
Newfituk Newfit | Small Group Personal Training

Getting the good people of West Cumbria Strong & Healthy...without shagging sheep!

Of course the gym is scary at first...Anything new you do will always feel this way...Remember your first snog?! I thoug...

Of course the gym is scary at first...

Anything new you do will always feel this way...

Remember your first snog?! I thought I was going to lose my face!

But once you've broken through that barrier, you go back for more...

And over time the fear turns into excited anticipation...

I could go quite dark here, but lets try to stay on topic.

What I'm trying to say is...

Unless you get your arse through the door, you'll always live in fear and never get to the point where you can enjoy a good snog...I mean gym session.

There is absolutely nothing abnormal about feeling scared, intimidated, worried about perceptions, onlookers, how you might look...

Hell, I 'do gym' and still feel this way when going to a 'foreign' gym...

But if you continuously surrender to the wee bastard voice that deters you...

You'll never feel the benefits available to you.

You'll stay stuck in this trapped mindset of relying on 'Im going to' for a short term dopamine hit instead of actually doing.

Step out of your own shadow. Stop making excuses. Be a big boy/girl...and come get some mega 'feel good'.

Newfit Small Group Personal Training >

See you soon.


It was a surprise in the moment thing...I almost s**t out of it, but don't I ask others to step out of their comfort zon...

It was a surprise in the moment thing...

I almost s**t out of it, but don't I ask others to step out of their comfort zone by coming into the gym and training?!

Anyway, back in November at the PTMA Coaches Conference, I was sat nice and comfortably, enjoying myself, probably sipping on a brew and daydreaming, when suddenly...

'I want you all to pick up your phones, go into your community chat, and ask 'Describe my Coaching style in 3 words...'

Nothing else. Just whack it in.

So I did. And left my phone to the side. Not really too sure what to expect.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I know I'm not Hi**er, but this sort of thing has your mind spinning and pondering. Sweaty palms and nervous shuffles.

The responses...yeah, thanks! I think I was more relieved than anything else!

Point is...

Amongst my many human faults, I've always thought I'm a half decent bloke.

And since starting this mad venture a few years ago, a key ethos of mine has always been to create an environment where good, hard working, everyday people can come and enjoy physical activity.

To get Stronger, Fitter and Healthier in a safe, fun, friendly environment where each can be unapologetically themselves...

Where you have everything you need to move forward on your terms. Learning, developing and evolving as you go.

And if you're reading this now, feeling stuck in a rut...wanting to feel more energetic, positive, confident...and you know you need some support and structure to help you get there...

Go visit (link in bio).

Have a top weekend.

Dave | Newfit Small Group Personal Training

The Clan were out in full force this week...Many have had a good couple of weeks off, doing all the usual Crimbo and New...

The Clan were out in full force this week...

Many have had a good couple of weeks off, doing all the usual Crimbo and New Year bits n bobs.

Some came in wondering where they were, what year it was and why they had been woken from their chocolate and TV induced mental coma.

And if at this point you are thinking that I went all Military on them, told them to go hard or go home, and used a hot iron to burn 'No Pain No Gain' into their arse cheeks...

You'd be so, so wrong (and I'm sorry for your past experiences that have left you thinking this way, you must have paid some right c**k wombles...)

The key after a good break is to ease in, like you're a human d***o caked in KY Jelly.

As the slides will explain...

This week has been about low volume, low intensity, getting back into the flow of things. Feeling human again and just getting some nice sessions in.

Next week is when they'll feel like they're being dry hu**ed by a bull.

Ssssh...keep that between us though.


Dave | Newfit Small Group Personal Training

If for some MAD reason you like the sound of this style of Personal Coaching, come along and join in. Room for 2 more >>>

Understand this...Your Strength & Health has no deadline.There is no cut off. No end point.The 6, 8, whatever week progr...

Understand this...

Your Strength & Health has no deadline.

There is no cut off. No end point.

