I have created this page to create awareness and promote Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome to hopefully one day find a cause and even better … a cure. My name is Jessica Howe. I was diagnosed with this awful condition when I was just 18 months old. I am now 19. I have lived with this condition all my life. It is awful and at times debilitating. At present there is no cure. No one even knows the cause. I’ve tried a cocktail of different medications to at the very least attempt to prevent “attacks” of this sickness. As some may know, me and my family have had a long battle trying to find the right medication for me. One that prevents “attacks” the most. I must take this medication every night without fail. We have tried taking me off this medication twice. But each time a severe “attack” has followed. Consequently , I am back to routinely taking this medication. (Now bare in mind it’s been trial and error with lots of medication to find the best one for me. This can differ from person to person). My school life and my social life have both suffered due to this condition. We know I have a few *things* that may trigger an “ attack” such as anxiety and excitement but in some instances, nothing has been a highlighted factor. With enough support I am hoping to get more awareness raised and to get every gp, doctor and nurse to have knowledge on this condition. I remember when I was younger my mum used to print out pages and pages of information to give to my doctor at the hospital. This is one of my biggest memories. Whenever I am asked what medication I am on (whether this is at the opticians or another setting) I am always asked what it is and have to explain everything. Now I can just laugh at the question and give a very short but informative answer of what it is and how it affects me. I usually say “basically it’s where I can be sick every 5-10 minutes when I’m in an attack for a week. I can’t talk, walk, eat or drink. I’m so weak I require a wheelchair to go outside. I’ve had it since I was 18m months”. I am always happy to answer questions about it as I like that people are interested and want to know more. Let’s raise awareness together. Let’s fight for our voices together. Let’s get answers together.