True Sage

True Sage True Sage™ & the enlightn mobile app deliver clinically-proven ACE, mental health & wellness solution

True Sage™ courses, consultations and app are clinically proven. These wellness solutions are helping healthcare customers, employees, schools and universities, and individuals. offers stress management developed alongside the ACE Study for 30 years in San Diego, California. The ease of integrating healthy and realistic changes are from the experiential learnings with CBT, mindfulnes

s, meditations, self-discovery, self-awareness and unlocking inner wisdom with the help of what is termed your "True Sage" and your true, authentic self as well as inner wisdom.

Ask Dr. Felitti Talks About His Own ACE,  His Father Issues, His Hope That This Video Helps You & His Utilization Of His...

Ask Dr. Felitti Talks About His Own ACE, His Father Issues, His Hope That This Video Helps You & His Utilization Of His PCE From Family.

What about the impact of emotional neglect and parents adverse childhood events years and decades later?

The Impact of a Father’s Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)?

Emotional neglect means that the child’s emotional and developmental needs are not fulfilled by the parents or other caregivers.

Adverse childhood events (ACEs) are a risk factor for mental health problems and impaired parenting skills

What about the impact of a family member’s Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs)?

“Learn why you are who you are, and how to be who you want to be. The greater insight to the effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), and the knowledge of the ACE, the greater the influence towards needs identification with appropriate action to prevent, resolve and heal the effects.”
Vincent J. Felitti, MD

Learn more about Dr. Felitti’s and Dr. Alman’s mobile app at from the ACE Study and the ACE treatment solutions from

Employers can sign up and find out more about for their employees on the App Store.

Dm for Dr. Felitti’s and Dr. Alman’s PCE Assessment with 11 questions and also their ACE Assessment with 11 questions.

Vincent J Felitti, MD,
co-Principal Investigator of the ACE Study, Retired Chief of Preventive Medicine at Kaiser Permanente in San Diego.

Brian M. Alman, PhD,
CEO, True Sage Inc, ACE Treatment Solution Founder and Clinical Director,. Co-Developer with Dr. Felitti — including the new (August 2024) mobile app —

Dr. Felitti’s Biggest Lesson From The ACE Study: “Most Problems Start In The Family And Could Be Prevented With Parentin...

Dr. Felitti’s Biggest Lesson From The ACE Study: “Most Problems Start In The Family And Could Be Prevented With Parenting Programs With Experiential Learning, Practice Sessions And Theater Groups.”

How was your family’s mental health during your childhood?

We heard unforgettable stories from thousands of people.

Some of our most important lessons for parents and their kids are in this book — now in English and Spanish — 1 new self-care and positive solution for every week of of the school yea


When The ACE Study Began, Not Much Was Known But Even If We Don’t Know About This Field, it’s Been Impacting Our Families For Many Generations.

From my conversations with Dr. Felitti about epigenetics:

“There are many reasons why ACEs are often repeated from generation to generation, including epigenetics, the impact of toxic stress on the brain and body and attachment and self-regulation issues.”

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) — Preventing early trauma to improve adult health

1 in 6 adults experienced four or more types of ACEs.

At least 5 of the top 10 leading causes of death are associated with ACEs.

Preventing ACEs could reduce the number of adults with depression by as much as 44%.

Discover the value of the ACE Study for you now, for parents, kids and adults with Dr. Brian Alman because he has been creating treatment solutions alongside of the ACE Study since it first began in the late 80’s while collaborating weekly (and continue to do so) with Dr. Vincent Felitti, MD.

Answer the 11 positive childhood experiences questions and the 11 adverse childhood experiences questions now available to employees and their families at and in the App Store.

Vincent J Felitti, MD,
co-Principal investigator of the ACE Study, Retired Chief of Preventive Medicine at Kaiser Permanente in San Diego

Brian M. Alman, PhD,
Founder & CEO, True Sage International, ACE Treatment
Solution, Founder and Clinical Director

Visit the new ACE Treatment Solution website,, and learn about the new app, that facilitates the connection of ACEs and PCEs — helping all of us turn our
problems into resources.

