Birthwise Birth & Family Center

Birthwise Birth & Family Center Providing holistic midwifery care including home birth.

Birth Center, Home birth, Water Birth, Natural Birth, Midwife Austin, Pregnancy, Holistic OB, Women's Healthcare, Well-woman, Austin birthing center

Please support this beloved client. This story is every mother’s worst nightmare.

Please support this beloved client. This story is every mother’s worst nightmare.

Please help Jessica hire an attorney to reunite with her children. She has be… Brielle Epstein needs your support for Support Jessica's Fight for Her Children


We have a mama in urgent need of a small crib. Anyone have one to give?



Reach down and greet your baby, Mama ♥️

Look at this is brilliant image by Jana Cunha Fotografia


Repost from .nutritionist•I hear it all the time - “I’m SO exhausted!!” 😴 The pregnancy fatigue is so real and sometimes...

Repost from .nutritionist

I hear it all the time - “I’m SO exhausted!!” 😴

The pregnancy fatigue is so real and sometimes this is due to low iron!

So whether you’re exhausted or got bloodwork done that said you’re low in iron, be sure to add some of these foods into your diet!

And remember, not all prenatals have iron in them (& I actually don’t recommend your prenatal have one majority of the time as iron needs are very individual) so you need to be getting sufficient amounts from your diet! ✅

The recommended amount is 27 mg per day in pregnancy, although this can differ depending on the person.

Do you feel like you’re getting enough? Comment below!👇🏼

This is beautiful.

This is beautiful.

This photo speaks power. The mom is overcome. The midwife needs a minute to breathe. The dad's focus is all on his wife and child. What a transformative experience for all!

Repost from •Is this a question you’re asking yourself often as a new mom?As much as we'd like to think we'll bounce bac...

Repost from

Is this a question you’re asking yourself often as a new mom?

As much as we'd like to think we'll bounce back after baby in just a matter of weeks, it takes a lot more time to feel like “normal” again. And it varies from mom to mom.

Even though most new moms get a clearance at 6-weeks to resume activities if otherwise healthy, there isn’t an exact formula (or timeline) to feeling or looking like you did before baby.

Not only because life AFTER baby will never be exactly as it was BEFORE baby, but also because a number of factors can contribute to how we heal and adjust.

❤️We have differing pregnancies
🧡Different birthing experiences
💛Different background and genetic makeup
💚Different levels of support at home
💙Different responsibilities
💜Different struggles

So there’s no simple formula to predict when things will be back to normal. However, many moms begin to feel like themselves again by 6 months (but it can totally vary and be sooner or even later for others!!)

What you can do, is take one day at a time during your recovery.

Focus on working through each of your needs and goals, making sure to not ignore physical symptoms or mental stressors and address them as soon as you can.

Because if you tackle things as they come up and not push them aside for too long, you will be well on your way to feeling well in no time!

If you already had a baby, when did you start feeling like yourself again?
👋🏼 Follow me for more posts on postpartum mental health, tips, humour,  inspiration. 💕



One of my favorite moments 💓💪


When birth happens, on the kitchen floor.

Image by

Please help us keep this mama and baby safe and warm. Even $5 will help. Send donations to Austin Mutual Aid: Cashapp: $...

Please help us keep this mama and baby safe and warm. Even $5 will help.

Send donations to Austin Mutual Aid: Cashapp: $AustinMutualAidcares
Note “new mama” so they know who the donation is for.

Shared from •The first words out of this mama’s mouth when she met her baby? “We did it, we did it. We love you so much....

Shared from

The first words out of this mama’s mouth when she met her baby? “We did it, we did it. We love you so much.”
Words /📸/ Repost
One thing I actually remembered to do when I had my third baby was at my postpartum appointment I asked my midwife to tell the story of my birth through her eyes and I’m so glad I did. Hearing her perspective helped my piece together the parts that were blurry in my mind or that I just plain forgot. So, if you’d like to hear the story of your baby’s birth from an outside perspective, go ahead and ask your provider! I’m sure they’d love to tell you the beauty of what they witnesses during your birth. And you know you can ask me as your photographer. Looking back on birth pictures I can even remember what was being said in some of them. Some things just get carved into the mind and I don’t mind at all ❤️



✨That first touch ✨
Happy National Midwifery Week
•We live for moments like these •

Report from

“This is how birth is meant to feel.

Culture and society have trained us to believe that giving birth equates to pain, fear, danger, lack of control and need for medical management.

We’ve been brainwashed.