The 6, 8, whatever week programmes do not and will not fix past years of neglect...

Nor will they protect you from future years of decline...

Only continuation of 'doing the do' will do that.

To get the best out of yourself, your strength, your health...

To continue living as long as possible, in the best condition as possible...

To be the icon your kids, and the future generation needs...

To maintain energy, confidence, clarity, standards, self image and respect...

Requires you to carry on doing this 'Strength & Health thing...'

I understand I'm pi***ng in the wind a bit here.

The market is flooded with X week whatevers.

And they appeal to the need for instant gratification...minimal commitment...minimal effort...

It's just, well, that's not how longevity works.

It's no coincidence that those who do 'best' out of this 'fitness thing', do it as part of a lifestyle that they have taken time, patience and repeated bouts of trial and error to get right for them, on their terms.

By the way, that's not my tallywhacker above the bar, unfortunately. It's just an unfortunate fold in the shorts.


Dave | Newfit Small Group Personal Training

You ready to join a set up that helps you focus on the long term?

You get rewarded when you get started.Then you grow in confidence.Then you gain control.Then you start to learn.Then you...

You get rewarded when you get started.

Then you grow in confidence.

Then you gain control.

Then you start to learn.

Then you start to appreciate what a human being should feel and perform like.

Motivation will take care of itself...once you get started.

The more you hold back, the further away you get from being where you should be.

Give yourself a chance...I can promise you you'll never look back.

Dave | Newfit Small Group Personal Training

New to the gym and want to build confidence, belief and self image? >>>

We tend to find the gap between Crimbo and New Year a bit boring...We were going to go away for a couple of nights to Ma...

We tend to find the gap between Crimbo and New Year a bit boring...

We were going to go away for a couple of nights to Manchester...

Which escalated to 3 nights in Paris, from Boxing Day morning.

Some City!

Too much to see in a few cold days.


Main thing...

Making memories with the special people in my life.

Give me trips away over materials anyday.

Oh yeah...

We got 2 'love locks', whatever their called, because kn****ad here accidentally fastened the first one shut while fidgeting with it!

Mr Albanian Street Seller thought he'd won the lottery!

Live life people, live life!

Dave | Newfit Small Group Personal Training

Live A FIT life >>>

What you want won't come to you...You have to go to it.You likely can't do it alone...You need the right support and peo...

What you want won't come to you...

You have to go to it.

You likely can't do it alone...

You need the right support and people around you.

I'll forever share parts of this story as it shows you can do what you want to do...

So long as you have said people around you and are willing to face into difficult moments, admit to weaknesses and be honest with yourself.

If it can help inspire just one person to take the next step...

It's worth the potential tuts and eye rolls!

Grateful for the consistent, unwavering, support from the guys and the Wife...

It's been been needed an uncomfortable amount of times!!!

I wish whoever reads this well for 2025. Go get what's yours...

Dave | Newfit Small Group Personal Training

How I can help you in 2025 >>>

Happy New Year and All the Best for 2025!Massive 'Thank You' to all the guys I've had the pleasure of working with, past...

Happy New Year and All the Best for 2025!

Massive 'Thank You' to all the guys I've had the pleasure of working with, past and present.

I've had too many good laughs with you all, and there's been plenty of hard graft to go with it!

You've helped to continuously shape how I do what I do, both the good and the clumsy, I appreciate your support and input.

Buzzing to take the next step forward with a bunch of you as we look to build Stronger & Healthier people over the coming months...

Much Love ❤️

Dave | Newfit Small Group Personal Training

I had an email pre-planned that went out today...When it landed, I read it back and thought 'F**k it, that can be a post...

I had an email pre-planned that went out today...

When it landed, I read it back and thought 'F**k it, that can be a post...'

I could probably write, probably will, several other parts to this.

Do any resonate with you? Let me know.

Personally, I've had to dig deep many times this past 9 months.

Like many of you will have had to in your own ways, too.

