When starting out the best things to figure out is what type of training is going to be most beneficial for your goals. Is your goal to run 5k or to lose 5 pound in 2 weeks? and whats your reasoning behind your training as this is going to be the factor that motivates you though the more gruelling days.
There are a list of types of training to get you started:
•Cardiovascular fitness training- is the stuff like swimming, running, cycling, rowing for extensive periods of time with a moderate intensity. This type of training is going to help with weight management, boost energy levels, improve heart and lungs function allowing for better blood flow and reduce blood pressure.
•Muscular strength training- this form of training is going to utilise the method of high resistance, low repetitions to increase weight bearing ability by strengthen the muscles, tendons and ligaments and by increasing bone density. This is going to make lifting something heavy, require a smaller percentage of effort. Useful if you are having to complete a lot of manual labour tasks within your day.
•Muscular endurance training- which consists of lower resistance, higher repetitions this are more body weight orientated exercises, such as pull ups, squats, press ups, sit ups. Benefits of these improve posture, improved muscle to fat ratio, improve muscle tone, shape and appearance.
•Flexibility or stretching- which is to lengthen the muscles and joints to release tension. A lack of flexibility can dramatically affect your posture and impair joints. Benefits of stretching reduce tesion and tightness, improve joint and muscle mobility and range of motion, help with physical and mental relaxation. Which is great to finish a workout with.
So now I hope you have a better understanding for the types of training and there purposes. You don't have to limit yourself to just one form of training, they can be used in unison and the benefits of each form will seep over into the other for example Cardiovascular training will help with your endurance when it comes to resistance training.