Max's House

Max's House Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Max's House, Alternative & holistic health service, .

Your House of Transformative Wellness

Helping people create lives that feel good, authentic, and purposeful for them! ✨

Click 👇🏽 to book your FREE Clarity Call

w/🖤 Max


For me, it’s never a bad time for a reset. Getting clear, again, on who I am, what I need, and what I want. Getting it out of my heart and head and writing it down plain and clear.

I created two things that help me do it time and time again. For a limited time, I'll share these resources with a few of you for free! Answer me this first:

On a scale of 1-5 (1 = just a little push, 5 = in dire need!), how bad do you need a reset right now?
Comment your number below (or DM) and I'll send you the recommended resource.


You can’t be ready to grow but not willing to change.


I’ve got a little “blockbusting” trick to help me find clarity and get unstuck from decision paralysis, overwhelm, and overthinking in the moment. Any guess on what it is? Anyone need a tip?

One of the biggest lessons I’ve had to learn (and am still learning in different ways) is that you just have to MOVE. Tr...

One of the biggest lessons I’ve had to learn (and am still learning in different ways) is that you just have to MOVE. Trust yourself and move with what you have. Understand that progress is progress, done is perfect, and both of those are better than holding yourself back.

I had to be real with me and acknowledge how I’ve been holding myself back.
👎🏽 Overthinking
👎🏽 Trying to make things perfect and in perfect order
👎🏽 These things leading to overwhelm, decision, paralysis, fear of mistakes, and ultimately STAGNATION

But when I started making small decisions and reminding myself that “it is what it is,” asking myself “What’s the worst that could happen,” knowing that I’m gonna learn something from it either way, and looking at my bigger picture, it empowered and encouraged me to put one foot in front of the other AND MOVE. Step. Stand on business, as the folks say.

I know you can relate, so I’m here to remind you, that you’ll never finish it if you don’t start. Take one step to get you closer today.


How do you expect to get to the life you want if you never spend any time figuring out what that is?

I’ve had so many conversations where people feel stagnant, almost trapped, in their day-to-day situations. Burning inside for something, anything different to breathe some life back into them. But they’ve gotten so used to bearing down, sucking it up, and pushing through to the point where it’s automatic. Their default mode has become burnout.

I’m not excluded from these conversations. I’ve been there, too. I understand it’s hard to know yourself and figure out who you are/what you want when you’ve got a million things on your plate and obligations to fill.

But, friend, let me tell you. No one is going to do this for you. You have to be the one. Don’t wait until you’re filled with regret and resentment, and don’t want to try anymore.

If all you have is 5 minutes each day, and I know you do, take that time to get to know yourself. Figure out what makes you feel alive, what makes you feel purposeful, and what excites your inner fire. Start there and watch more parts of yourself start to unravel before you.

Take the first step, friend. You owe it to yourself to live in your truths and fulfill your dreams.”

Old friends, did y'all miss me? New friends, welcome! Let this be my reintroduction. A quick storytime:Hey, I'm Max! I h...

Old friends, did y'all miss me? New friends, welcome! Let this be my reintroduction. A quick storytime:

Hey, I'm Max! I help people do more of what they want and create lives that feel good, authentic, and purposeful for them. 🖤✨️

After achieving the goals I set for myself through college, I didn't know what else I wanted to do. This was hard for me, being such an ambitious overachiever. 😅 I left several jobs I knew weren't for me and finally landed one I felt had a purpose for me. Using all my brainy skills, I pushed and excelled at my job, eventually becoming so consumed by it that I stopped doing all the fun, creative, personal things I loved. Until guess what....? I burnt out of course. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my job, but that’s all I knew. I didn’t know what I liked anymore, how to have fun anymore, or really even who I was or wanted to be anymore outside of work. Then I realized work was never the problem. Boundaries were. And the fact that I wasn’t seeing the bigger picture.

Years later, I found the breadcrumbs I had been picking up all along leading me to this point. One interest here, another interest there, and a whole journey back to myself. I’ve gained clarity in who I am, what I want, and what I’m here to do. My mission is simple: help people figure out what they want, how to get it, and then help them get it! Why? Because if we’re the only one who lives our lives, why would we not make it all we want it to be? And that’s what I’ve been doing for the last few years. Changing my life and creating my new reality.

So far I’ve rediscovered some hidden talents, gotten back into some self-care habits, started rebuilding connections with my loved ones, and I’ve even been working on some new projects (stay tuned 👀).

If you’re ready to change your life and want to see how I can help you create your new reality, I invite you to book a free clarity call using the link below.

Let’s chat about your transformation: ! 🖤✨


Tribe, I appreciate y'alls patience and support the last few years. I know I've been in and out of solo-mode (more in than out), sometimes absent, and hard to reach.

Clarity is a beautiful thing and that's the season I've been in. Diving deeper into myself and figuring out what and how to express my purpose of being here.

