The Laughing Hour

The Laughing Hour Bring laughter in your workplace. The Laughing Hour offers a unique team-building experience that will get everyone in your office laughing.

Hello 👋🏼 It’s Maude, the founder of The Laughing Hour. It’s been quite a while since my last social media post. I have b...

Hello 👋🏼 It’s Maude, the founder of The Laughing Hour. It’s been quite a while since my last social media post. I have been busy cooking a bun in the oven for the last 7 months. 👶🏻💕 Please note that I will be taking a temporary maternity leave for the next couple of months — but don’t worry, I will be back!!
You can still reach me by email with questions or request for later dates concerning corporate laughter presentations, conferences, special requests, and laughter yoga certifications. 😃
📧 [email protected]
Maude & Baby Girl

☀️ Merci & Thank you Radio-Canada ICI Alberta☀️The International Laughter Day is tomorrow, Sunday May 3rd! The Laughing ...

☀️ Merci & Thank you Radio-Canada ICI Alberta☀️

The International Laughter Day is tomorrow, Sunday May 3rd! The Laughing Hour is holding a FREE online event. You can register here:

La journée mondiale du rire c’est demain (dimanche 3 mai). Pour participer à une séance gratuite en ligne, inscrivez vous ici:

La Journée internationale du rire, qui existe depuis 1998, a lieu le premier dimanche du mois de mai. Pour souligner l'événement, Maude Bombardier, instructrice de yoga du rire, offrira une séance gratuite via l'application Zoom.


SOUND ON 🥳😂 This video was taken last January at a women retreat. I will be honest with you, I look forward to public gatherings being “okay” again to facilitate in-person laughter yoga sessions as this one.
In the meantime, I will content myself with online gatherings. If you haven’t seen yesterday’s post, you are invited to join me and other laughers at a free online gathering happening this Sunday May 3rd at 2pm MST to celebrate ✨International Laughter Day✨
The link is in my comments to register through Eventbrite. You will then receive the Zoom Call link in your confirmation email.
Cheers Laughers 🤩

🤩INTERNATIONAL LAUGHTER DAY — Sunday, May 3rd🤩 Celebrate this day with a 30-minute online laughter yoga practice hosted ...

🤩INTERNATIONAL LAUGHTER DAY — Sunday, May 3rd🤩 Celebrate this day with a 30-minute online laughter yoga practice hosted by The Laughing Hour 🙋🏼‍♀️
What better time than now to break the isolation during this confinement and gather online to laugh together.
All you need is a computer, and your willingness to laugh. It’s FREE ✨ with an option to donate. Join alone from the comfort of your home, or make this a household activity with your loved ones (children can also participate).
I am sooooo excited for this online event!!! 🥳🤩🤗 Thanks for sharing with your surroundings or tagging your friends in the comments below who you’d want to share this experience with 💕
You can message me for any questions.
Here is the link to register:

Speaking at 🍷 WINE, 👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏻 WOMEN & WELL-BEING 🧘🏼‍♀️ last week was such a great time!! Thank you Wine Women Wellbeing Ed...

Speaking at 🍷 WINE, 👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏻 WOMEN & WELL-BEING 🧘🏼‍♀️ last week was such a great time!! Thank you Wine Women Wellbeing Edmonton for putting on this beautiful AND MUCH NEEDED event giving the opportunity for women to network and talk about what really matters. It was a room filled of like-minded individuals — a must-attend on your calendars ladies as this event will be happening once a month featuring new speakers on various subjects.

What an honour to have been the first speaker to kick-off this new branch in Edmonton (as Wine, Women & Well-Being is in 12 cities across Canada). Cheers 🥂

LAST DAY 🎁 LAST DAY 🎁🎁 SPECIAL OFFER 🎁 It’s The Laughing Hour’s anniversary month — 1 year 🎈 To celebrate, I am gifting ...

🎁 SPECIAL OFFER 🎁 It’s The Laughing Hour’s anniversary month — 1 year 🎈 To celebrate, I am gifting a 15% discount on corporate team-building Laughing Hour’s AND TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO CONFIRM A SESSION.
⚠️ Please make note that the session does NOT need to take place between Sept 18-24. The confirmation must be received before Sept 24th and the session can take place at a later date⚠️
🎥 You have never heard about The Laughing Hour? Watch the NEW video putting forth exactly what your workplace will be experiencing during this unique team-bonding activity. Beware, a lot of laughter is being feature 🤣
Visit and click the link in the bio to view the video. Make sure the volume is on! 😆

DidYouKnow👩🏼‍🏫 The Laughing Hour facilitates session in both French and English! Oui, oui, oui 😀_______PS. The Laughing ...