How did you resolve your traumas to get free emotionally, mentally and financially?  All Athletes,  Including The People...

How did you resolve your traumas to get free emotionally, mentally and financially?

All Athletes, Including The People Playing The “Games” Of Success In Business: Be Present, Prepare The Way You’ll Play, & Breathe Whole-Heartedly.

My mind set has always been that of an overachieving type of athlete with a very low tolerance for making mistakes.

Your visualization techniques help me see how I can be my own worst enemy by being overly critical and negative.

Having a positive mind-set and visualizing what you want to happen seem to come pretty naturally to good athletes who have figured out how to be successful.

However, just like fundamental physical skills, mental skills improve and become more automatic with practice.” —Duncan McFarland, UCSD Men’s Volleyball Coach and Player.

Ask Dr. Felitti and Dr. Alman: What You May Already Know (?) About Examples Of The Differences Between UNRESOLVED ACEs — past traumas, stress and difficulties at home — and RESOLVED ACEs.

Now you can get the assessments and proven solutions at the App Store in the app and at

Ask Dr. Felitti and Dr. Alman If You Can Join This Workshop - Virtually - Now?  Your Well-Being With ACE Help & Stress R...

Ask Dr. Felitti and Dr. Alman If You Can Join This Workshop - Virtually - Now?

Your Well-Being With ACE Help & Stress Relief Workshop: Questions and Solutions.

Examples of questions from the app from the App Store for employees and weekly WhatsApp group:

1. What is your PCE Score — 11 Positive Childhood Experiences— questions in the enlightn app?
2. What is your ACE Score — 11 Adverse Childhood Experiences— questions in the enlightn app?
3. When you have a conflict, do you express it, instead of holding it in?
4. Do you focus on what’s right about your life more than you do about what’s wrong with your life?
5. Do you focus more on what’s right about your relationships than what’s wrong?

Welcome to this Well-Being, Stress Relief & ACE Treatment Session: Inner Resilience Self-Care.

We are committed to facilitating:
Unconditional Acceptance
Emotional Healing
Releasing & Discovering New Resolutions

Your success will always depend on how valuable the new lessons fit you as an individual.

To learn more, ask your employer or healthcare provider to get the app and you can reach out to us at [email protected]


“Making Time For Therapy At The Olympics” Simone Biles, Winner Of 11 Olympic Medals.  “Proven Therapy Skills From The AC...

“Making Time For Therapy At The Olympics” Simone Biles, Winner Of 11 Olympic Medals.

“Proven Therapy Skills From The ACE Study Are Available In This New Mobile App” Dr. Brian Alman

“Time Alone Does Not Heal. It's What You Do With Your Time That Makes The Difference."
Vincent J. Felitti, MD

What is therapy like and also what are the exact skills that you can learn in the enlightn app?

Dr Brian Alman and Michael Husted - NFL Kicker

Dr. Felitti Will Help You Understand Your Own Mind and Understand The Impact Of Your Childhood-Teen-Adult Adverse And Positive Life Experiences.

Dr. Felitti’s and Dr. Alman’s mental health app integrates ACEs, PCEs, conscious, subconscious and unconscious potentials.

An overnight success after 20 years with True Sage technologies and with tech partner, 24alife.

This app utilizes your unique inner wisdom that you can see for yourself in this video. is proven to help:
* Businesses and employees;
* Athletes and teams;
* Families and healthcare members;
* Community clinics;
* School systems..

Connect :at [email protected]

Learn more at:

Visit the App Store for:

Vincent J Felitti, MD,
co-Principal Investigator of the ACE Study, Retired Chief of Preventive Medicine at Kaiser Permanente in San Diego

Brian M. Alman, PhD,
CEO, True Sage Inc, ACE Treatment Solution, Founder and Clinical Director. Co-Developer with Dr. Felitti — including the new, as of August 2024, mobile app —

Employers Ask Dr. Felitti and Dr. Alman: How Have You Been Helping People Since The 90’s Get From Stress, Trauma, Advers...

Employers Ask Dr. Felitti and Dr. Alman: How Have You Been Helping People Since The 90’s Get From Stress, Trauma, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) & Big Problems To Having A Very Relaxed Attitude And Stay Positive About Almost Everything?

