Movement Physiotherapy Clinic

Movement Physiotherapy Clinic बिभिन्न हाडजोर्नी- नसा रोग तथा अन्य समस्याहरुको लागि फिजियोथेरापी उपचार|


Check out Regain Spine & Sports Clinic's video.

Vitamin D deficiency is highly treatable. If you are diagnosed with the condition and follow treatment recommendations, ...

Vitamin D deficiency is highly treatable. If you are diagnosed with the condition and follow treatment recommendations, you will likely be able to increase your intake to an acceptable level, which should eliminate any symptoms or long-term problems.

Vitamin D deficiency is highly treatable. If you are diagnosed with the condition and follow treatment recommendations, you will likely be able to increase your intake to an acceptable level, which should eliminate any symptoms or long-term problems.




We are looking for a physiotherapist for our physiotherapy clinic. Are you ready to embark on a fulfilling career journey?

Please forward your CV to: [email protected]

Freshers and CPT are encouraged to apply.

For More Details:
Regain Spine and Sports Clinic
3rd Floor BNJ Tower, Tripureshwor, Kathmandu
+977 980-2346080 | 01-5919680
[email protected]


धेरै ठाउँमा उपचार र औषधि सेवन गरेर पनि दुःखाइबाट केहि राहत पाउनुभएको छैन??
यदि छैनभने Regain Spine and Sports Clinic मा आजै परामर्श गरेर आफ्नो लागी हुने उपयुक्त र व्यक्तिगत उपचार गरी आफ्नो समस्याको समाधान गर्नुहोस्।

तपाइको पहिलो निःशुल्क परामर्शको लागी ९८०२३४६०८१ मा सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस् ।

For More Details:
Regain Spine and Sports Clinic
3rd Floor BNJ Tower, Tripureshwor, Kathmandu
+977 980-2346081 | 01-5919680
[email protected]


८०% मानिस आफ्नो जीवनकालमा ढाड वा घाँटी दुख्ने समस्याबाट पीडित हुन्छन् । प्रायजसो यो हाम्रो दैनिक क्रियाकलापको कारण हुन सक्छ तर कहिलेकाहीं यो केहि गम्भीर चिकित्सा अवस्था हुन सक्छ। त्यसैले लामो समयसम्म पीडा भोग्नुभन्दा दुखाइको उपचार गर्नु बेस हुन्छ ।

For More Details:
Regain Spine and Sports Clinic
3rd Floor BNJ Tower, Tripureshwor, Kathmandu
+977 980-2346081 | 01-5919680
[email protected]


𝓜𝔂𝓽𝓱 𝓑𝓾𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓕𝓻𝓲𝓭𝓪𝔂!!!
के आराम नै ढाड दुखाइको उपचार हो?
आराम दुखाइको लागी एक उत्तम तरिका हो तर लामो समयमा यसले मांसपेशिहरु र दुखाइ मा थप समस्याहरु लाई सिर्जना गर्न सक्छ।

For More Details:
Regain Spine and Sports Clinic
3rd Floor BNJ Tower, Tripureshwor, Kathmandu
+977 980-2346080 | 01-5919680
[email protected]

हाम्रो सेवाहरू १• हाड जोनी सम्बन्धी •घुडाँ दुखेको, ढाड दुखेको, गर्दन दुखेको,कुडना दुखेको, पैताला दुखेको,हड्डी भाँच्चिएको...

