EFT saved me from a life of anxiety.
I used to have severe anxiety around talking to people and especially talking on the phone.
I had to make a decision, stay afraid and have a hard time living life, being a mom and getting a job, or figure out how to get over my fears and anxiety.
My anxiety was so bad that I couldn’t even phone to order pizza for my kids, I was so embarrassed.
The decision was made, I would get over it no matter what I had to do!
I did the only thing that made sense at the time. Just look my fear in the face and pretend it wasn’t there.
So… I got a job at a very busy call centre for one of the city support programs.
I was terrified! How was this going to work?
Training went well, it was with one person and didn’t involve actually being on the phone at the beginning.
I thought I would be fine, I knew how to use the programs, I knew what to say. I remember telling my trainer once I started on the phone… if I’m silent when the caller comes on just give me a minute, I’m terrified and I need my training to kick in, but don’t worry, it will.
Truely, I was so far from fine that I cried every day as I drove to work and I had IBS and uncontrollable shaking.
To get over it I did the only thing I knew, I tapped as I drove to work.
If you pulled up beside me you would have seen a sobbing woman tapping on her collar bones and talking to herself.
I was a mess, but I was determined to get past this fear and anxiety.
I cried and tapped and talked as I drove, then I would get to work and go to the washroom to get myself cleaned up for my shift.
This went on for a few months, then one day I noticed I hadn’t tapped in a while, that I felt good.
When did that happen?
For me, that’s the magic of tapping. Things just shift, you feel better, you do better without having to continuously and consciously think about it.
By giving the fears and upsets a voice and tapping through them I was able to release it.
Message me if you’d like to find out more. I’d love to share the transformative magic of EFT with you.