IMM Ospe ( 15th Dec 2020, 8:30 am )
1) GIT Examination
2) Xray having Right upper zone infiltrates and air fluid level with right shifted trachea (Pulm TB) and at the same station there was ECG with II,III, avF T inv and Concave shaped ST elevations in precordial leads and lead I and aVL (Acute Pericarditis)
3) Multiple Ischemic Infarcts CT scan
4) Diabetic Amyotrophy scenario
5) Multiple Myeloma scenario
6) Patient with leukemia, 63 years age, lesion on lower lip > Herpes Labialis
7) Different sized Venturi masks and Oxygen Mask with tubing
8) Chest Examination
9) CKD > cause of anemia in CKD?
Also other complications of CKD
10) Pulm Embolism scenario (a female after delivery and hospital stay was about to be discharged when developed SOB and Tachycardia and BP of 90/60 developed, there was right sided crepts in the lower zone (left or right sided crepts > i mean only one side was jnvolved), and pedal edema .... Diagnosis, next steps, causes of PE in this female?
11) Thyroid Storm scenario (MNG patient has surgery and now developed ..... Features of throud storm mentioned )
12) HIV needle stick injury counselling station