
Dietclub.bk Information about your diet, eating plans, healthy life style and how to combat with disease through food only :)


The health benefits of Anjeer / Figs✨✨
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It’s Kids Eat Right Month! Book an appointment now to keep your children on a yummy and nutritious track.               ...

It’s Kids Eat Right Month! Book an appointment now to keep your children on a yummy and nutritious track.

Get your diet plan today and start living carefree. Happy Eating!

Get your diet plan today and start living carefree. Happy Eating!

Wishing You All a Happy and Healthy Eid✨Don’t forget to share these tips with you friends and family✨                   ...

Wishing You All a Happy and Healthy Eid✨
Don’t forget to share these tips with you friends and family✨

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Client's feedback


Vitamin DWe all know that vitamin D, can be made in our body with the help of sunshine. In UK because of less sunshine ,...

Vitamin D

We all know that vitamin D, can be made in our body with the help of sunshine. In UK because of less sunshine , and high use of sun creams in winter the Department of Health now recommends everyone to have vitamin D supplements 10 mcg a day specially in winter months.

I can not recommend what's happening in Pakistan/India/ Bangladesh . There's plenty of sunshine but perhaps because of pollution you can't get the goodness from it, but honestly I'm not sure, and I don't know, if people are low in vitamin D there or not.

Even if you have a calcium-rich diet without enough vitamin D you cannot absorb the calcium into your bones and cells where it is needed.

So the main source is sunshine vitamin . There are some foods which might help you improve your Vitamin D levels.
Oily fish such as salmon, sardines, pilchards, trout, herring, kippers .

Cod liver oil contains a lot of vitamin D (don’t take this if you are pregnant, and please don't take vitamin D supplementation if you are having the cod liver oil).
Egg yolk, meat, offal and milk contain small amounts , and can vary with seasons.

Some breakfast cereals and margarines are also fortified with Vitamin D , so you can consider buying those.
To come to think of it there isn't much you can eat to get Vitamin D .The answer is sunshine and if no sunshine then possibly supplementation ; if your levels are low.

DM for customized eating plan.......

DM for customized eating plan.......

Get registered yourself for online Internship programe.......DM for details

Get registered yourself for online Internship programe.......DM for details


Some tips for Eid ul Azha:
◾The consumption of large amounts of sheep meat is not recommended because sheep meat has approximately 20% fat content, and provides a large amount of energy per serving.
◾Select the lean cuts of sheep meat, such as rib and shank (without the external fat), which have a 6% fat content.
◾Other ways to reduce fat consumption Include other types of meat, lean beef cuts and chicken, have a lower fat content. Removing the visible fat during preparation of the meat cuts for grilling.
◾Avoid consumption of internal organs, which contain large amounts of fat and cholesterol.Consuming meat at one main meal served during the day, it is preferable not to postpone this meal to the late evening hours.
◾Include foods than contain dietary fiber, such as whole grains, raw or cooked vegetables of varied colors and types.
◾Grilling on coals is a less preferable method of cooking, because the meat is cooked at high temperatures, altering the protein and creating substances that are suspected of being carcinogenic.
◾It is preferable to prepare meat by cooking or by baking in oven rather than by grilling on the barbecue.
◾ Do not drink any kind of soft drinks as they can cause acidosis. Prefer simple plain water, lemon juice or green tea.
◾It is suggested that one must finish off the last meal 2 hours before the sleeping time and walk for 30 min before going to sleep.
◾Do not add oil to your marinades, as this introduces unnecessary fat.


🚩DIET and NUTRITION in Covid-19
. During this Pandemic one should use immunity booster diet 🍉🍋🍌🍇🍎
1) High Fiber diet Including Fruits, Fresh vegetables, whole grains... Lemon, Grapefruit, strawberry, Apples, carrot, Lime and Garlic ----> (Vit A&C)Ginger lemon Qahwa - - -> (Decrease inflammation and helpful in sore throat and nausea) Yougart and Honey - - - > (vit d) Almond - - - > (Vit E) TUMARIC (ہلدی) - - - > (Antiviral effects) GREEN tea - - - > (Immune booster) Poultry - - - > (vit B12 and Healthy redcell production) Meat, Fish, egg and milk.

Take Tap water and Frsh Juices Especially Lemon and mint juices
Avoid Coffee, strong tea and caffeine containing Soft Drinks.


