JENNAMarie Health & Fitness Coach

JENNAMarie Health & Fitness Coach Health & Fitness coach, fulltime PA & Momma of one awesome little boy working to stay healthy & fit and help you do the same! Tips, recipes & motivation!

Best purchase I made during quarantine!πŸ˜πŸ™Œ...except my house, maybe.🀣

Best purchase I made during quarantine!πŸ˜πŸ™Œ
...except my house, maybe.🀣

HEY GUYS.Remember me?! πŸ€”πŸ€£Sorry I've been so MIA from social media this past several months. This year has been a huge ch...


Remember me?! πŸ€”πŸ€£

Sorry I've been so MIA from social media this past several months. This year has been a huge change from the norm, for everyone. & while I have my health, it's been one of the most stressful years of my life.

Between work & covid in general, being isolated from family at times, this ridiculous election year, FINALLY getting my Inguinal hernias repaired in september (yes!πŸ™Œ) and oh yeah, moving/renovating an entire house!.. it's been a year.

I stepped away from social media for the most part (still kept in contact with my bb girls!) And focused on my family and getting back to normal in our new home. Unfortunately, I put myself on the back burner as well and have not been exercising or eating as healthy as I normally would & I'm feeling it. I've gained weight, clothes aren't comfortable, my patience is lacking and I'm not feeling as energetic as I usually do! Anyone else?!

But, it's a new year and it's time to turn things around! Got my covid shot in december and I'm feeling hopeful we're all moving towards some sense of normalcy!

I decided to do the THREE DAY REFRESH this weekend & I'm super excited to kick some unhealthy habits and reset my lifestyle back to normal!

Hope you are all hanging in there through this crazy crazy time❀


In a recent post, I mentioned something about finally being able to relax.Ha. 🀣 & I'm not complaining- our house is unde...

In a recent post, I mentioned something about finally being able to relax.

Ha. 🀣 & I'm not complaining- our house is under contract (🀞 everything goes through smoothly!) But we had to get the house all clean and ready for inspections/appraisal!
And I finally switched back to days last Monday *YAY* but, of course I returned to a 16 hr shift 🀣 with some pretty interesting admissions/surgeries I might add. Sidenote: people are nuts. Really

So I just hadn't got back to my workouts as consistently as I'd hoped my last week of nights! I worked on the house a ton while I wasn't working, slept a fair amount & soaked up as much kiddo time as I could before returning to days!

See, even coaches get off their routines! But, that doesn't mean I give upπŸ’ͺ

I have a ton of girls that are absolutely KILLING it in our summer sweat bootcamp & they are such an inspiration!

My gameplan: start a new routine with 5 am workouts. YIKES. So not a morning person as I've said before...but it's really important to me right now to get it out of the way so I can spend my evenings with my family! & So far so good!

We still have room in our bootcamp for anyone that's interested in being a part of a super supportive, nonjudgemental community!! Drop a πŸ’ͺ below or shoot me a message if you want more info!!

*this was a photo of my kids on a walk while I was on my 16❀


Happy Memorial day β€πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Happy Memorial day β€πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

I have never been MORE excited for a 3 day weekend! && then only 4 more days of nights!It has been absolutely crazy late...

I have never been MORE excited for a 3 day weekend!
&& then only 4 more days of nights!
It has been absolutely crazy lately.
We put our house on the market yesterday morning and already have 8 showings which is AMAZING. However, unfortunately, my workouts have taken a hit this week between work, taking care of the kids and cleaning like crazy to be able to show this house. But, I gotta tell you I was seriously sore yesterday from cleaning windows, washing the floors and vacuuming the whole house while carrying my 13 month old who's terrified of vacuums. 🀣
Finally feeling like I can relax a bit and can't wait to enjoy this weekend with my family AND get back to my workouts! YAY.
We're starting our next SUMMER SWEAT 21 day bootcamp June 1 and I'd LOVE you to join us!! I'm seriously feeling fired up Bout helping people get healthy & fit!! Drop an emoji below if you want more info!!! 😁xo

WOW!Just came across this packing for our move.Who remembers when you had to buy these programs on DVDs?!!I remember it ...


Just came across this packing for our move.

