Happy world blood donor day
A donation of blood means a few minutes to you , but a lifetime for somebody else.
#preetmohindersingh #jaskiratsinghrichy #Gurukulinstituteofpharmaceuticalscience #pharmacylife #drug
Thought of the day
"The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams "
#preetmohindersingh #jaskiratsinghrichy #gurukulinstituteofpharmaceuticalscience #pharmacylife #drug
Thought of the day
Before you do observe first....
#preetmohindersingh #jaskiratsinghrichy #gurukulinstituteofpharmaceuticalscience #pharmacylife #drug
Thought of the day
Never Worry About The Problem, Always Worry About The Solution.
#Preetmohindersingh #JaskiratsinghRichy #Gurukulinstituteofparmaceuticalscience #pharmacylife #drug
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru death anniversary
Let us be humble ; let us think that the truth may not perhaps be entirely with us .
#Preetmohindersingh #JaskiratSinghRichy #Gurukulinstituteofpharmaceuticalscience #pharmacylife #drug
Thought of the day
Unless you participate,
You can not win....
Preetmohinder SinghJaskirat Singh RichyGurukul institute of pharmaceutical sciences #pharmacylife #drug
Thought of the day
Don't be idle when fear runs through your veins
Take action to see it result in achievement
International tea day
Tea is like the magic key to the vault
Where your brain is kept
Loban pharmaceuticals team wishes you happy international tea day to all.....