Anjum & Kashif Eye Care Associates

Anjum & Kashif Eye Care Associates WELCOME TO ANJUM & KASHIF EYE CARE ASSOCIATES OF LAHORE. Dr. Kashif Raza Khan, Optometrist H. Anjum

انجم آئی کئیر اینڈ آپٹیکل کمپنی 2nd برانچ ملحقہ الخیر آئی ہسپتال لاہور پر سہیل کے پاس ایک گاہک عینک کی ٹانگ لگوانے آیا.....

انجم آئی کئیر اینڈ آپٹیکل کمپنی 2nd برانچ ملحقہ الخیر آئی ہسپتال لاہور پر سہیل کے پاس ایک گاہک عینک کی ٹانگ لگوانے آیا.. وہ اس وقت بڑے ہی اچھے موڈ میں تھا لہذٰا اس نے اس کی قیمت محض سو روپے ڈیمانڈ کی.. گاہک کو اندازہ تھا کہ قیمت معقول ہے مگر پھر بھی اس نے سوچا کہ شاید ابھی بھی زیادہ مانگے ہوں.. اس نے کہا پچاس روپے لے لیں اور ٹانگ لگادیں.. سہیل نے کہا سو سے ننانوے بھی نہیں ہوں گے.. تو گاہک نے سیانا بننے کی کوشش کرتے ہوئے اپنے پاس سے کہہ دیا “یہی لات شاہ عالمی میں پچاس میں لگا کر دے رہے ہیں.

” سہیل کا موڈ خراب ہوگیا.. اس نے کہا کہ اگر لینی ہے تو سو روپے میں لے لو.. اس سے کم نہیں ہوں گے.. اگر آگے سے پتہ کرکے دوبارہ لگوانے آؤ گے تو ایک سو پچاس سے کم نہیں لوں گا… گاہک نہیں مانا.. اور آگے چلا گیا.. کوئی دو گھنٹے مختلف دکانیں اور سٹال گھومنے کے بعد واپس آیا اور کہا یہ لو بھائی سو روپے اور لگا دو..سہیل نے کہا کہ میں نے جاتے ہوئے کہا تھا کہ اگر مارکیٹ گھوم کر آؤ گے تو ایک سو پچاس سے کم نہیں ہوں گے.. لہذٰا اب ایک سو پچاس میں لگے گی.. وہ پھر سے واپس مڑنے لگا.. تب سہیل نے کہا اس بار مڑ کر آؤ گے تو پورے دو سو لوں گا.. یہی ہوا.. وہ مزید ایک ڈیڑھ گھنٹہ مارکیٹ گھوم کر واپس آیا.. اور منتیں کرنے لگا کہ اب ایک سو پچاس میں ہی لگا دو مگر بھائی نہیں مانا.. بالآخر وہ دو سو میں لگوانے پر رضامند ہوگیا.. سہیل نے عینک کی نئی ٹانگ لگائی اور دو سو لیکر نا صرف بیس واپس کردئیے بلکہ بوتل بھی پلائی اور کہا کہ یہ صرف اس لیے بڑی دور سے آئے ہو اور بازار گھوم گھوم کر کافی تھک گئے ہوگے… گاہک نے بھی انکشاف کیا کہ مارکیٹ میں واقعی دو سو ریٹ ہے مگر وہ مارکیٹ چھوڑ کر یہاں سے دو سو میں لینا چاہے گا..اگر اس وقت وہ گاہک اپنی انا کا مسئلہ بنالیتا اور مہنگے داموں ہی سہیل سے عینک کی ٹانگ لگوانے کا فیصلہ نا کرتا.