हाम्रो सेवाहरू

१• हाड जोनी सम्बन्धी

•घुडाँ दुखेको, ढाड दुखेको, गर्दन दुखेको,
कुडना दुखेको, पैताला दुखेको,हड्डी भाँच्चिएको (Fractures & Dislocations)मर्केको, सुन्निएको मासुको च्यापिएको / च्यातिएको
Ligament Injuries आदि

२• न्युरोलोजी सम्बन्धी

गर्दन / ढाडमा नशा च्यापिएको हात खुट्टा फम्फमाउने / लाटो भएको /पक्षघात भएको /मेरुदण्डको चोटपटक /
मुख बाँगो भएको(Bell's/ Facial Palsy)

३• बाल रोग सम्बन्धी

जन्मजात देखिने समस्या जस्तैः
Cerebral, Palsy, Autism, Down's Syndrome,
Muscular Dystrophy, Developmental Delay

४• मुटु तथा छाती रोग सम्बन्धी

श्वासप्रश्वास सम्बन्धी समस्या, मुटु / फोक्सोंको शल्यक्रिया
पश्चात चाहिने अभ्यास (Rehabilitation)
Covid -19 पश्चात हुने श्वासप्रश्वास सम्बन्धी समस्या (Post COVID-19 Rehabilitation)

५• खेलकुद सम्बन्धी

खेलकुदको क्रममा घाइते भएमा, चोटपटक लागेर
सुन्निएको, मर्किएको, चोटपटक लाग्नै नदिन र सतर्क हुन
गरिने अभ्यास कुन खेलमा कस्तो व्यायाम गर्ने भन्ने

६• स्त्री रोग सम्बन्धी

गर्भवती हुँदा, बच्चा जन्मदा र जन्मिसकेपछि

गर्नपर्ने अभ्यास, पिशाब चुहिले समस्या
Antenatal & Post Natal Care.
Polycystic Ovarian Disease

त्यस्तै: Vertigo,Diabetes (मधुमेह),Hypertension (उच्च रक्तचाप),Burns (हड्डी या मासुसम्म असर हुनेगरी पोलेको अवस्था), Obesity (मोटोपना), आदिको रोकथाम Exercise मार्फत गरिन्छ ।

💥💥SUFFERING WITH FROZEN SHOULDER?💥💥👉We will assist you to travel on the path of improvement.Book an appointment nowConta...


👉We will assist you to travel on the path of improvement.

Book an appointment now
Contact : +977-9808771339


Your spine is designed to move. Take steps to look after it.For any spine related problemContact : 9808771339Movement Ph...

Your spine is designed to move. Take steps to look after it.
For any spine related problem
Contact : 9808771339
Movement Physiotherapy Clinic
Ghattaghar, Madhyapur Thimi, Bhaktapur

👉Doctor  saves life. Physiotherapist makes that life  worth living independent and pain free.👉 डाक्टरले ज्यान बचाउँछन्। ...

👉Doctor saves life. Physiotherapist makes that life worth living independent and pain free.
👉 डाक्टरले ज्यान बचाउँछन्।
फिजियोथेरापिस्टले त्यो जीवनलाई आत्मनिर्भर र पीडामुक्त जीवन जिउन सार्थक बनाउँछन्।

हाम्रो सेवाहरू १• हाड जोनी सम्बन्धी •घुडाँ दुखेको, ढाड दुखेको, गर्दन दुखेको,कुडना दुखेको, पैताला दुखेको,हड्डी भाँच्चिएको...

हाम्रो सेवाहरू

१• हाड जोनी सम्बन्धी

•घुडाँ दुखेको, ढाड दुखेको, गर्दन दुखेको,
कुडना दुखेको, पैताला दुखेको,हड्डी भाँच्चिएको (Fractures & Dislocations)मर्केको, सुन्निएको मासुको च्यापिएको / च्यातिएको
Ligament Injuries आदि

२• न्युरोलोजी सम्बन्धी

गर्दन / ढाडमा नशा च्यापिएको हात खुट्टा फम्फमाउने / लाटो भएको /पक्षघात भएको /मेरुदण्डको चोटपटक /
मुख बाँगो भएको(Bell's/ Facial Palsy)

३• बाल रोग सम्बन्धी

जन्मजात देखिने समस्या जस्तैः
Cerebral, Palsy, Autism, Down's Syndrome,
Muscular Dystrophy, Developmental Delay

