Who would've guessed or thought, how the recent body aches (after sports) has got to do with guilt with dissapointing the parents during his teenage years.
More so, after the passing of his father.
The guilt has found its way to present itself, so it gets the chance for Andrew (not real name), to heal from the hidden emotions. So his body is free to enjoy his time-off and feels safe to take a breather without the need of the "invisible approval".
Another new request for MindScape Workshop on Sunday and Monday (Sep 29 & 30! [Instead of regular ones happening on full-weekend].
MINDSCAPE supports the Subconscious-Mind to redefine our priorities.
Doing what's most important, instead of reaching to only what's urgent.
Shedding light from within as you enhance mental clarity. So we can apply Intuition to manifest effectively, to the best interest of our entire BODY-MIND-EMOTION-SPIRITUAL needs.
MANIFESTING your heart's desires with MindScape.
If you can join us, click here to secure your seats >>> www.bodytalk.com.sg/product/mindscape-workshop/.
5th out of 5 "BEST TIME" to receive a BodyTalk session!
Last but not least, the FIFTH criteria, to have BodyTalk. It's very unique, and that is when you DON'T have any particular symptoms. You're doing great!!!.
It is time for us to do "servicing", to maintain. So that when the time has come, when you reach your next level, when opportunity arise, you are ready!!!.
This is to prevent hiccups, to prevent any breakdown, even to the extent of learning a SELF-CARE tool, so that you can self maintain your health. You can go with the flow.
If there's any challenges that comes in your way, you can deal with it (with resilience), much better. So, this will be the perfect timing to DO BodyTalk when there is NO Symptom!!!
There you go. Those are the FIVE areas that BodyTalk would be most helpful.
Whether you have RECURRING symptom or NO symptoms. At any time, for any age. BodyTalk session can definitely help to take you to your next level of growth. When you're ready to book your BodyTalk session, contact us and we will get in touch with you.
4th out of 5 "BEST TIME" to receive a BodyTalk session!
The FORTH scenario is to observe whether you are stuck in a loop. A loop as in, you are in PLATEAU.
You may be studying, trying to upskill, BUT nothing is changing, that you're not able to do something different.
You keep repeating the same pattern over and over again no matter how hard you try.
This will also be a time for the body to have an UPGRADE!. It's almost like the "system hangs".
It's not able to move to the next level of your growth. This will be also a perfect timing for BodyTalk.
3rd out of 5 "BEST TIME" to receive a BodyTalk session!
THIRD scenario is that BodyTalk will be most helpful is when there are any recurring patterns in relationships. At home with family members and children, at work with colleagues and bosses, as well as with friends.
Some of the key markers or patterns are feeling submissive!
Or on a contrary, need to have control, have a last say, need for validation and approval, waiting for orders from the boss or even from the kids at home.
That our schedule CAN'T really run on its own without their "APPROVAL".
So this again is amazing time to get a BodyTalk session, so that we can regain our personal power.
2nd out of 5 "BEST TIME" to receive a BodyTalk session!
SECOND scenario, if you are aware that your body is over-reliant on any external factors, whether it is something you take orally, there's someone or a group of people that you are relying on. It also means that your body is not able to do that job on its own. 🥲
So it takes a lot of awareness to come to realize that this is happening. If that's the case, BodyTalk will be perfect to help you regain your own self worth, regain your own confidence so that you can do things with minimally relying on external factors.
Best times for BodyTalk session #1
1st out of 5 "BEST TIME" to receive a BodyTalk session!
FIRST, is when there are recurring symptoms, whether the symptoms recurs on monthly basis, quarterly basis, weather changes, or when you do certain / specific things.
A conditioning that the body has adapted to ~ that the symptoms will show up.
And in this case, it will be a perfect timing to have a BodyTalk session, to address the underlying triggers that this symptom is recurring over and over again.
And we DO NOT want to rely on symptomatic relief each time these symptoms happen.
MindScape Workshop
I have been extremely stressed recently and worried since a recent bad and sad news.
Which had kept me awake most nights, because of these problems.
Wonder if I'll ever find a solution? When I told a friend about my challenges. he then shared that MindScape might offer solution I needed.
I took the advise and attended MindScape workshop.
Learnt ways to dive deeply into my subconsciousmind.
To my surprise, met several versions of my younger self and interestingly, found answers to my problems.
Happy to have resolved my challenges, and sleep well again. So immediately thanked my friend. 🙏
Now, my turn to share with you!
Find out more on how MindScape can reveal solutions from your own subconscious.
Visit >>>
for information and registration.
I used to take painkillers and muscle relaxant, every month for approximately 15 years, due to the menstruation cramp symptoms that I was experiencing. To my surprise, after 3 BodyTalk sessions, I do not need to rely on any form of medication anymore!!. Through those sessions, the stories behind my symptoms was revealed, and it has a lot to do with the relationship and bonding that I had, growing up. I look very independent, but deep inside, my self worth and self confidence is so low that I am afraid to do every single thing that I yearn to do. :-( I was so curious that what is it in the session? That can actually identify things that I've never told anyone before in my entire life. I was so curious that what is it in the session?, that can actually identify things that I've never told anyone before in my entire life.So do book a BodyTalk session for yourself or for people that you care about. To find out, the underlying "root cause" that is behind the symptoms or the recurring patterns that you're going through. I look forward to see you in a BodyTalk sessions session. Contact Us @ [email protected] #BodyTalk #naturalhealing #mindbodyconnection #nomorepainkillers #selfworth #selfconfidence #healingjourney #emotionalhealing #rootcause #holistichealth #menstrualcramps #painmanagement #personaldevelopment #awareness #selfcare #wellnessjourney #healthyliving #mentalhealth #emotionalwellness
Helps clarify the motivation around my goals has been!!! Allow me to begin to question myself, "What am I doing this for". Realising why am I working so hard to achieve something that isn't what i really really wanted. It is really mind-opening!!! Hope you can also find your A-Ha moment to redefine what is truly meaningful to you with Destiny Compass Workshop. So activities you do is guided, and you’re congruently navigated on a fulfilling path of your Destiny ❤ ! For information and registration, visit www.bodytalk.com.sg/destiny-compass/#register #alphamind #sagemind #qimendunjia #subconsciousmind #selfhelp #selfdiscovery #creativity #intuition #destinynavigator #destiny #lifetothefullest