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The North Korean dictator is very unstable because of brain stress The media descriptions of the behavior and statements...

The North Korean dictator is very unstable because of brain stress The media descriptions of the behavior and statements of Kim-Jong indicate that he has chronic brain stress (differently from President Trump whose condition seems to be temporary). See my posting “The dictatorial personality – a high-stress condition“. This brings about a constellation of symptoms that make his behavior unpredictable, irresponsible, irrational and dangerous especially much under stress. [ 418 more words ]


The North Korean dictator is very unstable because of brain stress The media descriptions of the behavior and statements of Kim-Jong indicate that he has chronic brain stress (differently from Pres…

The North Korean dictator is very unstable because of brain stress The media descriptions of the behavior and statements...

The North Korean dictator is very unstable because of brain stress The media descriptions of the behavior and statements of Kim-Jong indicate that he has chronic brain stress (differently from President Trump whose condition seems to be temporary). See my posting “The dictatorial personality – a high-stress condition“. This brings about a constellation of symptoms that make his behavior unpredictable, irresponsible, irrational and dangerous especially much under stress. [ 372 more words ]


The North Korean dictator is very unstable because of brain stress The media descriptions of the behavior and statements of Kim-Jong indicate that he has chronic brain stress (differently from Pres…

SUMMARY: A high level of chronic mental stress caused by pronounced inner insecurity makes a person unsuitable as a lead...

SUMMARY: A high level of chronic mental stress caused by pronounced inner insecurity makes a person unsuitable as a leader. It brings about a predominance of survival centers in controlling behavior along with a suppression of prefrontal cortex, causing a low quality of mental performance including judgement-distorting defense mechanisms and, in the most pronounced case, sociopathic behavioral disturbances with ruthless egoism and absent empathy. [ 2,242 more words ]


SUMMARY: A high level of chronic mental stress caused by pronounced inner insecurity makes a person unsuitable as a leader.  It brings about a predominance of survival centers in controlling behavi…

The highly emotional and aggressive behavior of President Donald Trump has caught world-wide attention because it has dr...

The highly emotional and aggressive behavior of President Donald Trump has caught world-wide attention because it has driven the Korean-crisis to the edge of war with the potential use of nuclear bombs. Summary President Trump has obvious signs of pronounced brain stress, which is a condition where lower survival-oriented brain centers take over and govern behavior (I call it survival-oriented-behavior - SOB). [ 824 more words ]


The highly emotional and aggressive behavior of President Donald Trump has caught world-wide attention because it has driven the Korean-crisis to the edge of war with the potential use of nuclear b…

In May 2017, BLP inc issued a briefing presenting the present status of the system and their development and market plan...

In May 2017, BLP inc issued a briefing presenting the present status of the system and their development and market plan. I will summarize it later, but for now, here is a copy of their market plan: You can find the briefing by following this link:


In May 2017, BLP inc issued a briefing presenting the present status of the system and their development and market plan. I will summarize it later, but for now, here is a copy of their market plan…

Until today, June 17, 2017, this blog has had 1431 visitors from 78 countries although I had done no marketing nor SEO f...

Until today, June 17, 2017, this blog has had 1431 visitors from 78 countries although I had done no marketing nor SEO for it. All have come from search engine search. Below a list of the countries with most visitors. Here is a map of all visitors. It is encouraging to find that there is an interest in all continents including the whole of North America, most of South America, the whole of Europe and several African and Asian countries. [ 50 more words ]


Until today, June 17, 2017, this blog has had 1431 visitors from 78 countries although I had done no marketing nor SEO for it. All have come from search engine search. Below a list of the countries…

Pole vaja ennast kõrvetada ega kaua päivatada Kui päivitad tervet keha tekkib suur D3-vitamiini kogus nahas väga kiirest...

Pole vaja ennast kõrvetada ega kaua päivatada Kui päivitad tervet keha tekkib suur D3-vitamiini kogus nahas väga kiiresti kui päike seisab kõrgemini kui 45 kraadi ülevalpool horisonti. Vajalikut aega saad lihtsalt kindlaks määrata nõnda: Kui alustad päivitamist, kirjuta üles kella aega. Pane tähele mis kelle ajal kõige esimesed põletise märgid ilmuvad, näiteks nahas natuke põlenud tunne ja naha värv muutumas natuke punase taoliseks. [ 520 more words ]


Pole vaja ennast kõrvetada ega kaua päivatada Kui päivitad tervet keha tekkib suur D3-vitamiini kogus nahas väga kiiresti kui päike seisab kõrgemini kui 45 kraadi ülevalpool horisonti. Vajalikut ae…

Praktilised nõuanded alkoholi imu vähendamiseks Keskne on tavaliselt neurotransmitteri (aju signaalide vahendaja) dopami...

Praktilised nõuanded alkoholi imu vähendamiseks Keskne on tavaliselt neurotransmitteri (aju signaalide vahendaja) dopamiini ja serotoniini puudus - annan mõned nõuanded. Dopamiin Kõige tavalisem aju-impulside vahendaja mis on seotud alkoholi imuga on dopamiin. Selle tõstmine võib vähendada imu. Looduslik aine glutamin on dopamini tõstmiseks väga kasulik, kuna alkoholi kasutamine vähendab glutamiini olulisel määral. Aga mitte võtta glutamiini tõstvad toiduained kohe peale rasket joomist… [ 1,315 more word ]


Praktilised nõuanded alkoholi imu vähendamiseks [See on sama pealkirjaga varema postituse uuendus] Keskne on tavaliselt neurotransmitteri (aju signaalide vahendaja) dopamiini ja serotoniini puudus …

Excerpts from a Press Release July 11, 2016 (Text enhancements in italics and bold made by us) Five independent validato...