تو نا صرف وہ سو روپے کی بچت سے محروم رہتا بلکہ زندگی بھر کے لیے ایک اچھے دوست سے بھی محروم رہتا.. ہماری زندگی میں کئی بار ایسا ہوتا ہے کہ پہلی مرتبہ ہی ڈایریکٹ کسی درست انسان سے ٹکر ہوجاتی ہے مگر ہم ٹرسٹ نہیں کرتے.. اس کے بعد ایک سے ایک ہر دوسرے پھر تیسرے فرد کو آزماتے ہیں مگر ہماری انا واپس اسی شخص کے پاس جانے سے روکے رکھتی ہے.. اگر ہم واپس مڑنا سیکھ لیں تو اس گاہک کی طرح ایک بہترین انسان بن کر دوسرے بہترین انسان کا ساتھ پاسکتے ہیں۔

The eye is a complex organ responsible for our sense of vision. Here's a brief overview of the major components and thei...

The eye is a complex organ responsible for our sense of vision. Here's a brief overview of the major components and their functions:

Cornea: The cornea is the clear, dome-shaped front surface of the eye. It acts as a protective barrier and helps to focus incoming light onto the retina.

Iris: The iris is the colored part of the eye that surrounds the pupil. It controls the size of the pupil and regulates the amount of light entering the eye.

Pupil: The pupil is the black circular opening in the center of the iris. It expands or contracts to control the amount of light reaching the retina.

Lens: The lens is a clear, flexible structure located behind the iris. It helps to focus light onto the retina by changing its shape through a process called accommodation.

Retina: The retina is a thin layer of tissue at the back of the eye that contains millions of light-sensitive cells called photoreceptors. These cells convert light into electrical signals that are transmitted to the brain through the optic nerve.

Macula: The macula is a small area in the center of the retina that is responsible for detailed central vision and color perception. It contains a high concentration of photoreceptor cells called cones.

Optic Nerve: The optic nerve carries the electrical signals from the retina to the brain, where they are processed and interpreted as visual information.

Vitreous Humor: The vitreous humor is a clear, gel-like substance that fills the center of the eye, helping to maintain its shape and provide support to the retina.

Aqueous Humor: The aqueous humor is a clear fluid that fills the front part of the eye, between the cornea and the lens. It nourishes the cornea and lens, and helps maintain the eye's pressure.

Sclera: The sclera is the tough, white outer layer of the eye that provides protection and support to the internal structures.

Conjunctiva: The conjunctiva is a thin, transparent layer of tissue that covers the front surface of the eye and the inner surface of the eyelids. It helps to lubricate and protect the eye.

The process of vision involves the following steps:

Light enters the eye through the cornea and pupil.
The lens focuses the light onto the retina.
The photoreceptor cells in the retina (rods and cones) convert the light into electrical signals.
These electrical signals are transmitted through the optic nerve to the brain.
The brain interprets the electrical signals as visual images.

Distinguishing dendrites:▶️ The term dendrite is defined as a branching treelike figure. This term describes a shape. Wh...

