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The White Lotus Healing A healer dedicatedly building up your core with Root-Cause identification. Meditation | Rieki | Aura

✨ This post is about bringing awareness about the connections between the mind, body and emotions but that doesn't mean ...

✨ This post is about bringing awareness about the connections between the mind, body and emotions but that doesn't mean that every pain you experience can be stuck up emotions. What it does mean is that when exploring our emotions and experiences, we can take a look at what our bodies are trying to tell us. It's about mind, body and soul healing. Also these centers are all interlinked, stuck up emotions creating issues in one part can create issues in other parts by creating and generating emotions related to that part... but I can say they are quite accurate when it comes to how my emotions are stored.🙏🏽

✨ Share this post so we can spread more mind body soul healing!🧘

🙏🏽I hope you find this helpful! If you do think you have built up emotions, energy, trauma and want some help in releasing them then keep following along or DM me for all the offerings I have that will help you release them through Reiki and Counselling.🙏🏽✨


No matter, how strongly you came out of a tough phase in your life but if you haven't addressed, acknowledged and proces...

No matter, how strongly you came out of a tough phase in your life but if you haven't addressed, acknowledged and processed the emotion and then let it go, you are not healed...

That emotion or situation will form a pattern and that pattern will affect all the decisions you take in every area of your life, affecting your and your loved ones....

Putting all the emotions and feelings under the rug and going on like nothing happened and trying to be strong, only works for sometime, slowly you will feel tired and frustrated and then the issues will crop up in your emotional and physical body....

So, if you are going through a tough phase in your life or have Just come out of a tough phase...please deal with those difficult emotions and feelings and let them can take help from a professional...

Try doing it and see the change it brings in your life and see how it changes your relationships, physical health, mental health, career and finance....

DM us for more details regarding Reiki Healing, Holistic Counselling and Root Cause Analysis and Healing....


Happy Republic Day 🇮🇳         🇮🇳

Happy Republic Day 🇮🇳


One can be encouraged and motivated, but there's a truth that comes with personal growth, which is that...any motivation...

One can be encouraged and motivated, but there's a truth that comes with personal growth, which is that...any motivation and encouragement wears off after a period of time....

After that, only your discipline and consistency helps you stay on the track and helps you grow every single day....

It doesn't matter how talented you are or how many opportunities you have or get, if you want to grow in your field, be it any field, even in spirituality, you need to be disciplined and consistent in your routines and work...


Your chest region, where your heart chakra lies, is the centre from where you give and receive anything or any...

Your chest region, where your heart chakra lies, is the centre from where you give and receive anything or any emotion that messes with the feelings of love or makes you feel unworthy or sad or depressed will create issues in your chest or heart region, resulting in physical issues related to chest and heart, like pneumonia and arrhythmia etc...

So, whenever there's an event where you are deeply hurt and you are unable to let go or you have experienced the above mentioned feelings for a prolonged period of time and later you are having issues in your chest or heart region, understand that these are the unresolved emotions which are stuck in that part creating issues in your life and they need to be addressed and released...

You can take help of any professional holistic healer or counselor to resolve these issues along with your medical treatment...if the issues are old it's better and always advisable to take help from professionals as they are better able to help you and make you understand and guide you through the process and provide you with the necessary support you require while releasing these emotions....

DM us for more details on Reiki and Holistic Counselling or Root Cause Analysis and Healing...


Out vishuddhi chakra that is throat chakra stores energy which is related to expression and communication...If you are u...

Out vishuddhi chakra that is throat chakra stores energy which is related to expression and communication...

If you are unable to speak up for yourself...
If you are unable to speak the truth...
If you are unable to listen to the truth....
If you are feeling choked...
If you are having difficulty in communicating with people in a right way...

These energies everytime you don't address them get stuck in your throat... eventually leading to physical issues like chronic coughing or thyroid etc....simple method to release these emotions and energies is to address them and release them right away rather than ignoring them and shoving it under the rug....

