#Physiotherapy #handrehabilitation #functionaltraining #recovery #rehabilitation #treatment #health
Spinal Manipulation
🔥🔥🔥Spinal Manipulation🔥🔥🔥
👉Spinal manipulation is a short (low-amplitude), quick(high-velocity)thrust over restricted joints
with the goal of restoring normal range of motion
in the joint.
3. REDUCE MUSCLE Tightness
4. Activates Anti-inflammatory
And many more.
👉 However these are Temporary.
👉The use of the technique allows to briefly restore/improve movement and then provide correct Rehab to improve the overall issue.
👉And you don't always need to hear click for to be effective.
👉But it is definitely cool when you get a Good One.
#spinalmanipulation #treatment #backpainrelief #recovery #physiotherapy
Happy new year
Happy new year
World health day
World health day
Mobilisation with movement (MWM) is a manual therapy technique based on the analysis and correction of any minor positional fault in a joint.
According to Mulligan, positional faults are due to various soft tissue and/or bone lesions in/around the joint.
This technique aims to realign joints positional faults by applying a manually specific oriented glide to a painful joint, assessing and adjusting force intensity, while the patient actively performs joint movement, so that patient's symptoms are immediately relieved and the maneuvers improve pain and movement.
Therefore, when a correction mobilization is sustained, pain-free movement is restored and several repetitions are performed in order to get an improvement that lasts over time.
The benefits of MWMs include:
• Reduced pain on movement of limbs
• Increased function
• Increased range of movement of limbs
#physicaltherapy #physiotherpapy #health #rehabilitation #mobilisation #frozenshoulder #anklesprain #treatment #injuryprevention #injuryrecovery
💥Post ACL reconstruction surgery Rehabilitation 💥
💥Post ACL reconstruction surgery Rehabilitation 💥
👉Successful anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction requires physical rehabilitation to help patients return to an active lifestyle.
👉Post-surgical rehab is especially critical, however, to help restore both stability and range of motion in your knee.
👉Rehab programs typically include exercises to increase strength, flexibility and endurance as well as coordination and agility.
👉Physical rehabilitation after ACL surgery is quite extensive and requires many months to complete.
👉Your orthopedic surgeon will work with your physical therapist to design an appropriate rehab program.
👉Faithfully completing the recommended exercise regimen will put you on track for a full recovery.
#physiotherapy #knee #kneepain #aclreconstruction #aclrecovery #recovery #pain #painrelief #movement #treatment #exercise #healthy #kneepainrelief #postsurgery #postsurgeryrecovery #viral #recoveryispossible #exercisemotivation #exerciseismedicine
Inital phase of Post - ACL surgery Rehabilitation
💥💥💥Road to recovery 💥💥💥
👉Glimpse of Inital phase of Post - ACL surgery Rehabilitation
#aclsurgery #postsurgeryrecovery #physiotherapy #rehabilitation #health #pain #kneepain #recovery #exercise #training #movement #movementismedicine
MOVEMENT PHYSIOTHERAPY CLINIC, Ghattaghar, Madhyapur Thimi Bhaktapur
We are providing our physiotherapy service at S.S. clinic building,Gatthaghar, Madhyapur Thimi.
हाम्रो सेवाहरू
१• हाड जोनी सम्बन्धी
•घुडाँ दुखेको, ढाड दुखेको, गर्दन दुखेको,
कुडना दुखेको, पैताला दुखेको,हड्डी भाँच्चिएको (Fractures & Dislocations)मर्केको, सुन्निएको मासुको च्यापिएको / च्यातिएको
Ligament Injuries आदि
२• न्युरोलोजी सम्बन्धी
गर्दन / ढाडमा नशा च्यापिएको हात खुट्टा फम्फमाउने / लाटो भएको /पक्षघात भएको /मेरुदण्डको चोटपटक /
मुख बाँगो भएको(Bell's/ Facial Palsy)
३• बाल रोग सम्बन्धी
जन्मजात देखिने समस्या जस्तैः
Cerebral, Palsy, Autism, Down's Syndrome,
Muscular Dystrophy, Developmental Delay
४• मुटु तथा छाती रोग सम्बन्धी
श्वासप्रश्वास सम्बन्धी समस्या, मुटु / फोक्सोंको शल्यक्रिया
पश्चात चाहिने अभ्यास (Rehabilitation)
Covid -19 पश्चात हुने श्वासप्रश्वास सम्बन्धी समस्या (Post COVID-19 Rehabilitation)
५• खेलकुद सम्बन्धी
खेलकुदको क्रममा घाइते भएमा, चोटपटक लागेर
सुन्निएको, मर्किएको, चोटपटक लाग्नै नदिन र सतर्क हुन
गरिने अभ्या
Frozen shoulder
Frozen shoulder, also called adhesive capsulitis, causes pain and stiffness in the shoulder. Over time, the shoulder becomes very hard to move.
After a period of worsening symptoms, frozen shoulder tends to get better, although full recovery may take up to 3 years. Physical therapy, with a focus on shoulder flexibility, is the primary treatment recommendation for frozen shoulder.
#physiotherapy #frozenshoulder #physicaltherapy #health #shoulder #shoulderpain #relief #exercise