3) Add Calcium Ca-C 1000 (One Tab daily for One week) TAB surbex Z (One tab daily)

STAYING HAPPY 😁 Boost your Immunity so enjoy FAMILY MEALS.. KEEP SMILING 😊

Don't take stress Have Faith In ALLAH and Have Patience over and over again 🕋
Ask for Forgiveness 🙏



Nutritional problems when recovering from covid.

Even before patients are admitted to hospital they are nutritionally compromised with a reduced appetite from being unwell, taste changes and shortness of breath.

Once in hospital it is hard to eat if you are wearing an oxygen mask or struggling to breath.

Patients may have been on ITU for weeks and lost muscle mass due to being catabolic. Muscle weakness in their arms prevent them from feeding themselves and they feel fatigued.

Many patients may have had tubes inserted into their wind pipes to ensure the ventilators worked properly on ITU and this can lead to poor swallowing once off the ventilator and awake again.


Please Read Carefully
Its Corona Positive Patients Home and Hospital Management Procedures

If you have symptoms of fever cough ,
pains in the body and your test of corona is positive Suspected or even if negative as false negative is also very common.
So if symptoms consider it to be corona and start taking precautions and do the following along with duas and astaghfar.

The things you need for HOME🏘 management :

1🔴 Thermometer🌡

2🔴 Pulse oximeter You can get a small wireless one for Rs 3000

3🔴 Disinfectant solution in spray bottles (1 part bleech or dettol + 10 parts water )

4🔴 Gloves, masks, protective aprons

5🔴 Separate utensils for food better disposable.

6🔴 Hand santizers.

Now basic precautions and what a care giver needs to do🤔

1🎗 If it is necessary to go to the room of an infected person then Use PPE when getting close to patient with N95 mask goggles or face shield and gloves and dispose off after leaving the room. Otherwise complete isolation ,don’t enter the room. Leave food outside in disposable plates and spoon. Or normal dishes if the patient can wash himself.

2🎗 Frequent use of hand sanitizer before you enter and after you leave that room and apply disinfectant spray to all the handles and k***s of the door.

3🎗Separate washroom for positive patient and patient to use spray solution generously after every use. If number of infected are more then allocate one washroom to all positive people.

4🎗Room isolation of patient is of course mandatory.

5🎗For dirty clothes, wash all clothes with standard detergent and warm watter

Now the MEDICAL aspect.

1♨ Panadol 2 tab 6 hourly (for fever or aches and pains).

2♨Tab Azithromycin 500mg OD for 5days

3♨Mucolyter sachet/cough syp three times a day in a glass of water.

4♨Nebulize with Ventolin 1cc+ NS 2cc 6 hourly if shortness of breath.

5♨ Tab Rigix 1 daily (if there is sneezing)

6♨ Tab Loprin 75 1 daily
7 gargles with normal saline three times a day

Awake proning for 1 hour or as much as possible after every three hours (lying in prone position and taking deep breaths) (proning is الٹا لیٹنا )

Now LAB⏳ PARAMETERS to be done every 72 hours.

1🌈 CBC
2.🌈 Procalcitonin
3🌈 D-Dimers
6🌈 CRP

Now coming to herbal things and گھریلو ٹوٹکے 🇵🇰🍵🍹

🤧Steam inhalation 3 times daily

🌰🥔Kolwanji, Honey , few seeds twice daily

🌰🍒Khajoor (Ajwa preferrably)

(Sanna Makhi
Daal Chini and Sugar As per Taste )

Vitamins: 🎯🎯🎯

1. Zincat syrup 1 tablespoon daily

2. CaC 1000/ Cecon 1 daily

3. B complex 1 daily (surbex-Z)

4. Vit D ( 200,000iu once a week)


1. Daily caloric requirement should be achieved. High protein diet. If doesn’t eat anything because of anorexia then supplements like liquid Ensure etc🙋‍♂

2. Add fresh fruits and vegetables.🍌🍍🍒🍓🥭🍉

3. use milk shakes🥤🍹🥛

4. A lot of fluids 🥃🥃

5. Standard roti, chawal with salan at meal times🍽🥟

Now most important RELIGIOUS ASPECT :

1. Namaz 🙏🙏🙏and Allah sy dua🤲

2. There are alot of duas for better health and for astaghfar.🙅‍♂

3. Sadka to maximum of your capacity💞❤.

4. Don't loose hope. emotional break down is quite common. Allah’s help is the only answer. Dua has its taseer and should be an integral part. Pray🤲 with full confidence. Allah is always there to help you. 👍👍👍

In home management, you can manage a pateint only to a limit after which you may need hospitalisation.

which require immediate and Urgent🔥 hospitalisation🚑:

1⛔ Oxygen saturation reaching or less than 92%on rest.