DidYouKnow👩🏼‍🏫 The Laughing Hour facilitates session in both French and English! Oui, oui, oui 😀
PS. The Laughing Hour’s corporate team-building video is finally available. And to celebrate both the video release and The Laughing Hour’s first year anniversary, a 🎁 special gift 🎁 is offered for businesses.
Receive 15% off a corporate team-building (Fun O’Clock Package) by confirming your session before September 24th. *Your team-building experience can take place at a later date.
The Fun O’Clock Package includes:
✔️ Introduction to a unique stress management tool (Laughter)
✔️A lot of laughing, music, and fun
✔️ A presentation of the benefits of laughter
✔️How to bring more laughter in our lives as a stress management tool
🎥 To view the video, visit and click on the link in the profile. Beware, you will be laughing by the end of the video 😆

DidYouKnow👩🏼‍🏫 that 36% of employees would rather choose a job with up to 5000$ less in annual salary — just to be happi...

DidYouKnow👩🏼‍🏫 that 36% of employees would rather choose a job with up to 5000$ less in annual salary — just to be happier?!
PS. The Laughing Hour’s corporate team-building video is finally available. And to celebrate both the video release and The Laughing Hour’s first year anniversary, a 🎁 special gift 🎁 is offered for businesses.
Receive 15% off a corporate team-building (Fun O’Clock Package) by confirming your session before September 24th. *Your team-building experience can take place at a later date.
The Fun O’Clock Package includes:
✔️ Introduction to a unique stress management tool (Laughter)
✔️A lot of laughing, music, and fun
✔️ A presentation of the benefits of laughter
✔️How to bring more laughter in our lives as a stress management tool
🎥 To view the video, visit and click on the link in the profile. Beware, you will be laughing by the end of the video 😆

🎁 SPECIAL OFFER 🎁 It’s The Laughing Hour’s anniversary month — 1 year 🎈 To celebrate, I am gifting a 15% discount on cor...

🎁 SPECIAL OFFER 🎁 It’s The Laughing Hour’s anniversary month — 1 year 🎈 To celebrate, I am gifting a 15% discount on corporate team-building Laughing Hour’s from Sept 18-24.
⚠️ Please make note that the session does NOT need to take place between Sept 18-24. The confirmation must be received before Sept 24th and the session can take place at a later date⚠️
🎥 You have never heard about The Laughing Hour? Watch the NEW video putting forth exactly what your workplace will be experiencing during this unique team-bonding activity. Beware, a lot of laughter is being feature 🤣
Visit and click the link in the bio to view the video. Make sure the volume is on! 😆

It’s FriYAY 🎉 and while there are many reasons to celebrate today, I would like to underline one particular reason: I LO...

It’s FriYAY 🎉 and while there are many reasons to celebrate today, I would like to underline one particular reason: I LOVE MY JOB!
I thought I would be a teacher one day. Studied in the field for two years. Switched to psychology because I thought I would be a positive psychologist and do research. My ultimate life goals was promote my research as a keynote speaker and be an author.
When I decided not to pursue my studies after obtaining my BA in Psychology, I had no clue how I would reach my goal. And now, with The Laughing Hour, I am oh so grateful I can sparkle happiness and joy on stages, and soon in my co-author book (being published in October).
So today, I am celebrating what I have been able to create within one year of being in business. 🎉
PS. The Laughing Hour’s corporate team-building video is finally available. And to celebrate both the video release and The Laughing Hour’s first year anniversary, a 🎁 special gift 🎁 is offered for businesses.
Receive 15% off a corporate team-building (Fun O’Clock Package) by confirming your session before September 24th. *Your team-building experience can take place at a later date.
The Fun O’Clock Package includes:
✔️ Introduction to a unique stress management tool (Laughter)
✔️A lot of laughing, music, and fun
✔️ A presentation of the benefits of laughter
✔️How to bring more laughter in our lives as a stress management tool
🎥 To view the video, visit and click on the link in the profile. Beware, you will be laughing by the end of the video 😆


Did you know that we spend 1/3 of our lives at work?
The Laughing Hour is here to sparkle joy and happiness in the workplace by bringing in some laughter directly at your office or during your conference. If you are looking for a unique vibrant team building experience, you are in for a treat.
Laughter in the workplace helps promotes a positive culture, spark creativity, enhance favorable collaborations, and boost productivity. Research suggest only 10 minutes of laughter can increase productivity by 12%. What will an hour do?


Saviez-vous que nous passons 1/3 de notre vie au travail?
The Laughing Hour est en mission pour apporter de la joie et du bonheur directement dans votre milieu de travail ou dans vos conférences. Si vous cherchez une expérience vibrante et unique pour votre team-building, vous allez être choyé.
Le rire en milieu de travail aide à promouvoir une culture positive, favorise la créativité, encourage les collaborations optimistes, et augmente la productivité. Les recherches suggèrent que seulement 10 minutes de rire augment la productivité par 12%. Qu'est-ce qu'une heure peut faire?

