Lunar Eclipse/Super Full Moon in Sagittarius, Wednesday May-26-2021 05:14 AM MST
Fear not Awakened Souls!
We are moving toward simplicity that resides in the deepest truth of our hearts. We are still releasing anything that does not resonate with being in alignment with our True Selves.
In moving forward step by step we are more in tune with who we really are, what is of value to us, and are more confident with speaking from our highest spiritual perspective.
Knowing our inner truth means we have been asked to move bravely forward in unexpected ways or had to come face to face with our deepest fears. However as we move through these challenges and feel our way forward we let go of our limiting perspectives and beliefs, learning that we can trust and let ourselves be guided by Spirit.
We ARE learning to discern with our gut, heart, and head.
We ARE learning to go with the flow of our best life.
Fear and control-based approaches need to be totally surrendered as we continue to move forward, recalibrate and flourish.
As we go through this most important Full Blood Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse gateway the energies are starting to slow...we can unwind more now and need to focus on dropping into a deeper, slower healing rhythm.
We are in great need of restoring our bodies, minds, and souls. And any projects or To-Do lists ahead will then become easier for us to manage.
May 29 (MST) we segue into Mercury Retrograde which will add another layer to our healing process and helps us back on our feet, be more present, soothe our hearts and bring in more vitality. Phew, we need this so badly!
So heed the call from the Divine Feminine and the universe: slow down, breathe and reconnect to your body and the earth! It will help you prepare for the big shifts that we are undergoing in the next few months! It will also bring in more pleasure and happiness. xoxo