Who remembers when you had to buy these programs on DVDs?!!
I remember it being about $120 to $140 and you could buy it in "three easy installments"... for ONE PROGRAM.
Sure, you get to keep it.. but now, for even less you can get 700+ workout programs at your fingertips!!

It's always crazy to me what an incredible deal and resource our "netflix" of workouts is! 😁

Who else remembers when these workouts were on DVD?!

Been spending alot of time here on the couch with my daughters frozen blanket, or in my bed lately.Which I hate.I haven'...

Been spending alot of time here on the couch with my daughters frozen blanket, or in my bed lately.
Which I hate.

I haven't gotten much more than 3 hours of sleep at a time this week, aside from one longer nap. Nights have been rough. Missed my workout yesterday and don't know that I'll get it in today.

I go back to days June 1 which I could practically cry over I'm so excited to be back to a normal sleep schedule.

But, it's bittersweet. I'm so sad to say goodbye to this time where I was able to spend so much extra time with my kids. Despite how hard it was at times, we also made some amazing memories and I will miss being with them all day everyday.

Only one more night till the weekend!

All of my FAV momma must-haves!!1 Year Streaming Access to 700+ home workouts1 Year of group AND 1-on-1 support & accoun...

All of my FAV momma must-haves!!

1 Year Streaming Access to 700+ home workouts
1 Year of group AND 1-on-1 support & accountability
1 Month supply of Shakeology OR pre/postworkout
1 Year access to meal plans/nutrition guides
FREE early access to our newest boxing program 10 rounds!

$20 OFF means lowest price EVER!!!

PLUS- I am offering a FREE sample of my FAVORITE--Gogo juice (aka energize) to any mommas who get started this week!

Drop an emoji below if you want in! Or just for more info😁

Thank you to my sister .and.mischa for the super thoughtful, beautiful & delicious cookies!!😁😁

Thank you to my sister .and.mischa for the super thoughtful, beautiful & delicious cookies!!


The old me was desperate to lose weight and felt totally uncomfortable in my own skin.My blood pressure and cholesterol ...

The old me was desperate to lose weight and felt totally uncomfortable in my own skin.
My blood pressure and cholesterol were abnormal.
I spent hours at the gym each week hopping on the elliptical and maybe picking up a few weights.
I tried a ton of fad diets, way too low calorie diets and even diet pills once.

The new me has dropped over 40 lbs.
I've found amazing at home workout programs that are quick & effective. & dare I say funπŸ˜‹
I've let go of that all or nothing mentality and learned to practice moderation and try to find a happy balance in my life.
I've found an amazing support team that keeps me accountable on a daily basis!
& my blood pressure and cholesterol have complete normalized!

If I could go back and let the old me in on a secret...
It would be to not lose hope. It IS possible for me to feel great again and it's not nearly as hard as I'm making it!
To stop wasting my time on short cuts that ultimately DO NOT WORK.
To stick to the basics! Find some accountability. Move more, eat healthier, drink your water and get your sleep!
& to have a little patience & ALOT of consistency.


NO ONE IS PERFECT.NO ONE.I missed my workout yesterday. I came home from a relatively busy night shift, napped 5 hours a...


I missed my workout yesterday.
I came home from a relatively busy night shift, napped 5 hours and somehow woke up still feeling tired.
I had plans to do it when I got up, but just wasn't feeling awesome and skipped my workout. NO BIG DEAL!

It's great to have goals. And it's great to make a commitment. But, you have to be flexible in those goals if you're going to be successful.

The important part?
I didn't just quit because I missed a day. Missing a day (or however long) doesn't make me a failure. It makes me human. Quitting would make me a failure.

So I got my butt up today, had a DELISH mother's day breakfast and then GOT IT DONE! A day late is better than never.

Don't let small bumps in the road derail you. This is life. & it's full of interruptions and setbacks. & That's OKAY. Just don't ever give up. Keep trying. Keep putting in that effort as consistently as you can, and you WILL get results.

Happy Mother's day ❀

Happy Mother's day ❀

Start NOW.Prioritize your health, your happiness, YOURSELF. You deserve it.πŸ‘Š

Start NOW.
Prioritize your health, your happiness, YOURSELF.
You deserve it.

This is me being SUPER excited that today is rest day.Yesterday's workout kicked my ASS. For whatever reason (probably l...

This is me being SUPER excited that today is rest day.