Ask any woman who has given birth undisturbed in her nest and she will tell you, yes, it was intense; maybe even at times overwhelming; but it was also blissful, ecstatic, enthralling, powerful, magnificent and SAFE.

This is your body’s intent.

Your physiology is designed for this experience.

Birth is meant to be all of these things but it requires a space where we can feel safe, trusting, and connected to ourselves.

There is a very specific orchestration of hormonal shifts involving: Oxytocin, endorphins, adrenaline, and prolactin that must occur and which only can occur when the external environment supports the internal environment.

Our instinctual or mammalian brain must override our thinking brain.

A birthing mother must feel free to move, breathe, make sounds and change positions as her body intuitively tells her to do so.

She must feel connected to herself and her baby at all times.

This is her body’s intent.

This is her birthright. “


📸 by
Mother 😍😍

Need some quick suggestions for what to munch on during labor to keep those energy levels up and your body nourished?We ...

Need some quick suggestions for what to munch on during labor to keep those energy levels up and your body nourished?

We got you!

If you’re struggling in this season, lets find you the resources you need to thrive. ♥️

If you’re struggling in this season, lets find you the resources you need to thrive. ♥️

Happy Midwifery Week! 🌞

Happy Midwifery Week! 🌞

Hiring a provider you trust is  #1 on this list for a reason! It’s an important step to take and helps you feel safe & s...

Hiring a provider you trust is #1 on this list for a reason!

It’s an important step to take and helps you feel safe & secure as you move through your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.

Yes, this is so important and something we should all actively work on. ♥️Repost from •It’s easier said than done, but i...

Yes, this is so important and something we should all actively work on. ♥️

Repost from

It’s easier said than done, but it’s nice to imagine what life would look like, if we let go of the habits that don’t serve us 🫶🏼

Thank you for letting me sketch your beautiful portrait.

(instagram is not therapy)

TAG a friend 💕

Precipitous births happen! 💨💨💨

Precipitous births happen! 💨💨💨



Do NOT interrupt a woman during the middle of a contraction.

👏 👏 👏

👏 👏 👏

It's black breastfeeding week 🤎

Morgan, pictured here, says "I breastfeed in public for the mom who is still struggling at home trying to nurse her 3 or 5 month old – lacking support and questioning each latch; I’ve been there. When I breastfeed openly I believe I’m helping pave the way for her to sit in public after me."


We hope you’re getting some extra snuggles in with your sweet rainbow today.

The journey isn’t easy, but what a light those sweet babies bring into our hearts. 🌈



🥔🥔 Let’s talk nutrition today. Specifically potatoes. 🥔🥔

Potatoes get a bad rep but it’s really all the stuff we DO to them that makes them unhealthy. Slathering them with processed dairy products or frying them in industrialized oils completely devalues their amazing nutritional content.

The potato by itself is actually a very nutritionally dense food and deserves to applauded 👏🏼👏🏼 and not avoided.

✅ Potatoes are high in antioxidants- they contain c a r o t e n o i d s, a class of plant pigments that protect against chronic disease and inflammation.

✅ Potatoes help with digestion- they contain resistant starch, a kind of starch that isn’t broken down by the small intestine. Instead, it reaches the large intestine and FEEDS your body’s beneficial bacteria. When resistant starch reaches the large intestine, your body’s beneficial bacteria turn it into short-chain fatty acids such as b u t y r a t e. A 2011 study published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology found that butyrate can help protect against colon cancer and reduce inflammation in the colon.

✅ Potatoes aid bone health- potato SKIN contains minerals such as: iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, and zinc which help the body build and maintain bone structure and strength. SO DONT PEEL THOSE TATERS!

One medium potato contains the following:

Calories: 161
Fat: 0.2 grams
Protein: 4.3 grams
Carbohydrates: 36.6 grams
Fiber: 3.8 grams
Vitamin C: 28% of RDI (recommended daily intake)
Vitamin B6: 27% of RDI
Potassium: 26% of RDI
Manganese: 19% of RDI
Magnesium: 12% of RDI
Phosphorus: 12% of RDI
Niacin: 12% of RDI
Folate: 12% of RDI

You can have a zen birth, but it’s also okay if there’s some primal noises and movements. Vocalizing during labor and bi...

You can have a zen birth, but it’s also okay if there’s some primal noises and movements. Vocalizing during labor and birth is NORMAL.

