(I know I been MIA. Don't worry about allat right now 😂)
Join us Dec 20-22 at Max's House for a vision board party to elevate your life in 2024! Don't spend next year doing the same thing you did this year.
DM or click the link in my bio to register for FREE!
Share this with those folks you made your vision board with last year 👀 👀 it's all love 🤣⚫️🖤
follow @maxshouse.us on IG, FB & YT.
See you soon!
Max 🖤✨️
#maxshouse #transformativewellness #divinemax #maxthedivine #coach #lifecoach #reiki #divination #visionboard #2024
What will you learn today? 💜😏
For personal sessions, find me at www.maxshouse.us or send me a message and I'll direct you to the proper service!
with love,
Max 🖤✨️
#maxshouse #transformativewellness #divinemax #maxthedivine #divination #support #lifecoach #lifestyle #reading #reiki #reikitreatment #sankofa
How can you make today great?
Earth's Medicines!
With mutual respect and moderation, of course 💚
#maxthedivine #maxshouse #divinemax #divination #diviner #transformativewellness #earth #herbs #growth
It’s never too late, too soon, or too anything to start your new story. The perfect time is now!
#maxshouse #divinemax #maxthedivine #creator #createyourreality #transformativewellness #author #writer #story #newlife #lifecoach #divination
Happy Monday!
The time is now. Your dreams are ready for you!
Let's talk about it. I'm here to support you!
Book a free discovery call today. ✨️
#maxshouse #transformativewellness #change #lifestyle #lifecoach #accountabilitypartner #support
Community Post - Weekend Reading
You voted and here it is!
A weekend reading for the Community 🖤 (but just a snippet)
If you're on our email list, you should have gotten the link! 👀
If not, sign up now to get full access!
with love,