A blanket statement (get it?!)
It is understandable that many have opted to blanket their horses due to the extreme weather. However, we have already had calls due to a few blanket mishaps so some things to consider:
❄️Do they need it? Most horses with proper hair coats, shelter, and quality forage do just fine without the addition of a blanket. If your horse is not accustomed to wearing a blanket, it can create unnecessary stress.
❄️ If you choose to implement one, be sure the blanket fits the horse properly and all straps and buckles are safe and not broken. Injuries- like rubs or entanglement can occur from an ill fitting blanket or faulty straps and buckles. There are so many weights, sizes, and types of blankets and sheets. Locally, and have an inventory and a WEALTH of info on how to measure your horse and the best option for their lifestyle.
❄️ CHECK UNDER THEM EVERY DAY. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Remove the blanket, groom your horse, check for any wounds, and reapply. Our hospital has seen dermatitis from blankets left on horses indefinitely that are not groomed properly as well as wounds that are days old or longer that weren’t discovered because they were covered by a blanket.
🐎 We love cozy horses in quality blankets, but remember- blanket responsibly!