Stop Making Yourself Poor
Stop saying you don't have enough, that you don't get enough, or that you earn too little. If you keep declaring poverty, poverty is what you're going to get. Break the habit of playing the victim. You'll never improve like this.
The first thing you need to change is your **self-concept**.
You are not poor; you are just temporarily broke. The money will come; you will get it. But first, you must adopt a new state of mind. Remember that your financial status is a reflection of your mental state. If you see money, wealth, opportunities, and progress in your mind, soon that will be reflected in your pockets.
The second thing to improve is your **evaluation**.
Don't settle for small things; aim for big goals. Learn to manage what you have. Don't spend recklessly; define your priorities well.
The third thing to improve is your **language**.
Change your words. Some people talk all day about illnesses or not having enough. When asked how they are doing, they respond reluctantly with phrases like "Here, sort of," "Getting by," "Barely making it," or "You don't earn much, but you enjoy." These expressions plant seeds of more need. Change your words and move to the wealth lane. When asked how you are, reply with attitude: "Great!" "Making progress!" "Feeling positive!" Your words create a new vibration.
You are blessed.