Distinguishing dendrites:
▶️ The term dendrite is defined as a branching treelike figure. This term describes a shape. When clinicians see a "branching treelike figure" in the corneal epithelium, the most immediate thought is herpes simplex virus (HSV) keratitis. It is important for clinicians to realize that a dendrite (referring to the shape) is not always the infectious epithelial lesion of HSV. There are many other "dendritic" lesions of the corneal epithelium that are not due to HSV and have been referred to as "pseudodendrites." It is very common to see patients with healing epithelial defects or neurotrophic epitheliopathy present with a "dendrite" or a branching epithelial lesion. These patients are often placed on topical antivirals, which leads to delayed epithelial healing and persistence of this pseudodendrite. In addition, the label of HSV is often permanently attached to the patient.
▶️ Many epithelial lesions have a dendritic shape. Although most of these lesions are pseudodendrites, they are frequently misdiagnosed as herpes simplex virus (HSV). The shape differences between these dendrites are subtle, but do exist.
▶️ True HSV dendrites typically presents as a unilateral, branching lesion with little end bulbs, which stain very brightly with fluorescein. It's usually in the context of previous herpetic infections. True HSV also progresses in stages. Vesicles will form and appear as small, raised lesions at first and will not stain with fluorescein. Vesicles should not be confused with punctate epithelial erosions, which stain positively with fluorescein. Within approximately 24 hours, these vesicles coalesce to form the classic dendrite.
HSV, however, doesn't always present this way. For example, immune-compromised patients may have vesicles only and no dendrite. On the other hand, patients with recurrent HSV keratitis and intact immune systems may have these vesicles early on in a recurrence prior to examination. If a patient has an enlarged dendrite that's not linear, it's a geographic ulcer. A classic clinical observation is a scalloped-shaped boarder, not to be confused with healing abrasions and epithelial defects from neurotrophic keratopathy, which have smooth borders. "Many clinicians associate prior topical steroid use with geographic ulcers, but a geographic ulcer from HSV may form without prior topical steroid use as well.
▶️ Pinpointing pseudodendrites:
The term pseudodendrite is a little bit of a misnomer.
pseudodendrites are called so because they are not herpes simplex, but they are in fact dendrites.
Varicella zoster (VZV) dendrites are quite different from HSV. For example, unlike HSV, which stains brightly, VZV stains minimally. It has a "stuck on appearance" that's elevated and presents as "convoluted clusters,".
VZV can take on a medusa-like form, with its many branches and lack of end bulbs. Furthermore, VZV is typically found in the periphery of the cornea.
They're also more superficial and have no central ulceration.
• Pseudodendrites have a wide variety of causes including neurotrophic epitheliopathy, Acanthamoeba, healing epithelial defect, and recurrent erosion syndrome. In neurotrophic epitheliopathy, the pseudodendrite is often in the interpalpebral region of the cornea. Acanthamoeba may be to blame if a patient has a history of improper contact lens wear and hygiene, and uses contacts while swimming or in hot tubs. "Symptoms can range from foreign body sensation to pain out of proportion to the clinical appearance,".
Isolated epithelial pseudodendrites can appear as granular, cystic-appearing epithelium with little or no stromal inflammation." If a patient has a history of corneal abrasion, no prior history of herpes simplex, and no ulceration upon exam, the pseudodendrite is likely due to a healing epithelial defect. However, if the patient's affected eye was recently cut or injured, consider recurrent erosion syndrome. "[Patients have] classic clinical history of awaking at night or upon first awakening sudden pain, 'like my eye lid is ripping the skin off my eye.
Always check the fellow eye to determine if there are any signs of epithelial basement membrane degeneration." In rare cases, pseudodendrites can be caused by tyrosinemia type 2. Those patients will have associated findings of mental retardation and hyperkeratosis of the hands and feet.

Dacryocystitis:-Infection of the lacrimal sac is usually secondary to obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct. It may be ac...

Infection of the lacrimal sac is usually secondary to obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct. It may be acute or chronic and is most commonly staphylococcal or streptococcal.
*Acute dacryocystitis*
Presentation is with the subacute onset of pain in the medial
canthal area, associated with epiphora. A very tender, tense red swelling develops at the medial canthus, commonly progressing to abscess formation. There may be associated preseptal cellulitis.
• Treatment
○ Initial treatment involves the application of warm compresses and oral antibiotics such as flucloxacillin or co-amoxiclav. Irrigation and probing should not be performed.
○ Incision and drainage may be considered if pus points and an abscess is about to drain spontaneously. However, this carries the risk of a persistent sac–skin fistula.
○ Dacryocystorhinostomy is commonly required after the acute infection has been controlled and may reduce the risk of recurrent infection and can result in closure of a fistula.
*Chronic dacryocystitis*
Presentation is with chronic epiphora, which may be associated with a chronic or recurrent unilateral conjunctivitis. A mucocoele is usually evident as a painless swelling at the inner canthus, but if an obvious swelling is absent pressure over the sac commonly still results in mucopurulent canalicular reflux. Treatment is with a dacryocystorhinostomy.



Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 19:30
Tuesday 09:00 - 19:30
Wednesday 09:00 - 19:30
Thursday 09:00 - 19:29
Friday 09:00 - 19:30
Saturday 09:00 - 19:30





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