Hi Good People,
Like you I scroll through social media here and there. Sometimes for a laugh, at other times to see what’s going on “out there” and at times out of sheer curiosity
I’d like to offer compassion for all of those suffering deeply because they don’t like how other people think, feel or would like things to be. At this point there are few of us left who can listen, hold space for views we don’t share and embrace the beauty of the buffet of personalities that exist
These “unfriend me if you believe, don’t believe, like or dislike such and such” is not a compassionate act of boundaries or self love it is a violent act of selfishness and immaturity
Furthermore, for most this is also in direct opposition of the values you believe you’ll be gaining or losing on either side you are on
We are not so different even those you believe to be hateful, racist etc are the same as you. Why are they this way? Influence & Ignorance that leads to fear. Once afraid & feeling threatened we all act insane. Haven’t you been influenced, ignorant and afraid? Haven’t you acted in a hurtful way?
I don’t support the hate that comes from this I just refuse to add to it and deny they be so different from me
“United” States is always the answer “Divided” States is predictable and has never worked
United doesn’t mean agreeing on non essentials, hell it doesn’t mean agreeing on whatever you believe to be essential it means that we as humans seek similarities daily, look for the invisible thread that ties us together and accept that each person has his/her way. Live and let live….
“Eric I would accept this but if so and so is President than I have to deal with blah blah”. So fu***ng what! There is no right we are born with to not have to deal with s**t. The world is an admixture of good and evil, peace & war, wealth & poverty etc
Your master is not the president unfortunately it is your mind and being so leads you to a state of dependency(needing things to be a certain way). We have been given a true master; an Intellect
It is your superpower to which all the twists in turns the world goes through you will not be impacted by! It gives you the vision to see the law of causation clearly, to see that thread that sows all of us together and to see the silliness in getting so caught up in politics that you can no longer stomach friends and family that don’t agree with you
Finally, the vision you’ll create is to see that both sides are your enemy per se, you and you alone must have your back, must protect your family for if you believe you can’t than you’ll become dependent on a government that wants just that; your fear is their power
I realize that most who read this will read things that I didn’t write, make up things I didn’t say and believe you know what I’m thinking or which side I’m on. You will then have missed the point but have made mine: The candidates aren’t the problem, the government isn’t the problem… You are/ I am
I vow to keep making myself less of the problem how about you?