४• मुटु तथा छाती रोग सम्बन्धी

श्वासप्रश्वास सम्बन्धी समस्या, मुटु / फोक्सोंको शल्यक्रिया
पश्चात चाहिने अभ्यास (Rehabilitation)
Covid -19 पश्चात हुने श्वासप्रश्वास सम्बन्धी समस्या (Post COVID-19 Rehabilitation)

५• खेलकुद सम्बन्धी

खेलकुदको क्रममा घाइते भएमा, चोटपटक लागेर
सुन्निएको, मर्किएको, चोटपटक लाग्नै नदिन र सतर्क हुन
गरिने अभ्यास कुन खेलमा कस्तो व्यायाम गर्ने भन्ने

६• स्त्री रोग सम्बन्धी

गर्भवती हुँदा, बच्चा जन्मदा र जन्मिसकेपछि

गर्नपर्ने अभ्यास, पिशाब चुहिले समस्या
Antenatal & Post Natal Care.
Polycystic Ovarian Disease

त्यस्तै: Vertigo,Diabetes (मधुमेह),Hypertension (उच्च रक्तचाप),Burns (हड्डी या मासुसम्म असर हुनेगरी पोलेको अवस्था), Obesity (मोटोपना), आदिको रोकथाम Exercise मार्फत गरिन्छ ।



💥Hypertension💥👉Hypertension defined as having a resting systolic blood pressure (SBP) 140 mm Hg and/or diastolic blood p...


👉Hypertension defined as having a resting systolic blood pressure (SBP) 140 mm Hg and/or diastolic blood pressure (DBP) 90 mm Hg.

👉Hypertension leads to an increased risk of CVD, stroke, heart failure, peripheral artery disease (PAD), and chronic kidney disease (CKD)

👉Recommended lifestyle changes include smoking cessation, weight management, reduced sodium intake, moderation of alcohol consumptionand participation in habitual physical activity.

💥Are you just getting started on the journey for a fitter you? Here are some tips that will help you out.• BE CONSISTENT...

💥Are you just getting started on the journey for a fitter you?

Here are some tips that will help you out.

• BE CONSISTENT: results always come through consistent activity. Stick to the plan, avoid frequent stops and starts.

• GET ENOUGH SLEEP: Sleep gives your body time to recover, conserve energy, and repair and build up the muscles worked during exercise.

• SET REALISTIC GOALS: it will take time to get the results you want. Break down your ultimate goal into smaller goals to keep you motivated along the way.

• WARM UP: not warming up is a mistake many people make. This will increase the risk of injury.

• EAT THE RIGHT FOODS: it doesn't matter how hard you train, you won't see the results you want if your diet isn't on point.

• FIND A PARTNER: Training with a partner not only keeps you motivated during the sessions themselves but will also make you less likely to miss a planned session as you're unlikely to want to let down your friend.

• MAKE IT A HABIT: you'll get more benefits from exercise if you make it a regular habit rather than a once-in-a-while burst of heavy activity.

"Your physical appearance does not always reflect your internal health. We need a balance between food and mobility for ...

"Your physical appearance does not always reflect your internal health. We need a balance between food and mobility for success in health."

🔥🔥🔥Focus on Function: 🔥🔥🔥👉If you've been struggling with pain for a long time, it can be difficult to think about anythi...

🔥🔥🔥Focus on Function: 🔥🔥🔥

👉If you've been struggling with pain for a long time, it can be difficult to think about anything other than trying to do everything in your power to get rid of your pain.

👉It makes us irritable, uncomfortable, miserable at times, and overall negatively affects our quality of life!

👉However it's important that you don't get so consumed with it that it becomes difficult to focus on any other positive improvements you may be making!

👉Commonly, patients and clients become frustrated with "lack of progress", as their pain remains despite working hard to improve during the rehab process.

👉However, many times the experience of pain makes it difficult to recognize ACTUAL progress that IS occurring!