“That’s easy. We asked them 1 question and utilized 1 solution.”

“The results proven by a UCSD Professor who studied 125,000, for 1 year, from Dr. Felitti’s Kaiser Permanente Health Appraisal Department and he found there was a:
* Reduction of medical visits by 35%;
* Reduction of emergency room visits by 11%;
* Savings of close to $2 billion dollars in.”

“The most helpful and scientifically-proven mental health assessments and solutions are now available at the App Store directly to employers for their employees and all of their family members.”

“The name of their mobile app is,”

For Employers: ACE-True Sage Stress Reduction Solution in this Mobile App.

After answering the assessment questions (confidential and as secure as the encrypted, cloud-based banking system) — includes positive childhood experiences, and adverse childhood experiences — that only take about five or 10 minutes, and then the clinically-validated solutions are delivered to each individual immediately

WHO - World Health Organization - highlights that individuals with good mental health can connect, function, cope, and thrive.

The app, enlightn, is not a run-of-the-mill mental health app that can be the equivalent of putting Band-Aids on broken bone.

This app helps employees heal and resolve the underlying issues in the positively transformative ongoing and daily five-minute practices.

Vincent J Felitti, MD,
co-Principal Investigator of the ACE Study, Retired Chief of Preventive Medicine at Kaiser Permanente in San Diego.

3 Sources of Diagnostic Information in Medicine

Brian M. Alman, PhD,
CEO, True Sage Inc, ACE Treatment Solution, Founder and Clinical Director. Co-Developer with Dr. Felitti (of the new mobile app)


Do You Agree With Dr. Vincent Felitti’s Quote & These These Other Quotes? “I have no intention of dying. In fact, that will be the last thing I do!” Milton H. Erickson, MD. “Your history doesn’t have to predict your future.” Vincent J. Felitti, MD, co-Principal Investigator of the ACE Study in San Diego. Calling All Hoarders and Your Inner Critics. Video is below. “Fear is the mind killer.” Ezra Pound, poet. “Overweight is overlooked, and that’s what I need to be.” ACE Study. participant and her valuable insight — DJ. “We must not allow other people's limited perceptions to define us.” Virginia Satir. “Acceptance is transcendence.” BSR.“When you need a helping hand, look at the end of your wrist.” PAA.“Hoarding is my superficial problem but and it is my subconscious solution of my deeper problem.” ACE Study. ACE Study participant and her valuable insight — SB. “Remember to ask, what’s right about your life?” Brian M. Alman, PhD,CEO, True Sage Inc, ACE Treatment Solution, Founder and Clinical Director. Wellbeing Developer of Mobile App, Proof that Resolving Underlying Issues with ACE Treatment Solutions Can Be Simpler Than You Think with Dr. Felitti And Dr. Alman. The most helpful and only scientifically-proven mental health app with assessments and solutions is now available at the App Store:Olympic Athletes, and all of us — for Mental Fitness — here’s the app: — now in the App Store. employees

Do You Agree With Dr. Vincent Felitti’s Quote & These These Other Quotes? “I have no intention of dying. In fact, that w...

Do You Agree With Dr. Vincent Felitti’s Quote & These These Other Quotes?

“I have no intention of dying. In fact, that will be the last thing I do!”
Milton H. Erickson, MD.

“Your history doesn’t have to predict your future.” Vincent J. Felitti, MD, co-Principal Investigator of the ACE Study in San Diego.

Calling All Hoarders and Your Inner Critics.

Video is below.

“Fear is the mind killer.” Ezra Pound, poet.

“Overweight is overlooked, and that’s what I need to be.” ACE Study. participant and her valuable insight — DJ.

“We must not allow other people's limited perceptions to define us.” Virginia Satir.

“Acceptance is transcendence.” BSR.

“When you need a helping hand, look at the end of your wrist.” PAA.

“Hoarding is my superficial problem but and it is my subconscious solution of my deeper problem.” ACE Study. ACE Study participant and her valuable insight — SB.

