The following is a QHHT or Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Segment.
This is a question requested by the client. When a person is under this kind of hypnosis. We can access directly to Source or Higherself, which is the eternal part of us. And knows everything about us as souls and all the history past present and possible future.
Our client wanted to know why she, as a soul, chose to be born and raised in Mexico City.
As many other personal questions as relationships, family matters, prophesion options, health and many more questions that you can ask about yourself and even others that are directly involved with you.
Is always a surprise the way client's voice change when Source addresses everything with such confidence answering and providing information or recommendations and even healing.
We really appreciate our client disposition to share this part from her session for educational purposes.
For more information about QHHT, please visit
Para Español:
#qhht #therapy #terapia #pastliferegression #vidaspasadas #session #sesion #dolorescannon #hypnosis #hipnosis #higherself #higherconsciousness #health #healing #meditation #mindfulness #spirit #soul #speaking #5d #ascension #newyork
We are very grateful for being part of this holistic event in New Jersey and sharing a group guided meditation for all participants and meeting new people. Also, I want to express special gratitude to Eden @oblivionfinity and @frika_chu Becky for the invitation and all people who approached us and shared their experiences during the meditation.
#holistic #event #meeting #group #guidedmeditation #meditation #mindfullness #wellness #mindbodysoul #spirit #spiritualawakening #pinealgland #activation #crystal #singingbowls #sacred #space #mentalhealth #emotional #healing #rising #frequency #vibration #quantumbalance #qhhtmartinrivera #newyork #newjersey
Reserva tu lugar para Domingo 23 de Agosto, 6 pm. tiempo de CDMX .
Domingo 20 de Septiembre 6 pm tiempo CDMX.
Cupo limitado .
Precio especial de grupo.
Para personas de México $ 1000.00 Envío por Western Union y escriba un correo a [email protected] para datos de envío.
Para personas dentro de USA. $65.00. envío por Zelle a 631 317 8978.
Una vez recibido el pago se reserva su lugar.
Recomendaciones para taller:
1-Prácticar la meditación 3 o 4 veces por semana de los jueves por grupo Balance Cuántico.
2- Comer 2 horas mínimo antes de la sesión.
No comer carnes rojas en el día de la sesión. Evite cafeína o té que tenga cafeína, bebidas alcohólicas, cervezas, cigarros o drogas recreacionales.
3- Dormir bien la noche anterior 7-8 horas.
Apagando el celular y/o el WiFi durante la noche.
4- Escoja un lugar de privacidad donde nadie los interrumpa y avisar a familiares que estará en sesión y no puede haber distracciónes.
5- Asegurar que tenga buena señal de internet . Y si hay familiares en casa pedirles que no utilicen señal del wi-fi para que tenga una excelente señal durante 2:30 aproximadamente.
Audífonos para tener calidad de audio.
6- Cuaderno u hoja para escribir a un lado, agua.
7- La sesión será por plataforma Zoom.