👉Focusing on ridding yourself of pain can make you feel like you aren't making progress...even if you are .

👉So spend more time focusing on how your FUNCTION is improving, not just on what your pain levels are .

👉You'll see that once you start doing this consistently, your pain will have LESS power over you, putting YOU in control.

👉That's why, Focus more on FUNCTIONAL improvements, rather than fixate on if they are "pain-free" or not.

The benefit of exercise is like compound interest, - small amounts of effort, contributed day after day, eventually stac...

The benefit of exercise is like compound interest, - small amounts of effort, contributed day after day, eventually stack up into something s.

⚠️Difference Between Heel spur and Plantar fasciitis The difference between a heel spur and plantar fasciitis is that on...

⚠️Difference Between Heel spur and Plantar fasciitis

The difference between a heel spur and plantar fasciitis is that one is a calcium deposit, or bone growth (spur), and one is inflammation of a ligament.

These two issues are commonly confused with each other, though, because they can sometimes present in similar manners.

The plantar fascia is the ligament that runs along the bottom of your foot from heel to the front of your foot. This fleshy ligament acts as the shock absorber for all the pounding your feet put up with through your lifetime of walking, running, and jumping.

If the plantar fascia gets overworked or damaged, the ligament becomes inflamed and painful. Chronic or acute inflammation is called plantar fasciitis.

ℹ️Plantar Fasciitis Symptoms
Plantar fasciitis symptoms can include:

➡️Sharp pain on the bottom of the foot or near the heel standing in the morning or after rest (“first-step pain”).
➡️Discomfort when stretching the foot.
➡️Increased pain after exercise or activity.

A heel spur is a calcium deposit on the calcaneus, or heel bone. Despite the name “spur,” it is usually not a spiky protrusion but a smooth outgrowth that has developed over a long period.

Bone spurs are growth points off of the edge of a bone. These bone spurs typically develop near joints, where two or more bones meet.

Bone spurs are fairly common as we age, and you may not even realize you have them.

Depending on their location, bone spurs can lead to pain and loss of motion in joints. Some of the most common problem areas for bone spurs are:

➡️Foot and ankle

ℹ️Heel Spur Symptoms
Symptoms of heel spurs can include:

➡️Point of tenderness at the bottom of the heel that makes it hard to walk barefoot.
➡️Inflammation and swelling at the front of the heel.
➡️A dull ache in the heel throughout the day.
➡️Sharp heel pain when standing in the morning or after rest.

🔑What Causes A Heel Spur vs. Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis is most commonly caused by overuse or damage to the ligament, leading to inflammation and stiffness.

Heel spurs are most commonly caused by bruising or damage to the heel bone, causing a calcium deposit to form past the edge of the bone.


Luckily, it is rare for a heel spur to cause plantar fasciitis pain.

While many people with plantar fasciitis also have heel spurs, the spur is rarely the cause of the pain, so the pain can be treated without removing the spur.

To the same effect, plantar fasciitis doesn’t cause the growth of heel spurs.

🔑Risk Factors For Plantar Fasciitis and Heel Spurs
Whether you’ve already gone through a foot issue or you’re trying to prevent one in the future, it’s important to know the risk factors for plantar fasciitis and heel spurs, since these are two of the most common forms of foot discomfort.

Luckily (or unluckily, depending on how you look at it), the risk factors are mostly the same for both plantar fasciitis and heel spurs.

The largest risk factors for a heel spur or plantar fasciitis are:

➡️Occupations that require extended periods of standing or walking
➡️Being overweight or obese
➡️Tight calf muscles
➡️Having high arches or flat feet
➡️Overuse of the foot (walking, running, or otherwise exercising the foot for a very long time)

Two additional risk factors for heel spurs should be considered in addition to the above list:

➡️Trauma to the heel: Repetitive bruising to the heel and tearing the membrane that covers it can lead to the growth of heel spurs.