“Remember to ask, what’s right about your life?” Brian M. Alman, PhD,
CEO, True Sage Inc, ACE Treatment Solution, Founder and Clinical Director. Wellbeing Developer of Mobile App,

Proof that Resolving Underlying Issues with ACE Treatment Solutions Can Be Simpler Than You Think with Dr. Felitti And Dr. Alman.

The most helpful and only scientifically-proven mental health app with assessments and solutions is now available at the App Store:

Olympic Athletes, and all of us — for Mental Fitness — here’s the app: — now in the App Store.


Ask Dr. Felitti What You May Already Know (?) About Examples Of The Differences Between UNRESOLVED ACEs — past traumas, stress and difficulties at home — and RESOLVED ACEs. How did you resolve your traumas to get free emotionally, mentally and financially?All Athletes, Including The People Playing The “Games” Of Success In Business: Be Present, Prepare The Way You’ll Play, & Breathe Whole-Heartedly. The most helpful and scientifically-proven mental health app with assessments and solutions are now available at the App For employers — for their employees and all of their family members — sports teams, healthcare organizations and school systems. Just like athletes, if our mental fitness is weak, we simply can't show up as our best in any area of life and we will often buckle under stress. “I had not made a game field goal in over 2 years…and now with the game on the line in front of nearly 80,000 people in the stands and millions more watching on TV, I was able to relax and kick the game winner. I was able to excel in the most stressful situation thanks to what I learned from Dr. Alman.” —Michael Husted, NFL Kicker• “Brian Alman has the most complete command of performance enhancing ideas I have ever experienced. The simplicity of his ideas and (I can’t say this strongly enough) the way they connect everything into a viable performance bubble, has allowed me, at age 61, to play scratch golf, again. You’re the best, Brian.” —A.J. Bonar, Founder of the Society of Golf Educators, Director of Instruction, and consultant for education for TaylorMade Golf

Ask Dr. Felitti What You May Already Know (?) About Examples Of The Differences Between UNRESOLVED ACEs — past traumas, ...

Ask Dr. Felitti What You May Already Know (?) About Examples Of The Differences Between UNRESOLVED ACEs — past traumas, stress and difficulties at home — and RESOLVED ACEs.

How did you resolve your traumas to get free emotionally, mentally and financially?

All Athletes, Including The People Playing The “Games” Of Success In Business: Be Present, Prepare The Way You’ll Play, & Breathe Whole-Heartedly.

The most helpful and scientifically-proven mental health app with assessments and solutions are now available at the App Store — — directly to employers for their employees and all of their family members, sports teams, healthcare organizations and school systems.

Just like athletes, if our mental fitness is weak, we simply can't show up as our best in any area of life and we will often buckle under stress.

“I had not made a game field goal in over 2 years…and now with the game on the line in front of nearly 80,000 people in the stands and millions more watching on TV, I was able to relax and kick the game winner. I was able to excel in the most stressful situation thanks to what I learned from Dr. Alman.” —Michael Husted, NFL Kicker

• “Brian Alman has the most complete command of performance enhancing ideas I have ever experienced. The simplicity of his ideas and (I can’t say this strongly enough) the way they connect everything into a viable performance bubble, has allowed me, at age 61, to play scratch golf, again. You’re the best, Brian.” —A.J. Bonar, Founder of the Society of Golf Educators, Director of Instruction, and consultant for education for TaylorMade Golf

“I have worked in the field of professional athlete rehabilitation and development for 22 years now. In that time, I have worked with many professional sports teams and famous athletes and continue to do so today. My professional success has come, in large part, because I have stood on the shoulders of intellectual giants like Brian Alman. Brian is not only one of the most effective experts in psychology of our era, he is a very loving and honest man, which brings out the best in each and every one of his clients, regardless of their pursuit!” —Paul Chek, Founder, C.H.E.K Institute

“I have been a member of the US Surfboat Crew for many years now, and in 2002, we won the Gold Medal in the 140yd Masters Division at the World Surf Life Saving Titles in Daytona Beach, Florida. We won the Silver Medal. It seems that no matter what I involve myself in these days, from lecturing about nutrition or exercise, to training and competing in rowing or amateur golf tournaments, Brian’s simple, effective, and empowering methods work fantastically. Brian and his work have been invaluable tools for me.”