👏🏻 THE VIDEO RELEASE IS T.O.M.O.R.R.O.W 👏🏻 Add it in your calendar as the corporate Laughing Hour promotional video will...

Add it in your calendar as the corporate Laughing Hour promotional video will be accompanied by a 🎁 special offer 🎁
What can you expected from this video?
✅ Seeing a lot of laughing
✅ A better understanding of what a corporate Laughing Hour looks like
✅ What a difference this unique team-building experience will do for your workplace
✅ Why including laughter in your office is essential for the staff’s mental health and productivity
✅ And most importantly, you can expect to have a smile on your face by the end of the video 😆
Give me a 🙌🏼 HIGH TEN 🙌🏼 in the comments below if you are as excited as I am for the video release!


Having a craBBy day at work 🦀?! Try the crab laughter — it works wonders to release built up stress while pretending to pinch your colleagues 🤣

Do you have kids? Or you love learning about happiness?I attended the talk "The Science of Happiness" this summer by Pro...

Do you have kids? Or you love learning about happiness?
I attended the talk "The Science of Happiness" this summer by Prof. Yoram Yovell, a happiness Guru from Israel, and I would love to share one of the mind-blowing studies discussed that evening.
The researchers wanted to see if happiness could be measured in the present moment (Part ☝🏼: NOW & HERE) or if it was best measured by how we view our past (Part ✌🏼: THEN & THERE). So they conducted a study with over 900 married mothers from Texas.
☝🏼 (NOW & HERE) The women had a beeper for a couple of days which randomly beeped as a cue for them to evaluate on a scale from 1-10 how happy they were in the present moment and what they were doing. ✌🏼(THEN & THERE) A few weeks later, these same women were asked what had brought them the most happiness in the past (coordinating with when they had the beeper).
The findings are mind-blowing! 🤯
What the women reported brought them ❌ the lease happiness in the NOW & HERE was spending time with their kids. What these same women reported brought them ✅ the most happiness in the THEN & THERE was... spending time with their kids.
This goes to show that happiness DOES NOT ALWAYS FEEL GOOD in the present moment. But the bigger picture, the meaning, the purpose behind what you are doing in the end will bring you the most happiness.
A good life is not about always feeling good in the moment. It’s about living a life of purpose, how you are spending your time, with who, doing what. 💕

DidYouKnow 👩🏼‍🏫 Companies with a happy staff outperform their competition by 2️⃣0️⃣%This Laughing Hour session was speci...

DidYouKnow 👩🏼‍🏫 Companies with a happy staff outperform their competition by 2️⃣0️⃣%
This Laughing Hour session was special and different for me. Usually I get called by the Human Ressources department or the Executive Director to host a team building experience for the staff. This time was different. I received a call by an employee to host a surprise for their executive director to underline her 10 years of service within the company 🎉 🥳
It just goes to show that it’s definitely a positive workplace culture that has been installed in this office over the course of the last 10 years. 👏🏻👏🏻

A HUGE THANK YOU to Caregivers Alberta for trusting The Laughing Hour as their host for their fundraiser. Last Tuesday’s...

A HUGE THANK YOU to Caregivers Alberta for trusting The Laughing Hour as their host for their fundraiser. Last Tuesday’s Laugh for a Cause: Caregivers Alberta was 100% fun and laughter.

TOMORROW 👏 TOMORROW 👏 TOMORROW 👏 TOMORROW 👏 LAUGH For A Cause is TOMORROW! 🎉   is a vibrant pay-what-you-can laughing se...

LAUGH For A Cause is TOMORROW! 🎉
is a vibrant pay-what-you-can laughing session open to public where you are invited to join 🙋🏼‍♀️alone, 👭👬with your friends, and 👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👧your family members. All proceeds from this fundraiser will be donated to Caregivers Alberta. 🍃
🤩 The concept is simple. Come laugh, donate what you can, have a blast, and make a difference for a local non-profit. It’s a fun, vibrant, and different way to give back while laughing and connecting with participants of ALL ages. 💕
🌸 September 10th from 6:45-8pm
📍Jerry Forbes Centre (12122 68st, Edmonton, AB)
🍃 ALL MONEY RAISED will be donated to
➿ Link in bio to RSVP and for more details 🤗

The difference 1 minute can make. ⏰

The difference 1 minute can make. ⏰

Happiness is a state of mind. Which state are you living in? 🌎😃

Happiness is a state of mind. Which state are you living in? 🌎😃

“HA-HA-HA” sounds exactly the same whatever language you speak or accent you have. 🌍Interesting fact❗️👉🏼 The picture on ...