Yesterday's workout kicked my ASS. For whatever reason (probably lack of sleep) it was so hard. My heart was racing and I was out of breath way more easily.

Not all days are easy. Fitness, weight loss... it's all a journey. Some days I'm bouncing around and have all the energy in the world. Other days, are a bit tougher. But, I focused on my form, took a few pauses and GOT IT DONE!

& now I'm gonna enjoy this rest day 😁

Anyone else ever have days like that?!

πŸ‘† this is my sister , who is pretty much a  .She is an Adirondack   who hikes multiple days a week, she ran a 10k in the...

πŸ‘† this is my sister , who is pretty much a .

She is an Adirondack who hikes multiple days a week, she ran a 10k in the mountains of Oregon with a couple thousand feet of elevation this past summer and placed second! & is currently training for a half marathon.

YEAH. Badass, like I said.

She started 6 weeks of the work with me last week and despite how amazingly fit and strong she is, she is FEELING it!!

For anyone who doubts the effectiveness of home workouts, I DARE you to try this new program with me!

They are incredible stand alone programs that are QUICK & EFFECTIVE but they're also incredible to add to your current workout regimen (spinning & cycling which is my jam, crossfit, going to the gym, whatever!) or to give you that extra edge in your 5k/half/marathon... whatever race you're doing!

Double dog dare you🀣
Shoot me a message and drop an emoji below if you are brave enough to try it out!

I doooo have a FREE sample as well!πŸ™ŒπŸ˜‰

My steps have been significantly less since this   has been in effect, even WITH my daily workouts!Not getting out and a...

My steps have been significantly less since this has been in effect, even WITH my daily workouts!

Not getting out and about & switching to nights has made a *huge* difference in my daily activity level! And, I'm feeling it! Feelin' the extra "fluff" as I like to call it 🀣

I had given myself a lot of GRACE & allowed myself to lose weight gradually postpartum without being restrictive and without feeling guilty if I had that cupcake or skipped that workout bc I was up nursing all night!

I was about 2 lbs from my prebaby weight at one year after having my daughter. & I really don't want to move backwards at this point. So I plan to start wearing my Fitbit to make sure I'm getting my steps in even if I have to take some extra walks with the kiddos 🀣 (they'll be thrilled!) & try to clean up my diet a bit!

Anyone else find they're moving a whole lot less these days?!

My 21 day may madness bootcamp starts tomorrow! Deop an emoji below if you'd like to join us or want more info!! 😁

Do lakes make anyone else feel so peaceful?!Went for a walk and picnic with the kiddos today to soak up some sun. ❀

Do lakes make anyone else feel so peaceful?!

Went for a walk and picnic with the kiddos today to soak up some sun. ❀

Was 100,000% (πŸ˜‚) NOT feeling this workout. I didn't get time to do it until after the kids when to bed, when I'm pretty ...

Was 100,000% (πŸ˜‚) NOT feeling this workout. I didn't get time to do it until after the kids when to bed, when I'm pretty much ready to crash myself!! My son was testing my every last ounce of patience ALL day. Was not listening to a word we said. But, I did it anyways. & ya know what? I felt my stress melt away and am ready for a good night's sleep! Super excited to see where this program brings me!

"You will never always be motivated, so you must learn to be disciplined" πŸ’ͺ

WE CLOSED ON A HOUSE TODAY!!& someone is pretty stoked!! I've been keeping it to myself because this whole process has b...


& someone is pretty stoked!! I've been keeping it to myself because this whole process has been a struggle... but it's OURS!
Our FOREVER home. ❀

& it may look nice on the outside, but this place is a huge fixer upper on the inside. So, we have our work cut out for us over the next couple of months!

Can't wait to roll our sleeves up and get at it!

Missed my workout today on account of the no sleep last night and a very busy day, but I'll be back to it tomorrow πŸ‘Š

Okay, my little buddy is NOT so little anymore. & that ? 35-40 lbs is making my leisurely jogs a little less leisurely 🀣...

Okay, my little buddy is NOT so little anymore. & that ? 35-40 lbs is making my leisurely jogs a little less leisurely 🀣
See that evil smile?! He knows it!

At least he's a good cheerleader! The second I go to walk he says "mom, don't stop! You can do it!" Guess I'll keep him around!🀣

I'll take this view for my workout ANYDAY.Reason  #3,7485,372 I'm totally in love with my "netflix" of incredible workou...