SIMONE BILES Proves What Great Champions Have Taught Me About The CALM POWER Of Mind-Body Love And Synchronicity. WHAT D...

SIMONE BILES Proves What Great Champions Have Taught Me About The CALM POWER Of Mind-Body Love And Synchronicity.


Olympic Gold! NFL Super Bowl Winners! PGA Masters Winner? MLB Rookie of the Year! NBA Champions! Young CEO of Purpose-Driven Billion Dollar Company!

These champions have achieved by developing their mental fitness and so can you!

How do great athletes push their bodies so hard for so many hours a day, month after month?

When two athletes or two teams are equally fit physically, the winning edge goes to the ones with better emotional/ mental skills, every single time.

These are skills that everyone can learn, and they include maintaining a positive energy level that is neither too intense nor too relaxed, and achieving 100% focus in the present moment, a focus that goes beyond even consciously thinking about it.

For peak performance in any area of life, even if you aren't a professional athlete, mental fitness training is paramount.

The most helpful and scientifically-proven mental health app with assessments and solutions are now available at the App Store — — directly to employers for their employees and all of their family members, sports teams, healthcare organizations and school systems.

Just like athletes, if our mental fitness is weak, we simply can't show up as our best in any area of life and we will often buckle under stress.

“I had not made a game field goal in over 2 years…and now with the game on the line in front of nearly 80,000 people in the stands and millions more watching on TV, I was able to relax and kick the game winner. I was able to excel in the most stressful situation thanks to what I learned from Dr. Alman.” —Michael Husted, NFL Kicker


Ask Simone Biles How She Turned Trauma Into GOLD! (NBC TV Story - below).Ask Dr. Felitti The Opposite, How Do People Turn GOLD Into Lead? (Kaiser Permanente Medical Journal - below).The Relationship of Adverse Childhood Experiences to Adult Health: Turning gold into lead. 32 million youth (Almost 50%) under the age of 17 have experienced at least 1 ACE - Adverse Childhood Experience - in the United States. Simone Biles Story/ Fitness Training for Peak-Performance in 2024, including the Paris Olympics and life challenges today at and in the new MENTAL HEALTH mobile app, in the App Store now. More information is available at:Google: adverse childhood experiences- Vincent J. Felitti, MD DrBrianAlman.comenlightn.meMany champions in everyday life, athletes, parents and coaches have achieved more in their lives and sports by developing their mental fitness as well as their physical fitness, and so can you! Great Athletes And Everyone Else Will Benefit From This ACE Solution for Healing, Inner Success and Self-Coaching. 🔹 1 in 5 youth had at least one major depressive episode in the past year and over half (nearly 3 million youth) did not receive treatment. 23% of adults - nearly 60 million Americans - experienced a mental illness in the past year.2022 had the highest number of deaths by su***des ever recorded in the U.S.; 5% of adults.🇺🇸13% of youth reported having serious thoughts of su***de.

Ask Simone Biles How She Turned Trauma Into GOLD! (NBC TV Story - below).Ask Dr. Felitti The Opposite, How Do People Tur...

Ask Simone Biles How She Turned Trauma Into GOLD!
(NBC TV Story - below).

Ask Dr. Felitti The Opposite, How Do People Turn GOLD Into Lead? (Kaiser Permanente Medical Journal - below).

The Relationship of Adverse Childhood Experiences to Adult Health: Turning gold into lead.

Over 32 million youth (Almost 50%) under the age of 17 have experienced at least 1 ACE - Adverse Childhood Experience - in the United States.

Simone Biles Story/

Mental Fitness Training for Peak-Performance in 2024, including the Paris Olympics and life challenges today at and in the new MENTAL HEALTH mobile app, in the App Store now.

More information is available at:

Google: adverse childhood experiences- Vincent J. Felitti, MD

Many champions in everyday life, athletes, parents and coaches have achieved more in their lives and sports by developing their mental fitness as well as their physical fitness, and so can you!

Great Athletes And Everyone Else Will Benefit From This ACE Solution for Healing, Inner Success and Self-Coaching.