I ain't out yet, but I'm getting there. Remember, foundations crumble for good reason. And solid ones take time, effort, patience, and some mo stuff to build. There's no way around it. The only way "out" is through. Accept the journey as is and enjoy what you learn along the way.

I'll see y'all soon. Stay divine. 🖤✨️

I really don't know how y'all post everyday lol this is hard for me...But anyway, I came to remind you there's only 2 DA...

I really don't know how y'all post everyday lol this is hard for me...

But anyway, I came to remind you there's only 2 DAYS LEFT to book your FREE session. You can book any day available but the promo code expires March 2nd.

If you're ready to start building a life that feels more purposeful for YOU, come see me 🖤✨️

✨️ Full Spread Divination (tarot reading)
✨️ Breakthrough Coaching Session (overcome your current obstacle and figure out how to move forward)
✨️ Closed Door Session (speak your mind, get things off your chest, opt in or out for advice)
✨️ Mini Distance Reiki (energy treatment for clarity, relief, and healing)

Tell me what you session you want, I'll send you the link and promo code! 🖤✨️

Hey Y’all! Happy BHM 🖤✊🏽We’re still kind of fresh into 2024, how are you? How’s life? Are you still inspired and pursuin...

Hey Y’all! Happy BHM 🖤✊🏽

We’re still kind of fresh into 2024, how are you? How’s life? Are you still inspired and pursuing your goals? Are you burnt out or overwhelmed? Trust me, I’ve been both already this year, but you know me, I don’t quit. And I don’t want you to either.

I appreciate each and every one of you for being in community with me, and that said, I want to open the line of communication for you to share how you’re doing and if you need any support.

For those of you ready to:
✅Do more of what you want to do and pursue your goals
✅Overcome your current obstacle and figure out how to move forward
✅Gain clarity in your current situation and/or next steps
✅Get some things off your chest with an unbiased ear and full support
✅Find some relief and relaxation

To close BHM and get ready to welcome Spring soon, I am opening my calendar just to serve with a few FREE sessions for the following offerings:

✨Breakthrough (Coaching) Session
✨Closed Door (Listening) Session
✨Divination (Full Spread Reading)
✨Mini Distance Reiki (Energy Treatment)

Spots are first come, first served.
Book any day but the code expires March 2nd!

Put your desired service in the comments or my inbox, and I’ll send you the link and a coupon code to book!

If you don’t get a spot, clarity calls are always free and I’m ready when you are!

with love,
Max 🖤✨

Welcome to January 🖤✨️Start your month off right with some spiritual guidance, energy work, and/or strategy assistance. ...

Welcome to January 🖤✨️

Start your month off right with some spiritual guidance, energy work, and/or strategy assistance. You know I got you!

Soo much gratitude to all who partied with me these last 3 days!The Visionary Party was a success, and my heart is full!...

Soo much gratitude to all who partied with me these last 3 days!

The Visionary Party was a success, and my heart is full! 🖤✨️🥹

I'm proud of each and every one of you for committing to yourself and choosing to be the creator of your reality!

ICYMI, you can purchase the replay on our site. It's never too late to take back your power and make life what you want it to be!

I love you all 🖤✨️


follow .us on IG & Tiktok.
follow Max’s House on FB & YT.


Just 2 more days 🎉🎉🎉What's something you're excited to create next year? The possibilities are infinite. Looking forward...

Just 2 more days 🎉🎉🎉
What's something you're excited to create next year? The possibilities are infinite.

Looking forward to seeing you! 🖤✨️


Join us Dec 20-22 at Max's House for a vision board party to elevate your life in 2024! This ain't tie average vision board party. Don't spend next year doing the same thing you did this year.

DM or click the link in my bio to register for FREE!

Share this with those folks you made your vision board with last year 👀 👀 it's all love 🤣⚫️🖤

follow .us on IG & Tiktok.
follow Max’s House on FB & YT.

See you soon!
Max 🖤✨️


🎉 VISIONARY PARTY 🎉Join us Dec 20-22 at Max's House for a vision board party to elevate your life in 2024! This ain't yo...


Join us Dec 20-22 at Max's House for a vision board party to elevate your life in 2024! This ain't your average vision board party. Don't spend next year doing the same thing you did this year.

DM or click the link in my bio to register for FREE!

Share this with those folks you made your vision board with last year 👀 👀 it's all love 🤣⚫️🖤

follow .us on IG & Tiktok.
follow Max’s House on FB & YT.

See you soon!
Max 🖤✨️


Wyd next week? Spend some time on you. Gift yourself with a vision to elevate and upgrade your life ✨️  There's still sp...