Excerpts from a Press Release July 11, 2016 (Text enhancements in italics and bold made by us) Five independent validators have confirmed over a million watts of plasma power developed by BrLP’s so-called SunCell® at power densities higher than any previously known energy source. Dr. Randy Booker, physics professor and former Physics Department Chairman at University of North Carolina-Ashville said, “The power was measured using two optical power measurements involving three sophisticated spectrometers calibrated against a National Institute of Science and Technology traceable standard and two thermal methods involving a commercial calorimeter and the rate of the rise of the water coolant temperature of the SunCell®. [ 401 more words ]


Excerpts from a Press Release July 11, 2016 (Text enhancements in italics and bold made by us) Five independent validators have confirmed over a million watts of plasma power developed by BrLP’s so…

A high-stress level brings about Survival-Oriented-Behavior (SOB) that often causes relationship problems. This is obvio...

A high-stress level brings about Survival-Oriented-Behavior (SOB) that often causes relationship problems. This is obvious, considering the symptoms (only some are listed here) of SOB: Impulsivity, difficulty in controlling impulses and outbursts of anger. Irritability Aggressivity. A tendency for harsh or violent ways of solving conflicts. Strong egoism. This is a key expression of the “survival mode”. From this follows: [ 552 more words ]


A high-stress level brings about Survival-Oriented-Behavior (SOB) that often causes relationship problems. This is obvious, considering the symptoms (only some are listed here) of SOB: Impulsivity,…

The military organization is of such a kind that it is attractive to SOB-types of all degrees, especially psychopaths fo...

The military organization is of such a kind that it is attractive to SOB-types of all degrees, especially psychopaths for a number of reasons_ The organization is strictly regulated, satisfying the strong need of the psychopaths for predictability in their environment. The especially great power over subordinates that the military organization offers satisfies their need to maximize predictability by being "in control". [ 278 more words ]


The military organization is of such a kind that it is attractive to SOB-types of all degrees, especially psychopaths for a number of reasons_ The organization is strictly regulated, satisfying the…

(First published on July 30th, 2013. Second version Aug 17, 2014) I have pointed out the danger of corporate psychopaths...

(First published on July 30th, 2013. Second version Aug 17, 2014) I have pointed out the danger of corporate psychopaths in a number of postings since 2008. Now I found that a recent book agrees closely with what I have written in this blog, especially in "Why companies decline.." (published in Feb 2011). Its title is "Corporate psychopaths - organizational destroyers" [ 715 more words ]


(First published on July 30th, 2013. Second version Aug 17, 2014) I have pointed out the danger of corporate psychopaths in a number of postings since 2008. Now I found that  a recent book agrees c…

Veresooned ei "lubjastu", vaid "luustuvad", ja see on ravitav. Uudne uuring on kinnitatud 100 aastat vanad avastust et v...

Veresooned ei "lubjastu", vaid "luustuvad", ja see on ravitav. Uudne uuring on kinnitatud 100 aastat vanad avastust et veresoonte seinades saab tekkida luu taoline kude. Kuna see paistis imelik, arvati et oli eksitus ja unustati. On nüüd avastatud, et see avastus oli õige. Veresoonte lubjastus on vale mõiste. Tegelikult on küsimus luu koe tekkimisest veresoonte seinades. On ka avastatud, et oluline põhjus on K2-vitamiini puudus. [ 209 more words. ]


Veresooned ei "lubjastu", vaid "luustuvad", ja see on ravitav. Uudne uuring on kinnitatud 100 aastat vanad avastust et veresoonte seinades saab tekkida luu taoline kude. Kuna see paistis imelik, ar...

Liigub kuulujutt, et magneesiumi stearaat, mis leidub paljudes toidulisandites,  on kahjulik. See arvamus põhineb teadma...

Liigub kuulujutt, et magneesiumi stearaat, mis leidub paljudes toidulisandites, on kahjulik. See arvamus põhineb teadmatuses. Kõige tähtsam on, et steariinhappe on kõige tavalisem rasvhappe inimkehas ja on olemas suurtes kogustes tavalistes toiduainetes, kaasarvatud liha, kana, kalad, munad, või ning teised piima tooted. Steariinhappest tekkib stearaat siis kui kaotab ühte vesiniku. See vorm on ka väga tavaline kehas ja on normaalne keha biokeemia osa ning järelikult täitsa ebakahjulik. [ 130 more words. ]


Liigub kuulujutt, et magneesiumi stearaat, mis leidub paljudes toidulisandites,  on kahjulik. See arvamus põhineb teadmatuses. Kõige tähtsam on, et steariinhappe on kõige tavalisem rasvhappe inimke...

Tähtis lisa lühiteatele neljale

Tähtis lisa lühiteatele neljale

Kuna tahtsin Margust kiiresti aidata polnud see teade nii läbitöödeldadud kui tavaliselt. Palun arusaamist. Olen ühte ja teist lisanud peale avaldamist ja täna eriti seda: Tähtis eristada Dopamiini ja Serotoniini tõstvate toiduainete sissevõtmisajad Nendel kahel on vastandmõju. Dopamiini toitu peamiselt võtta lõunal. Õhtul Vitamiin D3 + magneesiumit mis tõstavad serotoniini. See kehtib ka teiste serotoniini tõstvate toiduainete kohta näiteks vadak, , täisteraleibläätsed ja rohelised herned. [ 43 more words. ]





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