HBOT promo
Our biggest HBOT sale ever!! Save $500 if you buy a package of 12 before the end of July. Normally $1,500, the HBOT package price is reduced to $1,000 this month only.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) uses oxygen in a pressurized chamber to bring increased oxygen to blood vessels & tissues, supporting the body in healing itself and increasing energy production.
How might hyperbaric oxygen therapy support you?
-Boosts brain function
-Improve energy and memory
-Enhance sports performance
-Support a healthy microbiome
-Promote healing and recovery after injury
-Decrease inflammation
-Promote glowing skin
And so much more!
Give our clinic a call if you need support in deciding if HBOT could be an effective and safe treatment option for you: 760-704-8148
#naturopathicmedicine #naturopathicdoctor #hbot #hyperbaricoxygentherapy #encinitas
Let us consider how we can care for the earth through the way we eat! Farming practices, packaging, travel distance to the grocery store, and type of food all have an impact on the environment. Join me in caring for the earth in the way that we choose to eat!
#naturopathicmedicine #naturopathicdoctor #EarthDay2024 #EarthDay2024
Exploring our role in greenhouse gas production
This week, we are focusing on the earth - how it supports us and how we can support it! Today I'm discussing greenhouse gases - what they are, how they are generated, and how we can each play a role in reducing these gases which harm our environment.
#naturopathicdoctor #naturopathicmedicine #EarthDay #EarthDay2024
Plant Based Diet and Planetary Health
Earth Day is in one week! Join me today in taking a meditative moment to connect with the earth and reflect on the impact our diet has on the health of the planet.
#naturopathicmedicine #naturopathicdoctor #EarthDay #plantbased #plantbaseddiet
Supporting Women through Late Perimenopause
For many women, late perimenopause is characterized by vasomotor symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats, as well as vulvovaginal symptoms like vaginal dryness and UTI's. One of the most effective treatments for these symptoms are bioidentical hormones. In this video I address some of the most common questions I receive about this treatment option!
#naturopathicmedicine #naturopathicdoctor #womenshealth #Perimenopause #menopausesupport
Peri-menopause is a season of transition involving imbalanced hormones, changing moods, higher stress sensitivity, and a need for creative expression. In this video I share about the hormonal shifts to expect during perimenopause, associated symptoms, and treatments I use to support a woman during this time!
#naturopathicdoctor #naturopathicmedicine #womenshealth #perimenopause
Postpartum Depression
Post-partum depression is a challenging experience and requires a multi-faceted treatment approach. Tune into this video for my recommendations!
#naturopathicdoctor #naturopathicmedicine #WomensHealth #postpartumjourney #PPD #pregnancy
Factors that contribute to infertility can include poor egg/sperm quality, nutrient deficiencies, hormone imbalances, and pre-existing conditions like PCOS. Additional risk factors can include environmental toxin exposure, unmanaged stress, and certain lifestyle patterns. The good news is that many of the factors that affect infertility can be treated and managed! Don't hesitate to reach out if this is a condition that affects you or someone you know.
#naturopathicdoctor #naturopathicmedicine #infertility
Treating PMS
PMS affects about 70% of women, yet, the underlying cause of symptoms can often be identified and managed. In this video, I share some of the factors that can affect PMS and the treatment approach I take to reducing symptoms.
#naturopathicmedicine #naturopathicdoctor #pms #womenshealth
Menarche - marking the beginning of a woman's cycle
Menarche - the beginning of a woman's cycle and a time for education, empowerment, and celebration!
#naturopathicmedicine #naturopathicdoctor #womenshealth
Today we are beginning a video series on women's health. In this video, I discuss the phases of a woman's monthly cycle, the hormones that fluctuate during the different phases, and how those changes affect her energy, mood and needs.
#NaturopathicMedicine #NaturopathicDoctor #WomensHealth
CBS Genetic Mutation
In this clip, I discuss the CBS genetic mutation. This enzyme plays an important role in detoxification of hormones and cholesterol, production of bile and glutathione, and the breakdown of sulfur amino acids. Tune in to learn about some symptoms you may experience with this genetic mutation, and how to work around them.
#naturopathicmedicine #naturopathicdoctor #genetics #Naturopathy
NOS Mutation
The NOS genetic mutation can lead to poor circulation, and symptoms of cold hands, cold feet, and brain fog. When combined with other genetic mutations, it can contribute to increased cardiovascular risk. Knowing your genetics can help you prevent future disease. Contact us if you would like to review your genetics and optimize your health! #naturopathicmedicine #naturopathicdoctor #genetics #genetictesting
COMT Genetic Mutation
Today we are talking about another important enzyme and genetic mutation - COMT. This enzyme helps break down dopamine and estrogen. Mutations in this gene can affect how you process B vitamins, stimulants, hormones, and affect cardiovascular disease risk. Tune in to learn what you can do to support a COMT mutation!
Genetic Mutations - a focus on MTHFR
What exactly are genetic mutations and how do they affect you? Today, we're talking about MTHFR mutations - a key mutation that can affect your energy levels, cardiovascular health, and more.
Dr. Julia available for questions
We are two days away from starting the liver cleanse! Dr. Julia is available for 15-minute consults to answer any questions or concerns you may have along the way. Join the Facebook event to access detailed instructions, ask questions, and receive daily check-ins!
Join here:
Symptoms of Liver Cleanse
The January Liver Cleanse starts in 3 days! In this video, I share symptoms you might experience during the cleanse. Our Facebook event provides step by step instructions for the cleanse, daily check ins, and a space to ask questions. Join here:
Weight Loss and Liver Health
The importance of liver health when losing weight.
If one of your New Year's resolutions is to lose weight, join us for our liver cleanse starting January 20th and give yourself a jump start!
#NaturopathicMedicine #NaturopathicDoctor #Naturopath #Naturopathy #WeightLoss #Detox #LiverHealth
Bile and the Liver
Another important role of the liver is bile production. Without bile, you would not be able to break down fats or absorb fat-soluble vitamins. Tune in for more about the role of bile, and how it is related to liver health.
#NaturopathicMedicine #NaturopathicDoctor #LiverHealth #Detox #LiverDetox
In addition to processing and filtering toxins, the liver acts as a 'storage tank' providing glucose, vitamins, and minerals as needed for the body. Join us in a liver cleanse on January 20th to optimize your liver health!
#NaturopathicMedicine #NaturopathicDoctor #Naturopath #Detox #LiverHealth