آگاہی میسج
ڈاکٹر عمر فاروق
گردے مسانے کے مریض لیے خصوصی پیغام..
While not having RIRS, I tried rigid in pelvis , though it was good experience
#surgey #squad #1plus1=11 #urologist #cancerSurgery #RenalMass #radicalNephrectomy #subcostalAproach
(مردانہ گدود کا لیزر سے آپریشن).
پروسٹیٹ (مردانہ گدود) کی الامت.
1-بار بار پیشاب کرنے کی خواہش۔
2-پیشاب کرنے کے لیے رات کو کئی بار اٹھنا پڑتا ہے۔
3-پیشاب یا منی میں خون۔
4-پیشاب میں درد یا جلن۔
دردناک انزال۔
5-کمر کے نچلے حصے، کولہوں، شرونیی یا ملاشی کے علاقے، یا اوپری رانوں میں بار بار درد یا سختی۔
پیشاب کا ٹپکنا۔
(پروسٹیٹ اینڈوسکوپک سرجری کا تفصیلی جائزہ)
الحمدللہ اینڈورولوجی جی بی..
TURP ( mardana gadood ki laser SA surgery )
EndoUrology #GB
TURP (مردانہ گدود کی لیزر سے سرجری).
اینڈو یورولوجی #GB
First ever performed Nephron sparing surgery at Govt City-ssg Hospital Gilgit for a right renal mass.
Patient is discharged on 5th post op day and histopath Is awaited.
I am deeply thankyu to my mentors Gen (Rt) Arshad Mahmood , @brig (Rt) Akmal Mehmood , Qamar Zia , Faran Kiani and Muhammad nawaz (peer shb ) .
This surgery won't happend if I didn't get the confidence of my surgical team RHQ Gilgit lead Dr Imran cheif surgeon and Dr Muhammad Iqbal senior surgeon (MS RHQ Gilgit) .
Huge respect and thumbs up to my HOD urology deptt Khawar Suleman and co pilot during the procedure for his guidence throughout the surgery .
I am thankful to the OT team ( Hakeem ,Ahmed ) specially anesthetist Dr zia n Faisal for there cooperation .
#UKcombo #GB.
#moreToComeSooner #insallah
A 56 year old gentle man with c/o hematuria total gross painless with clots for past 4 year on and off . Rest systemic history was unremarkable.
Patient was subjected cystoscopy plus TURB , alhumdullah did complete resection with deep biopsy separately taken for histopath.
DRE was normal
Bimanually not palpable.
EndoUrology #GB
Young patient with stainstrausee ( distal ureteric multiple stone with leading fragment more then 1cm ) plus 1 cm PUJ stone and moderate HNU , subject single stagged URS LC DJ stenting .
Allhumdullah achieved complete clearance .
EndoUrology GB✌
Elderly age female patient with obstructive uropathy due to right renal calculus at PUJ 3cm and left proximal ureteric calculus 1.5cm with moderate HN and raised sr cr 3.8ng/dl .
Subjected biltral URS right DJ stenting plus left LC and DJ stenting
بائیں گردے کی نالی میں پھتری جس کا لیزر (laser) سے علاج ۔
A 75 year old male patient came to OPD with mixed LUTs more of voidings for past 6 months , he was already on combination therapy since then . Patient was investigated and diagnosed as enlarged prostate with benign feel prostate with normal ranged PSA levels, patient was subjected cystoscopy and proceed ( TURP ) .
EndoUrology #GB
#Surgery of schizophrenic patient#TURP
65 year old gentleman with c/o gross hematuria for past 6 months, after investigation turn out to be a bladder growth. Patient subjected to TURB .
Did TURB complete with post of MMC instillation I/V.
#endoUrology #GB
65 سال کے اک بزرگ کو 6 مہنوں سے چھوٹے پیشاپ میں خون آنے کی شکائت سے تشریف لایا، انکے ٹیسٹ کروانے پر مسانے کا کینسر نکلا، جسکو لیزر سے نکلا گیا اور 24 گنٹو ں کے اندر مسانے میں
(chemotherapy) والا اینجکشن ڈالا گیا۔
82 year old male patient came with gross painless total hematuria with clots for pas 6 month and LUTs with IPSS moderate score.
Significant weight loss appreciated .
Upon detailed investigations it turns out to be bladder growth involving left half of triagone including UO , left anterio lateral wall plus half of neck highly suspicious to involve prostate too
Debunking almost 95percent of TURBT done.
ایک 90 سالہ مرد مریض جس میں مثانے کی پتھری اور بڑھی ہوئی پروسٹیٹ کی تشخیص ہوئی.TURP(پروسٹیٹ کا لیزر سے آپریشن) cystolithopexy اورمثانے کی پتری کا لیزر سے #آپریشن ۔
اینڈو یورولوجی
جی بی
#A 90 year old male patient with obstructive Luts diagnosed as bladder stone and enlarged prostate .
Subjected to cystolithopexy and TURP.
Allhumdullah went un.eventfull.
Alhamdullah ❤
#for every thing🖤
Left distal ureteric stone subjected left URS LC DJ stenting....
#endo urology GB❤
Bladder tumor ( masanay Ka cancer ) subjected TURBT ( cancer Ka laser SA elaj )
Endo urology GB❤