Out of 3 in 5 people live with Neck or shoulder pain, stiffness in neck muscles, or inability to turn the neck completely without any pain or discomfort in the past 3 months. And out of 9 in 10 would have felt these painful neck experiences once in their lifetime. Maybe because of our current lifestyle, we spend a lot of time with our computers, laptops, pads, and mobile phones where we strain our neck muscles and shoulder muscles every day, without proper strengthening exercises or stretches. But do you know there are certain metaphysical or spiritual reasons behind your neck pain.. To learn about those reasons along with the one ancient yogic technique called the Brahma mudra which when consistently practiced helps us to let go of these neck and shoulder issues.
By combining synchronized movements of hands & head with synchronized breathing if possible.
1. Inhale turn your head towards the right slowly to the count of five 1- 2- 3- 4- 5. Try to align your neck parallel to your right shoulder. Exhale and turn your head towards the left slowly to the count of five 1- 2- 3- 4- 5. Try to align your neck parallel to your left shoulder. Repeat it for 5-8 counts.
2. Inhale take your head up with the count of five. Feel your neck stretch. Exhale and slowly bring your neck down- your chin trying to touch the chest. Repeat it for 5-8 counts.
3. Inhale Move your right ear towards or closer to the right shoulder for the count of five. Exhale and slowly bring your left ear towards or closer to the right shoulder for a count of five. Repeat it for 5-8 counts.
4. Roll your neck clockwise from the front to back slowly and with complete control. REpeat the same in the anti-clockwise direction. Can perform 5 rounds in each direction. people with cervical issues should avoid making complete circles and do half circles.
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