2⛔ Altered mentation

3⛔ Any signs of dehydration

4⛔ Tachypnea of greater than 25 breaths/min.

5⛔ Visible respiratory distress on rest

6⛔very severe cough with shortness of breath.

Symptoms which you may think are worrisome but may just need reassurance

1🎯 A lot of Aches and pains (can be managed by panadol )

2🎯 Fever spikes (up to a point where these are managable by panadol)

3🎯 may have few episodes of loose stools but usually self limiting

4🎯Some shortness of breath on exertion, walking, going to washroom (looking for oxygen saturation is critical again).

5🎯 Developement of any rash

6🎯. Anorexia

7🎯- Avoid Brufen ✋

One last thing,
this infection is extremely contagious but not very lethal. Majority recovers at home

I again would like to stress on seeking medical guidance before you commence to home management.

Please Remember us in your Prayers.
May Allah🤲 Protect us from Corona Pandemic
Jazakallah khair

Always try to take healthy food with full of nutrients.............

Always try to take healthy food with full of nutrients.............


🔶Iftaar drink option
🔶Lemonade is a very refreshing drink, and this is the best one ever!
🔶Since lemonade is made from freshly squeezed lemons. Lemon juice is full of minerals and vitamins, especially vitamin C, which helps strengthen your immune system. It also helps digestion and mineral absorption and aids weight loss
🔶It promotes hydration.
🔶It's a good source of vitamin C.
🔶It supports weight loss.
🔶It improves your skin quality.
🔶It aids digestion.
🔶It freshens breath.
🔶It helps prevent kidney stones.


Water imbalances (Dehydration)

Temperature is rising now everywhere and so many people are doing extensive exercises. Check your water intake to avoid dehydration.
Dehydration occurs due to negative water balance in body. Under normal and non exercise conditions water loss can occur.
Psychological problems cause more severe dehydration.

Water plays a vital role in our Growth, acts as catalyst, controls temperature and regulates mineral sources.

Water Intake as per your body weight. (Avg)
50kg 2L 8 Glass
75kg 3L 10 Glass
100kg 4L 12 Glass

Weather and body size changes water requirement so add 3 cups more in your daily intake.

Before During & After Exercise :
Water loss in body happens through sweating during exercise days water loss increased by 1 - 2 ltr so make sure add extra water daily while before during & after workout.

Water loss CAUSES :
Vomiting Diarrhea Fever Sweating Dialysis Burns Trauma Kidney Failure Diuretic Diabetes Mellitus ketoacidosis Hypoaldosteronism Diabetes Inspidius.

Online consultation  plans #

Online consultation plans #

Chicken sizzler  rice     vibes #

Chicken sizzler rice vibes #

As Ramadan's ahead, lets try this drink called Nabeez (Nabidh), a drink that Holy Prophet (PBUH) used to consume back in...

As Ramadan's ahead, lets try this drink called Nabeez (Nabidh), a drink that Holy Prophet (PBUH) used to consume back in the days. Made with water, raisins (kishmish) and dates, its an alkalizing tonic having the tendency to remove acidity from the stomach and digestive system and it also helps to remove other metabolic wastes from the body. It improves digestion as it's high in soluble fibre and it strengthens the memory. It assists the spleen function, liver, throat, chest and prostate, and so is particularly good for men. Also to let you guys know, Nabeez will also benefit patients of Arthritis and elevated levels of Uric Acid (gout) and making Nabeez is simple too. Just as simple as soaking the dates (or raisins/sultanas) overnight and drinking the water in which they were soaked in the morning, but when it is embraced and honoured as one of the great Sunnahs of our Holy Prophet (PBUH) and the idea behind soaking dates or raisins in water is so that they sweeten the water and become softened. Softened dates/raisins release their vitamins and minerals more easily and are easier to digest. Please do remember that Nabeez should be consumed within 12 hours of soaking time, but if it is kept air tight inside the refrigerator, it will not spoil for 2-3 days.

Also, please make sure that once you prepare this drink, it should not be kept after more than 2-3 days, otherwise it may start to ferment, which is the start of the alcohol brewing process. Let's try this! :)

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World health day #

Chocolate souffle  mutton karahi  dynamite  paratha  vibes  #

Chocolate souffle mutton karahi dynamite paratha vibes #

Client plate   healthy  plan #

Client plate healthy plan #


Shah Faisalabad



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