🔹 1 in 5 youth had at least one major depressive episode in the past year and over half (nearly 3 million youth) did not receive treatment. 23% of adults - nearly 60 million Americans - experienced a mental illness in the past year.

2022 had the highest number of deaths by su***des ever recorded in the U.S.; 5% of adults.

🇺🇸13% of youth reported having serious thoughts of su***de.

Ask Dr. Felitti About ACE (ADVERSE CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCES)The ACE Study, conducted in the late 1990s and examined the con...


The ACE Study, conducted in the late 1990s and examined the connections between adverse childhood experiences and long-term health outcomes.

Dr. Felitti and Dr. Alman have been collaborating since the late 80’s because of the importance of addressing childhood trauma, promoting resilience as well as openness to new learning, and resolving your underlying causes that are the key factors in preventing and mitigating the impact of adverse experiences on health and well-being.

Dr. Felitti identified ten types — and we added the 11th question for people who got an ACE Score of zero and for the opportunity to add other — adverse childhood experiences, including abuse, neglect, and household dysfunction, and found a strong association between the number of ACEs a person experienced and their risk for various physical and mental health conditions later in life.

Their ACE solutions shed light on positive outcomes from recognizing, acknowledging and healing past traumas or challenges that may continue to affect us into adulthood.

They invite us to explore and heal from these experiences, recognizing that our resilience and ability to thrive are not defined by our past but shaped by our capacity for healing and growth.

Breaking the Cycle: the mobile qpp - - represents the opportunity to break the cycle of intergenerational trauma and create a brighter future for ourselves and future generations.

This reminds us that healing from adverse childhood experiences is not only about our own well-being but about creating a ripple effect of healing and transformation in our families and communities.

By doing the inner work of healing, we contribute to the collective healing of humanity and pave the way for a future rooted in resilience, compassion, and joy.

Vincent J Felitti, MD,
co-Principal investigator of the ACE Study, Retired Chief of Preventive Medicine at Kaiser Permanente in San Diego

Brian M. Alman, PhD,
CEO, True Sage Inc, ACE Treatment Solution, Founder and Clinical Director. ACE Mobile App Founder of enlightn.

CONGRATULATIONS Dr. Vincent Felitti For Being A LIFE SAVER & A LIFE CHANGER1. Your ACE, Mental Health Mobile App, enligh...


1. Your ACE, Mental Health Mobile App,, Is An Overnight Success After 30 Years! As of July 31st, 2024, it in the App Store!
2. Your Contributions to Teen Anxiety and Adult Anxiety.; You inspired This Girl To Discuss Teen Trauma and Su***de in This Video!

ACE lessons and questions from the ACE Study while running the most comprehensive health appraisal department and that saw 25,000 a year for over 20 years,

What can employers do now to reduce employees stress levels and save millions of dollars?

Employees want employers to offer proven mental health benefits, including the enlightn app developed by the ACE Study doctors.

Employees want employers to offer help that helps them resolve the underlying issues.

Watch the attached video and connect to find out more about the “$2 Billion Dollar Savings in 1 Year”

Here is Dr. Felitti explaining the university of California at San Diego study:

Not only did this study prove the savings of $2 billion dollars in one year but also reduced medical visits by 35% and emergency room visits by 11%.

Your employees can now answer the 11 yes or no ACE (adverse childhood experiences) and the 11 yes or no PCE (positive childhood experiences) questions in the mobile app.

Your employees will be able to answer these questions and start getting help immediately with the “enlightn app” that is available in the App Store and will be in Google Play in 2 weeks.

Their ACE scores will be confidential.

Vincent J Felitti, MD,
co-Principal investigator of the ACE Study, Retired Chief of Naval Preventive Medicine at Kaiser Permanente in San Diego.

Brian M. Alman, PhD,
Founder & CEO, True Sage Inc, ACE Treatment
Solution, Founder and Clinical Director.

Connect for you and your employees.

Here is a view of the new mobile app from Dr. Felitti and Dr Alman that is now available for employers and healthcare providers as well as school systems:


122 15th Street #746
Del Mar, CA


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