I'll take this view for my workout ANYDAY.

Reason #3,7485,372 I'm totally in love with my "netflix" of incredible workouts:


Back porch on a beautiful day to keep your kids entertained βœ”
Park βœ”
Work traveling βœ”
Personal travelβœ”
Your house βœ”
Friends house βœ”
I could go on🀣

There's literally no excuse!

I hope you all got outside to enjoy this BEAUTIFUL day today! Summer is on it's way everyone 😁🌞

Seriously, what is this cruel irony that my bed has NEVER been more comfy than rrright before I have to crawl out of it ...

Seriously, what is this cruel irony that my bed has NEVER been more comfy than rrright before I have to crawl out of it to get to work by 11 pm?!

Why isn't that comfy on my weekend nights?!


mmmm delicious meatballs for din din!Thank you !They were a HIT! πŸ˜‹

mmmm delicious meatballs for din din!

Thank you !
They were a HIT! πŸ˜‹

Day 1 of the work- PUSH βœ”Feel like my arms are gonna fall off🀣That was a GREAT workout!

Day 1 of the work- PUSH βœ”
Feel like my arms are gonna fall off🀣

That was a GREAT workout!

Feeling stressed?Tired? Down or like you're in a funk?Like there's not enough time in the day? Like you are just not as ...

Feeling stressed?
Down or like you're in a funk?
Like there's not enough time in the day?
Like you are just not as patient with your kids/spouse/family/coworkers as you could be?
How about bored?!
Maybe you're even having some negative self talk going on in that head of yours?


& one thing I've learned about myself, is if I'm not getting some exercise or physical activity several days a week these feelings can start to consume me.

It is seriously AMAZING how just 20 to 30 minutes a day. For ME. To move by body, can significantly improve my outlook, my day and my attitude.

If I get some sleep and my workout in, I feel like I can handle EVERYTHING so much better! I can clean the house faster, and give my kids better attention & patience that they deserve and be a whole lot *happier* doing it all!

So, while it may seem impossible to squeeze in ANOTHER thing into your day... MAKE IT WORK. Push the laundry and toys aside. Give your kids 20 minutes of screen time if you have to or get them set up with an activity and GET IT DONE.

You are WORTH it.
& you will thank yourself.
I promise πŸ˜‰β€

Anyone else find quarantine to be a bit challenging to make healthy food choices?!Between lack of sleep, added stress of...

Anyone else find quarantine to be a bit challenging to make healthy food choices?!

Between lack of sleep, added stress of managing kids home 24/7 making me want to drink wine all day and eat cupcakes & the fact that we have to make food for every meal and snack of EVERY day it's definitely been a challenge to stay healthy! Add in the temptation of having your husband & kids home wanting things like MAC & CHEESE (one of my many favorite foodsπŸ˜„) & it is not always easy!!

For anyone that really knows me, they know that I LOVE food & that I can EAT🀣 so in most instances I'm not a fan personally, of restrictive diets especially those that cut out certain foods or food groups completely! I believe moderation & balance is the way to go.

So, for lunch today was a quick & easy veggie burger w. Cheese & avocado & a serving of my husband and sons meal- mac & cheese and green beans! Mmm mmm!

Working nights for at least 6 more weeks.Yikes.While this has been working out for us in the sense that I get to be home...

Working nights for at least 6 more weeks.


While this has been working out for us in the sense that I get to be home w. the kids during the day allowing my husband to effectively work from home, it hasn't been easy.😴 We have not figured out a good routine/sleep schedule. So, with seemingly no end in sight- we needed a CHANGE.
So, at my husband's suggestion I've decided to drink my or what Matty calls my "energy" πŸ˜‚ on the way home from work, hop in the shower & get my workout DONE early. Then I'm able to focus on my kids with the boost of energy I get from my workout until I can pass out in the afternoon with them!

Two days down, & so far things are going well.

Hope everyone is hanging in there and staying healthy. Xo❀

Happy 3rd Anniversary to my husband, who will never see this post bc he doesn't use social media. πŸ˜‚

Happy 3rd Anniversary to my husband, who will never see this post bc he doesn't use social media. πŸ˜‚

Baby photo bomb!πŸ˜‚

Baby photo bomb!


Ballston Spa, NY



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