Healing your womb for
🌸easier menstruation
🌸feeling more balanced throughout your cycle
🌸make peace with your painful past
🌸heal generational trauma so your (future) daughter doesn’t have to
🌸enjoy being a woman
🌸experience better relationships
🌸feel more confident in your body
🌸for a beautiful start into motherhood
🌸an energetic cleanse for your baby’s first home
… so many reasons to work on releasing womb trauma!
It has been life changing for me.
From delibitating periods to barely noticing them… yes, it was work, but so worth it.
It meant I could enjoy my pregnancy and feel connected to my baby throughout.
Nurturing your womb should be one of the first things we do when we are trying to get pregnant.
It’s so much more than just an organ.
Womenhood. Motherhood. A sacred place.