The Manhattan Adult ADD Support Group is pleased to present the following lecture on Thursday May 18, 2023 from 6-8pm EDT on Zoom.
"Neurodivergence" and Corporate Hiring: A Recruitment Revolution? w/ Michael S. Bernick, Esq. co-author, The Autism Full Employment Act: The Next Stage of Jobs for Adults with Autism, ADHD, and Other Learning and Mental Health Differences
Who is fit to hold a job?
Of late, ideas on this have shifted. Or so it would seem.
Most striking: a verbal commitment to hire, and keep, candidates who -- before -- were rarely considered. Like those with autism or dyslexia or ADHD. In some quarters, these are viewed as expressions of "neurodivergence" (or "neurodiversity"). Variations, that is, on what's normal.
Also emerging: an ecosystem of advocates -- and coaches, consultants, trainers, recruiters, journalists, lawyers, academics, hospital workers, and human-resources personnel -- who are willing to act as intermediaries. Or cheerleaders.
On May 18, connecting some dots will be Michael S. Bernick, who is a Special Counsel with the San Francisco-based law firm of Duane Morris LLP.
Bernick is also a columnist for Forbes, where he writes about "emerging employment structures, policy and law"; a Fellow at both the Milken Institute and the Burning Glass Institute; and the research director of the California Workforce Association.
To register for this lecture, please send an E mail to: [email protected] (please include your first name & E mail address).