DM us for more details....

I was asked this beautiful question by my Reiki student, it's a beautiful question which had to be addressed, in a time ...

I was asked this beautiful question by my Reiki student, it's a beautiful question which had to be addressed, in a time where people are constantly trying to please people and keep everyone happy, especially within family and friends....

I always tell, just being yourself is enough, when your heart, soul and intentions are without expectations and unconditional love and leave the rest to the universe... eventually everything falls into place....🧘

Have a good day✨💖💖


Take the steering wheel of your life in your hands otherwise soon you will find others driving your life in different wa...

Take the steering wheel of your life in your hands otherwise soon you will find others driving your life in different ways and you will reach nowhere....

If you want to reach somewhere, take your life's responsibility in your hands...keep your heart and intentions pure, be compassionate and loving towards others and keep moving towards your goal... You will be surprised to see how people will co-operate and the right people will be attracted towards you helping you in achieving your goals....


Short mantra to be happy...✨ Mind your own business✨Be Happy and satisfied with what you are given✨Be Unbothered by the ...

Short mantra to be happy...

✨ Mind your own business

✨Be Happy and satisfied with what you are given

✨Be Unbothered by the noise in your background, people are going to speak irrespective of what you do, so stay focused on your path...keep going...

✨ Be Disciplined, this is the only thing that takes which helps you stay focused on your goal...everyday wake up and do your things with discipline, have respect for what you do....

✨While doing all this, don't forget that you are already glowing, keep this glow intact....

✨Let your light shine✨


We have different parts in our body where the emotions that we feel too deeply get stuck or settled, and over a period o...

We have different parts in our body where the emotions that we feel too deeply get stuck or settled, and over a period of time it starts creating issues in our body.

Issues like in the case of shoulders, you will start getting unexplained aches and pains, stiffness in movement, needles and pins sensations, frozen shoulders etc.

In your life, you might have moved on from that particular situation when you felt deep emotions especially negative emotions, but internally these emotions get stored and give us problems as they are suppressed and ignored rather than addressed at that particular movement and then released...

So to remove the problem from its crux you need to address that particular emotion which is creating the issue and release it...

Our Root cause analysis and complete holistic counselling and Reiki therapy, helps you identify the root cause of your problem, via counselling and Reiki healing and helps you release your emotions and help you heal yourself completely.....

DM for further details....


Self love is nothing but tuning inwards and making peace with ourselves. Acknowledging and accepting good and the bad qu...

Self love is nothing but tuning inwards and making peace with ourselves. Acknowledging and accepting good and the bad qualities accepting we have in us. And treat ourselves with kindness,
love and compassion.....❤️

Self love is treating yourself the way you want to be treated by others.
It doesn't mean that you become selfish and stop being compassionate
towards others feelings and needs...💖

People really love themselves and hardly hurt anyone else because they
are filled with love and kindness, they have compassion and

DM us for more details, for learning Reiki, receiving Reiki Healing, or if
you are going through a tough time and it looks like a pattern, try root
cause analysis for the same....🙏🏽


Start your first day of this new year with these basic affirmations...say this daily at least 21 times, with
conviction, believe in them and in yourself to see the magic...

For personalised affirmations DM me and I will give you your
personalised affirmation this new year as a gift 🎁


🎄🎁Merry Christmas to one and all....may this festival of joy brings the joy and happiness of giving and sharing in your ...

🎄🎁Merry Christmas to one and all....may this festival of joy brings the joy and happiness of giving and sharing in your life🎁🎄


The Aura/kosha is an energy field that surrounds our body, it keeps on changing , from yogic point of view, this energy ...

The Aura/kosha is an energy field that surrounds our body, it keeps on changing , from yogic point of view, this energy is divided into five parts known as KOSHAS.

In the upcoming posts we will be discussing more about Aura/koshas and how it affects us....

DM to book an appointment for complete holistic counselling or for learning Reiki or receiving Reiki Healing.