"Many women come to me and say "I want a peaceful zen birth like the ones I see on social media".
"What would that look like?", I ask.
"I want to be in a pool of water, breathing my baby out, staying in control and not yelling".

They tell me about these "zen" births on social media- often just snippets of the labour put together with some relaxing music over top (I must admit, I like to watch them).

In reality tho, in all of births that I have witnessed, yes there is some breathing and zen moments, but there is also a lot of roaring, sweating, moaning, crying, vocalising, wild movements and noises. Lots of acting "out of control". Lots of pure instinctive expression. It is so important not to inhibit any of this!

To be fully expressed during labour helps us to release the energy that builds in the body. Vocalising is a wonderful way to cope with the intensity of labour and helps us to free tension. We know that tension creates more pain. This is one of the tools we practice in my classes.

We have been well conditioned in society to behave in certain socially acceptable ways. When we act "out of the norm" we can feel shame or embarrassment. Repressing our expression keeps our bodies rigid and keeps us living in our minds and not in our feeling heart.

As part of your birth preparation I recommend you start to express yourself more. Vocally express your pleasure more when making love. Let your body move in ways it wants to- close your eyes and feel. When you feel sad, allow tears to come. When you feel angry, roar into your pillow. Sing loudly when your favourite song comes on. Laugh without inhibition. Make noises- even "inappropriate" ones.

Labour is not something to be controlled. It is for letting go."

📷: Monet Nicole - Birthing Stories

Words by Mothers Circle

👏 please celebrate your accomplishments!

👏 please celebrate your accomplishments!

Your accomplishments deserve celebrating!

👏 👏 👏

👏 👏 👏


“So precious and raw… the beauty of birth. This is what it’s all about 💛”

📸 .birthphotography

Great information for preventing bottle preference!From  | Does your baby feed both from the breast and from the bottle?...

Great information for preventing bottle preference!

From | Does your baby feed both from the breast and from the bottle? For most babies, it's easier to get milk out of the bottle than the breast, and human nature is to take the path of least resistance, but there are some things you can do while bottle feeding to keep them happy at the breast.⁠

🍼Breastfeeding Friendly Bottle: I like the Lansinoh Momma (but with a slower pigeon ni**le) and the Evenflo Balance. No bottle can completely mimic the muscles used at the breast, but do more than others. They also allow baby to have a wide open mouth while feeding while many other bottles force a shallow latch - and we don't want babies coming back to the breast with a shallow latch (ouch!!)⁠

🍼Pace the feed: Make sure the bottle is parallel to the ground when feeding and give baby breaks often, especially when they cue. It may also help to have a slower flow ni**le especially if your flow isn't really fast.⁠

🍼Allow them to work for a "let-down" on the bottle like they have to at the breast: At the breast, babies suck for a little bit before getting rewarded with milk. Try to emulate this with the bottle. You can time it to your let-down if you can figure out how long it takes for your let-down or just have them suck for about 30 seconds before rewarding them with milk.⁠

⭐️Bonus Tip: Keep your supply up with middle of the night milk removals and by pumping and/or hand expressing whenever a bottle is given. The more milk that is removed, the more milk you'll make next time.⁠

⭐️Bonus Tip 2: Don’t overfeed with the bottle. Anything over 1.5 oz per hour you’re away is overfeeding and they won’t be hungry when going back to breast.⁠⁠


The second principle of Spinning Babies® Three Principles℠ is gravity.

Improving body balance, alignment and posture in pregnancy will allow gravity to help your baby’s position.

Make room in your body so gravity can work in your favor, to:

- Allow baby to engage easier
- Help your baby move down with contractions
- Make more use of smarter birth positions
- Increase comfort

Learn simple techniques to help improve gravity’s effect on your pregnancy. Click here:

How fascinating and incredible is this?!

How fascinating and incredible is this?!

Scientists have discovered an odorless scent molecule called hexadecanal, or HEX, that is released by humans and impacts aggressive behavior. The HEX molecule is the most abundant molecule released on the newborn baby's head. The researchers found that this molecule reduced aggression in males (biologically important as infanticide is a relatively common event in the mammalian world) and increased aggression in females (key to infant protection). We have shared with parents that when they are skin to skin with their newborn they should remove the baby's hat to allow them to inhale the scent of their newborn as it elicits an entire range of activity in the parental brain. This is one more reason to take a deep sniff! (Mishor et al., 2022)

Source: Eva Mishor et al, Sniffing the human body volatile hexadecanal blocks aggression in men but triggers aggression in women, Science Advances (2021). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abg1530


Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm




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