We shouldn't put pressure on ourselves to get everything right, handle every situation smoothly or be on top form every day...

But so long as you know what is important to you, you'll always come out the other side bigger and better than before.

You ready for another rollercoaster?!

2025...lets have you, you massive c**kpiece!

Dave | Newfit Small Group Personal Training

Smash 2025 in the face with a frying pan >>>

As we come out of Christmas...Your attention will inevitably turn towards 2025.You likely feel a rush of motivation and ...

As we come out of Christmas...

Your attention will inevitably turn towards 2025.

You likely feel a rush of motivation and an increase in will to get s**t done.

Lose weight. Get stronger. Get fitter. Live a better life.

You know, deep down, this stuff takes time.

Afterall, you've tried all the other 'quick and easy. stuff before and it hasn't worked for you...

But marketing is clever. Very clever.

You're going to be scrolling socials and watching clips on Tik Tok.

There's these unreal looking humans that are telling you...

I got this result by taking this...

Powder/Pill/Potion/Injection...delete as applicable.

There's also an array of pictures from all these transformations which where achieved in a matter of weeks...

And you've got the Z-List celebrities and Instafitwankers endorsing products.

Part of me says it's not your fault you fall for it.

Another part of me says it is...

Because you know the truth deep down...

You know this s**t takes effort over years of consistently prioritising your Strength & Health...

Think critically people. Think critically.

Dave | Newfit Small Group Personal Training

This year, do it (link in bio)

Structure...Support...Routine...Guidance...Leads to an increase in confidence, capability and competence.Which in turn i...





Leads to an increase in confidence, capability and competence.

Which in turn increases your motivation, meaning you turn up and 'do the do', pushing yourself to new levels that you didn't previously believe where there.

And when motivation dips? It doesn't matter anymore. You know the benefits because you've felt and lived them.

That's enough on it's own to keep you showing up!

Welcome to Newfit Small Group Personal Training.

To get involved, got to (link in bio).

Speak soon.
Dave | Newfit Small Group Personal Training

Before turning to the next shiny thing...Consider these fundamental principles for good ol' Strength & Health...Physical...

Before turning to the next shiny thing...

Consider these fundamental principles for good ol' Strength & Health...

Physical Activity

Wholesome Nutrition



Stress Management

Tackle these, and all the elements within them, before taking quackery advice from Tik Tok.


Dave | Newfit Small Group Personal Training

Join the Strong & Healthy in (link in Bio)

Small Group Training, done right, is a fab environment for you to be involved in.The close set up makes it easy for you ...

Small Group Training, done right, is a fab environment for you to be involved in.

The close set up makes it easy for you to settle in, get to know others and realise this 'exercise malarkey' ain't that bad you know!

And with the groups being small, mostly 1 - 4, sometimes up to 6, you'll get plenty of my time to show you the matter how many times you need showing!

It's supportive, attentive, positive and makes you want to come back to more!

Which is exactly what you need...

Dave | Newfit Small Group Personal Training

Come grab 2025 by the nuts/vulva...make it (link in bio)

Merry Christmas you mad bastards!From my house to yours...I hope you have a fab day.Appreciate every minute with loved o...

Merry Christmas you mad bastards!

From my house to yours...

I hope you have a fab day.

Appreciate every minute with loved ones, and raise a glass for those no longer with us.

And remember...

Don't get angry if you lose when playing board games!

Much Love.

Dave. Nic. Haz & Ralfie


Newfit Small Group Personal Training...Who's getting the results they want, need and deserve?Within Newfit Small Group P...

Newfit Small Group Personal Training...

Who's getting the results they want, need and deserve?

Within Newfit Small Group Personal Training, you'll find Mums, Dads, Grandparents, Managers, Professionals, Office Workers, Shift Workers...

There is, though, 'a thing' that connects them all...

They all want to look after their Strength & Health for today and the future.

For their kids, their partners, their families and friends.