Dedicating a specific time of your day to yourself, it will be one of the best things you will do for yourself. As it is...

Dedicating a specific time of your day to yourself, it will be one of the best things you will do for yourself. As it is rightly said, In stillness lies wisdom, in silence you will find peace and in solitude you will remember and find yourself.... Don't underestimate the power of being alone...

That being said, this is not advisable for anyone who is suffering from depression or any of its forms...please consult your therapist or counselor before trying anything....



Gratitude can do wonders but it will only work when you are healed, you will not be able to see the positive side of life when you are in the middle of the crisis, you can do it once you are healed and learn about how to be grateful in your life then when you are faced with any issue you will be able to see the positive side and be grateful about it, but unless you are healed completely it will only be superficial, the moment you hit the low, all gratefulness will go out of the window....

Remember no matter what the problem is, in which area of life it is the root of that problem will be can DM us for help if you want or can take help from any certified experts but do heal yourself if you are struggling with any physical or psychological or relationship or career issue.....🙇

DM us for further details about the root cause healing....✍️

Happy Healing🙏🏽


Have a beautiful day ❤️💖

DM us to know more about our comprehensive Holistic Counselling sessions or to learn reiki or forrequesting healing....

Never let your lowest allow you to make you stay there...turn it into motivation and keep moving in your life, write a n...

Never let your lowest allow you to make you stay there...turn it into motivation and keep moving in your life, write a new life story.....

A positive mindset will always help you when you hit the rock bottom, it helps you to get up and move helps you learn from your situation and helps you to gain wisdom....

Learn to change your negative thinking pattern into positive, if you can't do it alone take help from experts....

DM us if you want to know more....


Whenever, you feel overwhelmed by feelings, thoughts and emotions....just remember just like everything else, this too is temporary and it shall pass...All the emotions, thoughts and feelings which are either happy or sad are like waves of the ocean, they will come crash and go just be aware about them, observe them, feel them and let them pass...🧘

Keep one hand on your heart take a deep breath and say to yourself with kindness, "THIS TOO SHALL PASS!!!"💖

DM us to know more....



✨Reiki is a beautiful alternative healing technique, which can help you in multiple ways....but to know its effects one needs to feel it to believe and there is no magic that one session will cure everything...✨

✨Just like the conventional medicine require multiple visits to the doctor and a couple of months for treatment similarly, Reiki too requires a couple of sessions to see the visible changes in all areas of your life..✨

🙏🏽If you are interested to know more about Reiki, kindly DM, I will be more than happy to answer all your questions about Reiki....✍️


✨5th and the last principle of Reiki says, love and be kind to yourself and others unconditionally, it teaches us empathy and compassion towards yourself and others....✨

✨This simple but powerful principle is based on the law of karma, " what you give out in the world is what you receive."✨

✨So if you send hate and manipulation ya are bound to receive the same, but if the love you always crave for is given out in the world you are sure to receive it people the way you would like to be loved...being said that, the love and kindness you put out should be unconditional and pure....💓

✨This principle reduces, stress levels, anxiety, fear, and calmness...helps people with heart problems....🧘


DM us to learn Reiki or book a healing session....✍️

The 4th principle of Reiki deals with honesty and integrity, this is very crucial when someone is putting their entire t...

The 4th principle of Reiki deals with honesty and integrity, this is very crucial when someone is putting their entire trust in someone, assuming that they are sending healing to them everyday, this principle is something every Reiki Practitioner should live by, everyday and every second....

There is a saying, You have a pure soul, if you have nothing to be ashamed of in front of God, whom you cannot see but he knows all..."

Doing our work with honesty is not about how we 'earn a living', but how 'we are living', how we understand relations, how we do the cooking, how we talk to people, how we love people....

Honesty, brings out truth into relationships and it allows one to look into the eyes of others and find divine there....

If you are honest and live your life with integrity, your entire energy system will lift to a higher vibration....



