My Fall Scapegoat Coaching Series is off to an AMAZING start, thanks to my clients' deep and INSIGHTFUL sharing and a strong desire to re-claim one's leadership STRENGTHS.
Here are some HIGHLIGHTS ---
** Self-differentiated women with strong boundaries are often TARGETED within dysfunctional work and family systems.
** Workplace scapegoating often MIRRORS family scapegoating, which amplifies feelings of trauma and isolation.
** Scapegoats are often the HEALTHIEST personalities in otherwise toxic groups.
** Insecure and narcissistic leaders RESENT productive and high-achieving women and look for ways to de-legitimize their leadership.
** Healed and EMPOWERED scapegoats can contribute to institutional reform and promote more equitable and humane work environments.
Learn more at: https://www.lynnhoran.com/scapegoat-series.html