There are also two additional risk factors for plantar fasciitis:

➡️Age: Plantar fasciitis is most common in people between the ages of 40 and 60.
➡️Ankle Dorsiflexion: One study from Virginia Commonwealth University also found that the risk of plantar fasciitis increased when the range of motion in the ankle (ankle dorsiflexion) was reduced.

🔑How To Tell if You Have a Heel Spur Or Plantar Fasciitis
Understanding if your heel pain comes from a heel spur or plantar fasciitis can help you start down the road to pain relief.

Plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain. Approximately 2 million patients are treated for this condition every year.

Plantar fasciitis symptoms may be felt in the arch as well as the heel. Some patients have a duller pain before they notice the stabbing heel pain.

While many people with plantar fasciitis also have heel spurs, the spurs are not usually the cause of pain.

When a heel spur is indeed responsible, the jabbing pain may be centered in the heel.

Diagnosis for both heel spurs and plantar fasciitis is mostly done through clinical examination.

🔴Imaging (such as foot x-rays and MRIs) may also be involved with the diagnosis, although they are usually used to assist in ruling out other causes for heel pain.

Heel Spur vs. Plantar Fasciitis: Treatment
Knowing the difference between a heel spur and plantar fasciitis is the first step to getting relief. Next, it’s important to proceed to treatment before your situation progresses.

🔴In most cases, the recommended treatments for a heel spur and plantar fasciitis are consistent:

➡️Rest. If your doctor believes your heel pain comes from a specific high-impact activity, they will likely recommend you take a break from that activity. You’ll need to give your body a rest period to let it begin to heal.
➡️Ice. Icing your heel three to four times a day for 20 minutes can be very beneficial to decrease any inflammation. An easy way to do this is to freeze a water bottle and roll your heel over it.
➡️Proper shoes. By “proper” we mean activity-appropriate. If you’re going running, wear some running shoes. Hiking? Hiking boots are the ticket. Your doctor may also suggest shoe inserts to provide additional support.
➡️Calve stretches and exercises. Tight calves have been shown to highly impact heel pain. Working on stretching your calves and increasing your range of motion will help reduce pain.
➡️Night splints. When you wear a night splint your plantar fascia is consistently stretched while you sleep instead of shortening as you relax. Night splints can be especially helpful in eliminating morning soreness and pain.

🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥Heel pain🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥👉Heel pain with yoir first steps in the morning  or when you stand up after sitting can be due to hee...

🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥Heel pain🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

👉Heel pain with yoir first steps in the morning or when you stand up after sitting can be due to heel spur or plantar fasciitis.

👉Consult your doctor or visit nearby Physiotherapy center.

Contact : Movement Physiotherapy, GHATTAGHAR, Madhyapur Thimi

ANY exercise can be a "rehab" exercise if it helps the client reach their goals!

ANY exercise can be a "rehab" exercise if it helps the client reach their goals!


🔥🔥🔥Spinal Manipulation🔥🔥🔥

👉Spinal manipulation is a short (low-amplitude), quick(high-velocity)thrust over restricted joints
with the goal of restoring normal range of motion
in the joint.

3. REDUCE MUSCLE Tightness
4. Activates Anti-inflammatory
And many more.

👉 However these are Temporary.

👉The use of the technique allows to briefly restore/improve movement and then provide correct Rehab to improve the overall issue.

👉And you don't always need to hear click for to be effective.

👉But it is definitely cool when you get a Good One.

▪Neck pain is one of the most common work-related injuries. ▪More than 87% of computer workers report pain in the neck a...

▪Neck pain is one of the most common work-related injuries.
▪More than 87% of computer workers report pain in the neck and shoulder pain, ranging from acute to chronic pain.
▪Experts suggest that the most common causes of neck pain include awkward posture, injury, disability and disease.
▪However, neck pain that lasts longer than a couple of days and hinders your normal activity needs prompt medical attention.





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