DM to know more about Reiki....

3rd principle of Reiki is gratitude, and as a practitioner I live by this principle and it has bought tremendous changes...

3rd principle of Reiki is gratitude, and as a practitioner I live by this principle and it has bought tremendous changes in my life....

Your everyday life gives you plenty of reasons to be happy for, it may not give us what we want but it definitely gives us what we need....

Daily at the end of the day think of at least 5 things that made you happy that day, over a period of time you will realise how lucky you are to receive these blessings....

Saying thank you from your heart, for us at physical releases oxytocin (harmone that makes us feel good)...a simple and honest thank you raises your energy....

Try it....


Let's clear some misconceptions about reiki ...

Stay tuned for part 2....

This is the 2nd principle of Reiki that every Reiki practitioner lives by, and you should follow it toAnger comes as an ...

This is the 2nd principle of Reiki that every Reiki practitioner lives by, and you should follow it to

Anger comes as an emotional response to something that didn't turn out the way we wanted or someone is not behaving as per our expectations. It is a dear within us, when we are afraid of being mentally "attacked" we tend to attack first using anger as a tool.

But, when one feels anger our body releases chemicals and harmones which eventually cause trouble in our body.

People who carry anger, grudges, resentment, revengeful attitude has stomach and digestive issues.

That's why in Reiki we follow it along with mindfulness that, JUST FOR TODAY, JUST LET GO OF YOUR ANGER.


when you feel angry or any negative emotion developing in you, just let it go by visualising it going upwards to the divine/God or any higher power that you believe in ... surrender it to them...

Or you can DM to reach to the root cause and work on your anger issues

Reiki works on 5 principles...a person initiated or not initiated into Reiki if follows these simple principles in their...

Reiki works on 5 principles...a person initiated or not initiated into Reiki if follows these simple principles in their daily life, they will derive immense benefit from it.

Worry is related to the future, we only worry about the events which are yet to happen. Creating negative scenarios and thoughts in our mind, which might not even turn true...but we tend to send such negative energy to the future and make the chances of it happening even more.🙆

Worry only causes, stress and anxiety leading to imbalance in our mind and body. It also affects the root chakra.


let thoughts come, don't fight just don't engage with the thoughts. Realise that at this moment everything is ok and fine. Be mindful and stay in the present. 🙅🧘

Hence, Reiki principal says," JUST FOR TODAY, I WILL LET GO OF WORRY." 🧘

Just believe in the POWER OF NOW....✨

DM us for more details.


✨You are always taken care of by the higher power, universe or God by whichever name you call this power. He has equipped you for tackling each and every problem of your life, you are
never given a challenge for which you are not prepared.... just quite your mind and let your higher self guide you✨

There's no constant happiness in life, the aim should be being comfortable,being satisfied, being ok and emotionally sta...

There's no constant happiness in life, the aim should be being comfortable,being satisfied, being ok and emotionally stable in every situation...most importantly not forgetting you are being taken care of by the higher power so everything is going perfectly as per his higher plan for your good.....

There's a power to what we put out there into the universe, so let's use it to attract a positive shift in our life... e...

There's a power to what we put out there into the universe, so let's use it to attract a positive shift in our life... emotions like self pity, self victimization, anger, jealousy, grief, sadness, depression, anxiety,etc attracts more of situations which will make you experience these emotions more and more in life...

But, one will say that no one wants to think and feel these things but we can't help it as it just comes to mind it's not that we want to deliberately think or feel this way, what shall we do....

So, understand that you are getting these unpleasant thoughts unconsciously, because of your thought pattern. Your experiences have formed a particular thought pattern in your mind, making you behave or think in a certain way and it just happens unconsciously, and so due to such stubborn patterns in our life what we put out in the universe is sometimes negative, not that we want it but it happens...


With the help of Reiki and Counselling we can reach the root cause of these kinds of patterns and help you heal from it....

DM for more details....🙏🏽






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