More importantly, for themselves.

They come because they lack confidence, knowledge and consistency in the gym.

They struggle with the what, how and why to do what is needed to become Stronger, Fitter and, ultimately, feel fab'tastic in themselves.

They want the accountability to turn up, do the do, push themselves, eat better and to know they are heading in the right direction.

They need re-assurance, structure, support, purpose and to feel part of something that allows them to grow.

They want the freedom to be unapologetically themselves. To be in an environment which is Fun, Friendly and Welcoming. Where they can forget the 'real world' and focus on themselves for a few hours.

They don't want a dictatorship. Or off the shelf generic 'one size fits all' fluff. They're sick of the same old same...programmes that promise the earth but deliver little.

They're looking for someone who will listen to, and understand, their individual wants and needs.

If this sounds like you, Newfit Small Group Personal Training is the set up you've been waiting for!

Click on over to (link in bio) and take the first step on what will be a very rewarding path!


If you’ve been ‘doing the do’ this year…mostly eating well, staying active and all that dance…A week of chill won’t kill...

If you’ve been ‘doing the do’ this year…mostly eating well, staying active and all that dance…

A week of chill won’t kill you off. Likewise, if you want to keep up your routine, do that too.

You’re an adult. Decide for yourself...

If you’ve not really done much this year in terms of improving your daily diet and staying active, guess what? Crimbo week aint going to make much difference!

The sum part of 1 week out of 52 really isn’t the big deal we make it to be…

Strength & Health is a lifelong endeavour. It’s not defined by the odd week here and there.

You’re an adult. Decide for yourself…

The End.

Dave | Newfit Small Group Personal Training

Kick s**t out of 2025… (link in bio)

As you settle in for what will hopefully be a fab Crimbo...You'll come out of it, scroll through social media...And like...

As you settle in for what will hopefully be a fab Crimbo...

You'll come out of it, scroll through social media...

And likely be bombarded with a plethora of adverts for all sorts of New Year New You type gimmicks...

Juices. Pills. Potions. Shreds. Transformations...

You know the dance!

And, just like a tortoise can't suck it's own balls...

You can't hack your way to Strength & Health.

Lifestyle change takes time and effort.

It takes trial and error.

There is no 'quick and easy'.

It's not just a 'one off' event, it has to be a forever thing.

So, before you impulse buy the next shiny thing...

Which promises you the results you want but in a fraction of realistic time and, as you knew it would, delivered little...

Stand back and think critically.

What does the ideal 2025 you feel, perform and behave like?

What are the 'BIG ROCKS' you want to achieve?

How do they eat? How active are they? What does self care look and feel like?

And what do you need to do to bridge the gap?

The real answers are within you, not a bottle or a one size fits all generic plan.

Tread carefully. Use common sense.

You'll get to where you want to be quicker if you take the long route...that's how this works.

Dave | Newfit Small Group Personal Training

Get cracking in January...
(Link in Bio)

Structure...It's a word that pops up a fair bit when I speak to people who are either enquiring about Newfit Small Group...


It's a word that pops up a fair bit when I speak to people who are either enquiring about Newfit Small Group Personal Training, or have been in for a bit and realise how this helps them progress.

What exactly is 'structure' when it comes to workouts?

Think frequency, workout split, movement patterns, exercise choice, exercise order, balance, equipment, rep ranges, number of sets, intensity, progression, rest periods, load...

Then you can add are you training for Strength, Hypertrophy, Power, Endurance...

And what elements belong where, with which level of priority...

Throw in Conditioning...

It's the same level of questioning.

I've been reading, learning, watching, using trial and error around these things for 16 years...

And I'm still learning!

Much of it I take for granted, but if you read the above and feel a bit like 'f**k a duck, where do I start...'

Then you most likely will benefit from a helping hand...

Someone to dot he structure for you and fill the simply turn up and do the graft!

Imagine if that was available...
(Link in Bio)

Speak soon.



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