Wyd next week? Spend some time on you. Gift yourself with a vision to elevate and upgrade your life ✨️ There's still space and time to RSVP for FREE! And bring a friend! 🔗 in bio, see you soon 🖤

Join us Dec 20-22 at Max's House for a vision board party to elevate your life in 2024! This ain't your average vision board party. Don't spend next year doing the same thing you did this year.

DM or click the link in my bio to register for FREE!

Share this with those folks you made your vision board with last year 👀 👀 it's all love 🤣⚫️🖤

follow .us on IG & Tiktok.
follow Max’s House on FB & YT.

See you soon!
Max 🖤✨️


The countdown is real! Prepare to see this for 8 more days... idc idc idc 🤣🤷🏾‍♀️But did you RSVP though? We still have r...

The countdown is real! Prepare to see this for 8 more days... idc idc idc 🤣🤷🏾‍♀️

But did you RSVP though? We still have room for you! I know 2024 your year to elevate and get in your bag so join the party!


Join us Dec 20-22 at Max's House for a vision board party to elevate your life in 2024! Don't spend next year doing the same thing you did this year.

DM or click the link in my bio to register for FREE!

Share this with those folks you made your vision board with last year 👀 👀 it's all love 🤣⚫️🖤

follow .us on IG & Tiktok.
follow Max’s House on FB & YT.

See you soon!
Max 🖤✨️


9 days left! 🎉Did you RSVP yet??🎉 VISIONARY PARTY 🎉Join us Dec 20-22 at Max's House for a vision board party to elevate ...

9 days left! 🎉
Did you RSVP yet??


Join us Dec 20-22 at Max's House for a vision board party to elevate your life in 2024! Don't spend next year doing the same thing you did this year.

DM or click the link in my bio to register for FREE!

Share this with those folks you made your vision board with last year 👀 👀 it's all love 🤣⚫️🖤

follow .us on IG & Tiktok.
follow Max’s House on FB & YT.

See you soon!
Max 🖤✨️


Who dis fa? 👀👇You don't have to be a victim forever. You can choose to take your life back. IT'S YOURS!! YOU DECIDE! 💜✨️...

Who dis fa? 👀👇

You don't have to be a victim forever. You can choose to take your life back. IT'S YOURS!! YOU DECIDE! 💜✨️

Stop victimizing yourself too! 😡

And if you need permission, let this be it.

Love you.

Max 🖤 ✨️

I've been sitting on this for 4 years now. 🤦🏽‍♀️But let this be your reminder to trust in divine timing and that it's ne...

I've been sitting on this for 4 years now. 🤦🏽‍♀️
But let this be your reminder to trust in divine timing and that it's never too late for anything!!

Max's House is NOW OPEN for Reiki Treatment!!💫🙌

Swipe to learn the benefits and then go book your Distance Session today!

Nobody will have your back like YOU! 🤞But I got you, too! 😏🖤✨️

Nobody will have your back like YOU! 🤞
But I got you, too! 😏🖤✨️

Happy Monday 🤣🤣🤣Life is cyclical. Time and time again, you'll find yourself holding you back. That's okay! Just have a g...

Happy Monday 🤣🤣🤣

Life is cyclical. Time and time again, you'll find yourself holding you back. That's okay!

Just have a good laugh and get out your own way. Keep it moving!!

And if you need help, I got you over at Max's House !


It’s never too late, too soon, or too anything to start your new story. The perfect time is now!

Ready to grow?Looking for some clarity or guidance?Need an accountability partner?Ready for an action plan to elevate to...

Ready to grow?
Looking for some clarity or guidance?
Need an accountability partner?
Ready for an action plan to elevate to your next level?
I can help you with that! 🖤

Book a divination consult or discovery call today!

with love,


You voted and here it is!

A weekend reading for the Community 🖤 (but just a snippet)
If you're on our email list, you should have gotten the link! 👀
If not, sign up now to get full access!

with love,


It's okay to need help.
It's okay to not know.
It's okay to be learning.

It's okay to have the audacity to do you. To be you. To put you first.
Sometimes you just need some love, encouragement, and support!

Max got you! Let's talk about it! 🖤✨


Ready to grow?
Looking for some clarity or guidance?
Need an accountability partner?
Ready for an action plan to elevate to your next level?
I can help you with that! 🖤

Book a divination or discovery call today!

Divine Rising World! It's a beautiful day out!🌞🌍Here's what's new for this month. Sign up for our email list to always b...

Divine Rising World! It's a beautiful day out!🌞🌍

Here's what's new for this month. Sign up for our email list to always be in the loop!

✨If you're looking for some clarity or guidance, book your reading today!

✨If you're looking for community, vote on when to bring Community Circle back!

✨If you're ready for your personal breakthrough, book a free discovery call, and let's chat about your transformation!

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!

with love, Max 🖤✨


Opening Hours

Monday 13:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 20:00
Thursday 10:00 - 20:00
Friday 10:00 - 20:00
Saturday 10:00 - 20:00


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