their day to day experiences at the hub. It's going to be a lot of fun 🎉
#waterfasting #waterfastingcoach #waterfastingheals #getbacktobasics #naturalhealthsolutions #livesimplyenjoylife #liveyourbestlife
#tolmanhealthcoach #tolmanhealth
What tools can you use to create the life you want to live.
Kat Dawes @katnowism monthly JAM sessions on a Sunday morning is one of mine.
Dr Joe Dispenza meditations are another.
Create the life you want to live ✌️
#nowism #tolmanhealthcoach #perthholistichealth # create your life #feelingsfirstmanifestationsecond
Nat, are you fasting too whilst at the Hub in Bali?
Breaking of the FAST.
Breaking of a 21-day water fast for 2 beautiful clients today, another epic human 20 days break fast yesterday.
This day, one of the most powerful.
Fills my heart to the brim 🙏
What these beautiful souls have chosen to do for their health, phenomenal.
A privilege to guide them through this.
Now we move into juices 🙏
If you are wondering if fasting can assist you, just reach out to me, I'm happy to help.
And, it doesn't have to be water, can be juice, can be fruits, can be raw plant foods ❤️❤️
#waterfastbenefits #breakingofthefast #honouringourtemple #fruityourself #tolmanhealthcoach #tolmanhealthcoachnat #waterfastingcoach #fastingforhealth #perthwellnessevents #perthwholefoods
What's a day like at the Tolman Health Healing Hub?
Is water fasting safe? Why would you fast?
Is it safe to travel over to Indonesia, on your own?
Can I just come for a reset, or is it only for those seriously ill?
Reach out to me and I'll answer all your questions ❤️
#extendedwaterfastcoach #waterfastbenefits #juicefastingcoach #tolmanhealthcoach #tolmanhealthcoachnat #perthsoundhealing #soundhealingbenefits #perthhillsevents #perthwellnesscommunity #perthholistichealthcoach
Sunday morning.
I could sleep in.
I chose not to.
I joined our Sunday @katnowism jam session.
We can choose to make this moment the best it is, or we can choose to wallow, to give fuel to the fire of unhappiness, anger, self-pity.... insert whatever lower energy feeling you can think of. What are you choosing?
I'm currently sitting outside in my little homestay garden.
It's perfect, it's beautiful, it's calm. I love the frangipanis that are decorating my lawn and steps, I love the bird noises, the breeze. I'm actually super grateful for the family who opened up their home and created this epic space for others to call home.
For me, I've figured out that when in another country, I'm all about learning about them, what they get up to, how do they live, what's their culture about. Here, in Sanur, everyone's so happy, they sweep their paths every morning with handmade brooms, yes, looks like made from grasses/sticks. And clean the roofs with the same, no electric blowers in sight, so peaceful.
They put out offerings to their 'spirit' every day, in little spits around their home. They seem to notice, to know that there's so much more than just them.
We can too.
Tell me one thing that's working for you right now, what's something you're just thankful for?
Have a beautiful Sunday my friends ❤️
#noticethelittlethings #tolmanhealthcoach #mindsetmattersmost #livefallout #haveahellyesenergy #nowismrocks #perthholistichealthcoach #getbacktobasics #livesimplyenjoylife
#movebeyondthecircumstances #noticethebeauty #perthwellnesscommunity #perthnaturalhealth #saltoftheredearth #norwester #sanursunrise #tolmanhealthcoach #whatisworkingforyou #peacewithinyourself