Understanding Energetic Wellness
Energetic Wellness has been used in other countries for many years. The United Sates and other countries like Canada are finally beginning to understand the reality of energetic wellness. Energetic Wellness stems from our ongoing understanding of what is known as the Zero Point Energy Field. The topic of the Zero Point Energy Field goes back to the 1920′s and Alb
ert Einstein. He understood that all things that affect the human body, good or bad, actually occurs in the energetic field around us. This is the whole concept of Energetic Wellness and what energetic products are all about. Instead of treating the body you are treating the actual source, the field around the body. It is within this field that complete health and wellness begins, but when this field around the body is disrupted, it allows toxic information into the body and it is this toxic or unnatural information that eventually leads to what we call diseases. All sicknesses, ailments and diseases are caused by cellular communication breakdown within the body. When all the cells are communicating with each other the body is running at it’s peak level of health, but when cellular communication breaks down it causes a chain reaction of events that eventually causes the immune system to break down, which creates health problems. Let’s talk a little bit about why this energy field is so important and the history of wellness as it relates to this topic. The History Of The Wellness Industry
Over the last 100 years we’ve gone through 3 phases of wellness which include Allopathic, Hollistic and Energetic. ALLOPATHIC: This is the standard medicine that is practiced today. The advancements in modern technology have been amazing to say the least, but within this type of medical practice you have prescription drugs, standard surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatment, etc. When chemotherapy is required to treat cancer victims there is an astonishing low rate of success that’s between 3-5%. The radiation from this type of treatment is dangerous enough and it’s surprising that this type of treatment is still around. HOLISTIC: Even though Holistic Wellness has been around a very long time, it started gaining popularity again in the 1960′s. People began to realize that the allopathic methods were not working for them and they started looking for new methods of healing. Holistic medicine continues to grow even to this day and this includes homeopathy and naturopathic herbs. The goal of holistic medicine is to observe the body and naturally nurture it toward a baseline of health. Holistic wellness has helped people achieve a level of health they weren’t capable of with traditional medicine. While this approach is still very effective, it deals with the physical body which is not where things are happening. ENERGETIC WELLNESS: Energetic Wellness is where you observe the field around the body and you energetically nurture it toward a baseline of health. As mentioned previously, there are many countries where energetic wellness is the norm and it’s completely accepted, while the United States has been slow to accept it. Most doctors will say that Holistic Practitioners are nuts and that energetic wellness is a figment of the imagination and that it doesn’t really exist. Energetic Wellness does exist and there are clinics and even science that can now proves this. What Does Quantum Physics Show Us About Zero Point Energy? If you looked at your hand through an electron microscope and continued to increase the magnification you would see tissue, then cells, molecules, atoms, the nucleus of the atoms, subatomic particles likes quarks and bosons, and then you would get to a place of nothingness. This is the area that Quantum Physicists call the Zero Point Field. Zero Point Energy is animating from this field and contains the blueprint of information of all things that we see in the physical. Every single part of the human body functions on information and energy from the field. The Zero Point Field is simply where all information is stored and it is this field that the body is in atunement with. The Zero Point Field is a carrier of blueprint information. Most people think that memory is stored in the brain, but a quantum physicists will say that our memories are actually stored like a hologram in the field. The information is in the field and our brain simply receives and processes the information from the field. The brain resonates at certain frequencies to access specific information. Mankind will never fully understand the zero point energy field, but with the latest research being done science has now found a link between the field and how this field affects our health. It’s all about information and delivering the right frequencies to the body for optimum health. The Purpose Of Our Energetic Field
To better understand our energy field you can look at our planet as an example. The earth has a magnetic field around it that protects us from solar radiation. If that field around the earth wasn’t there we wouldn’t be able to exist. This magnetic field isn’t something you can touch because it’s not solid, but it is there and it’s protecting the planet. Our body has an energetic field around it also that protects us from harmful energy. Disruption In Our Energy Field
Because of the world we live in today a different approach to wellness is needed. When Holistic Wellness was making its mark in the wellness industry we didn’t have all these elements to deal with that we do today. Wireless internet, cell phones, high tension wires, pesticides in our foods, the chemicals in our water, florescent lights and many other things. All of these things are disorganizing you at an energetic level everyday and when left unchecked this eventually will turn into a degenerative illness. Most people then will treat the illness instead of the source, which is to rebuild our energetic field and protect ourselves from the harmful radiation and negative energy that comes at us everyday. Almost anyone has access to wireless internet in some fashion, especially with the new phones they have now. That signal can easily pass through a brick wall and other obstacles to reach it’s destination. Would you agree that this signal can also pass through the human body? This is a technology that will continue to advance and it disrupts our energy field on a continual basis. Cell phones are one of the biggest contributors to health related issues we face now. Brain tumors are being reported at an alarming rate now and sadly will continue to get worse. The cellular communication companies continue to point to the Interphone Study as their proof that cell phones are safe, but in fact new research is showing just the opposite. When this study was conducted it was at a time that cell phone usage was still in its early stages and is completely outdated research! Government Safety Standards On Electromagnetic Radiation
The government says that 2 MiliGauss is the amount of radiation that an individual can safely be exposed to without any harm, yet if you look at the common devices we all use on a daily basis you can see that this far exceeds these safety standards. A computer has up to 5mG and is something that many people use for hours everyday, including children! Hair dryers, up to 25mG and appliances like microwaves have around 100mG. Airplanes about 50mG. How many times have you heard someone say after a long flight that they’re tired and it must be because of the change in time zones? Well, the body doesn’t have a clock that tells itself that it’s in another time zone, but it does have a reaction to 50mG blasting at it for hours and disrupting your energy field. We live in a fast paced society and are driven by wireless technology these days. Even though all these devices we can’t seem to live without far exceeds the safety standards of 2mG, we keep on using them. Why is that? Because they make life easy and nobody wants to, or will, give up their cell phones, their wireless internet and all these other things that have become such a convenience. It’s not the short term usage of these things that cause health related issues, it’s the long term exposure to these things that eventually lead to diseases and health related issues. Stress And Emotions
Stress and emotions will also disorganize the energy field and contribute to health related issues. Just like electromagnetic frequencies and ELF’s, stress also causes cellular communication in the body to break down. When cellular communication within the body is compromised eventually the immune system becomes weak, and when the immune function slows down the body’s ability to heal itself goes down also. ZeroPoint Global has developed a line of products that help bring the body back into balance and protect your energy field, which keeps the body out of stress. When the body is not under stress, when cellular communication is restored, when the body is brought back in balance and the immune system is functioning like it should, the body will heal itself. A Disorganized And Weakened Energy Field
We live in a toxic environment these days and there are so many things that disorganize and disrupt our energy field. From the toxic information that is in the air we breathe, the foods we eat, the water we drink, radio frequencies, emf’s, elf’s, stress and so many other factors, all these things affect and disorganize your energy field on a continual basis leaving you prone to disease and sickness that starts in the energy field. Is it any wonder that so many people are constantly tired and feeling stressed? Remembering that the body is designed to heal itself, but our bodies spend so much time in stress because of our environment that we live in that it doesn’t have energy left to actually heal itself. If we can just keep the body out of stress and back in balance there really isn’t anything that the body can’t heal itself from.