“HA-HA-HA” sounds exactly the same whatever language you speak or accent you have. 🌍
Interesting fact❗️👉🏼 The picture on the right was taken during a staff wellness event with ⚠️250 participants⚠️ working for a non-profit in Edmonton, Canada. The “haha’s” roaring in the room definitely blended perfectly whether the participants first language was English, French, German, Spanish, or patati patata! 🎉

COMING SOON 🎬 COMING SOON 🎁 COMING SOON 🎬You are presently looking at my group of Superstars💫 who will be featured in  ´...

You are presently looking at my group of Superstars💫 who will be featured in ´s upcoming promotional video filmed by the talented . The beautiful faces in this picture — the actors, the best group of individuals, the Superstars — have done a wonderful job demonstrating what a 🙌🏼Corporate Laughing Hour will look like in your company.
Keep your eyes open for a 🎁SPECIAL DISCOUNT🎁 when the video is released.

❌ No yoga in laughter yoga? A bit confusing, yes? LET ME EXPLAIN👇🏼When we think of yoga, we often think of the poses, th...

❌ No yoga in laughter yoga? A bit confusing, yes? LET ME EXPLAIN👇🏼
When we think of yoga, we often think of the poses, the stretching, the sequence of postures. 🍃But yoga is also a BREATHING PRACTICE. If you have ever seen or participated in a yoga session, 🗣you have heard the instructor indicate when to inhale and when to exhale.
When you think about it,👉🏼👉🏼 laughter is a really long exhale.👈🏼👈🏼 Take a moment to try it now — laugh. You see?
Furthermore, during a laughter yoga session, we take pauses from laughing to take deep breathes. 🤗
That’s where “yoga” in laughter yoga comes from.
Thank you to for creating this image! The Laughing Hour has partnered with Caregivers Alberta for the upcoming 🔅LAUGH For A Cause🔅
🤩 The concept is simple. is a fundraiser. Come laugh, donate what you can, have a blast, and make a difference for a local non-profit. It is a fun, vibrant, and different way to give back while laughing and connecting with participants of ALL ages. All donations will go to Caregivers Alberta.
🌸 So mark your calendars! September 10th from 6:45-8pm
📍Edmonton, AB (Jerry Forbes Centre for Community Spirit)
🍃 ALL MONEY RAISED will be donated to Caregivers Alberta
➿ More information here: Laugh for a Cause: Caregivers Alberta

💬 Today, I would like to talk about the difference between 🤡 COMEDY and 🤩 LAUGHTER YOGA?🤡 COMEDY is when your brain sees...

💬 Today, I would like to talk about the difference between 🤡 COMEDY and 🤩 LAUGHTER YOGA?
🤡 COMEDY is when your brain sees or hears something external that is then analyzed as funny. Your brain indicates to your body that it’s funny and your body starts laughing. 🧠 🍸 Your brain then secretes a happiness cocktail with endorphines and serotonin making you feel like a million dollars 🙌🏼
🤩 LAUGHTER YOGA is when your body starts laughing to trick your brain into thinking that you saw or heard something funny. 🧠🍸 Your brain then secretes the same happiness cocktail making you feel like a million dollars 🙌🏼
Same same, but different.
👋 Meet , a comedian — incredible beautiful laugh, would you agree?

From the entire team at The Laughing Hour (runned by only me, .bombardier 🙋🏼‍♀️🤣) — Happy labor day! ☀️🍃

From the entire team at The Laughing Hour (runned by only me, .bombardier 🙋🏼‍♀️🤣) — Happy labor day! ☀️🍃

I said this 🙋🏼‍♀️ “Being unstoppable is thriving in alignment with your heart and your genius - while still taking a mom...

I said this 🙋🏼‍♀️ “Being unstoppable is thriving in alignment with your heart and your genius - while still taking a moment to smell the flowers on your walk.” — .bombardier (Founder of )
To join me and hundreds of other attendees during my special guest appearance at 💕 “The Power of the Unstoppable Woman: GALA” on September 15th ➿ click the link in my bio.

It’s the LONG WEEKEND in a couple of hours! 🏕 Are you going camping? 🏔 Hiking? ☀️ Anything outdoors?Here is a throwback ...

It’s the LONG WEEKEND in a couple of hours! 🏕 Are you going camping? 🏔 Hiking? ☀️ Anything outdoors?
Here is a throwback to a Laughing Hour that occurred in the Canadian Rockies in Nordegg AB this summer for . Most probably the most beautiful setting I have facilitated a laughter yoga session in. 💕
I also love when the experience is bi-generational with both the kids and the parents attending. If you want to participate as a family, our next LAUGH For A Cause is for you. ✨
Join us and on September 10th with a pay-what-you-can policy. ➿ More information in my bio.


Edmonton, AB


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