Intuition Doula and Sleep Services, LLC

Intuition Doula and Sleep Services, LLC Hi! I’m Jaime. I’m a certified doula, placenta specialist, childbirth educator, and sleep consultant.

Your bedtime routine is so important! It is a positive sleep association that gives your kiddo time to wind down and ind...

Your bedtime routine is so important! It is a positive sleep association that gives your kiddo time to wind down and indicates to them that sleep time is coming!

You can implement a bedtime routine from the beginning if you wish, but I find 6 weeks to be the perfect time! While at 6 weeks your little one won’t be capable of recognizing a routine, by three months they will! So lay the foundation early to get bedtime on track!

Any questions about my bedtime routine? Drop them below!

And don’t forget about the virtual sleep support group I host with on Tuesdays at 8pm! Tonight we are welcoming parents with kiddos of any age! You can register at:

For the first three months, your only job is to survive and keep your baby alive. But if you want to lay the foundation ...

For the first three months, your only job is to survive and keep your baby alive. But if you want to lay the foundation for independent sleep down the road, here is what I recommend!

🌙 Get your baby used to sleeping on a firm flat surface (crib or bassinet) as much as possible. By all means, savor those sweet contact naps, but consider avoiding napping in the swing or doc a tot so that you don’t have to then transition away from those devices.

🌙 Use positive sleep associations such as a bedtime routine, swaddle, white noise, etc to help indicate to your baby that the time for sleep is approaching.

🌙 Offer full feeds every 2-3 hours. The more calories consumed during the day, the less are required overnight

🌙 An eat play sleep routine provides structure and predictability to yours and your baby’s day. It also helps you better understand what your baby needs at any given time.

🌙 Most importantly, cut yourself some slack. Things don’t have to be perfect and they won’t be. Experiment with these tips when possible, but call it quits if it doesn’t go well. Your needs and your baby’s needs are so great in the first three months. Prioritize both your physical and mental health first. Independent sleep can wait.

I’ve had a lot of parents express anxiety about sleep training their little one - anxiety about crying, anxiety about ho...

I’ve had a lot of parents express anxiety about sleep training their little one - anxiety about crying, anxiety about how it will affect their relationship, anxiety that it will just feel like too much.

I created a sleep plan with these parents in mind. In this plan, Sleep Training for the Gentle Parent, I laid out THE most gradual and gentle methods of sleep training so that parents can work toward their goals of independent sleep in a way and at a pace that works for them and their child.

Click the link below to get the plan. And if you are a particularly anxious parent, please feel free to reach out to me. The support and encouragement of a coach during the sleep training process may be just what you need.


I shared my birth story today over on my Instagram if you’re interested!

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Want access to all of my sleep magic? Join my newsletter! I’ll be sharing all of my tips, tricks, and hacks about pediat...

Want access to all of my sleep magic? Join my newsletter! I’ll be sharing all of my tips, tricks, and hacks about pediatric sleep.

Subscribe here:

Hey friends! I created a simple guide for how to gently elongate night sleep in babies 0-3 months. While it’s too early ...

Hey friends! I created a simple guide for how to gently elongate night sleep in babies 0-3 months. While it’s too early to sleep train at this age, you can sleep shape! Get my method here:

While it is not appropriate to formally sleep-train until 3 months with pediatrician’s approval, there are things you can do in the first three months to sleep shape. With my guide, Sleep Shaping Babies 0-3 Months: A Precursor to Sleep-Training, learn the method for how to gently elongate night sl...

Allow yourself and your baby the space and time you both need to adjust to this new life. There is no perfect. Our plans...

Allow yourself and your baby the space and time you both need to adjust to this new life. There is no perfect. Our plans often change. That’s ok. Give grace.

A review like this makes for a very good Friday indeed 🥰 It was an honor to support Jess and her little guy on their jou...

A review like this makes for a very good Friday indeed 🥰 It was an honor to support Jess and her little guy on their journey to better sleep! Now if only their dog would sleep through the night 😉

Honored to be featured as this week’s preferred provider by Birth and Beyond ResourcesReach out to set up a free sleep c...

Honored to be featured as this week’s preferred provider by Birth and Beyond Resources

Reach out to set up a free sleep consultation discovery call today!

Happy texts from some happy and well-rested clients 🥰

Happy texts from some happy and well-rested clients 🥰

Love these text exchanges with my clients! This 10 month old had been almost exclusively nursed to sleep. On night three...

Love these text exchanges with my clients! This 10 month old had been almost exclusively nursed to sleep. On night three of sleep training, he put himself to sleep after only three minutes of fussing. Amazing!





Another Yaphank circle has come to a close! Thank you to facilitator for holding space for this amazing group. Thank you to our wonderful wise and supportive speakers One Love Midwifery, Intuition Doula and Sleep Services, LLC and Liza Reytblat Haner

When you own your own business, you’re never off the clock. But I suppose that if you love what you do, you never quite ...

When you own your own business, you’re never off the clock. But I suppose that if you love what you do, you never quite feel like you’re on the clock either. Time to get to work!

Working on improving sleep habits or beginning sleep training? Here are some universal sleep recommendations to enhance ...

Working on improving sleep habits or beginning sleep training? Here are some universal sleep recommendations to enhance your efforts!

🌙 Consistency is KEY! Any sleep training method you select will work if applied consistently. Inconsistency and flip flopping back and forth between methods will only confuse your child, drag out the process, and increase stress for everyone.

🌙 I know this one is hard. You’re tired. You’re desperate. You want nothing more than for your child to fall asleep so that you can get the rest your body also craves. But you must stay calm! Kids can smell fear and stress and they will have a reaction to it. Take a deep breath, and trust that your efforts will pay off and that soon you will be getting the sleep you need.

🌙 In two-parent households we need a united front! Children should feel comfortable with either parent doing the bedtime routine. This is of particular importance for families working on a nursing to sleep association.

🌙 A calming bedtime routine done in the same order every night will become a positive sleep association for your child. I recommend this order: bath; diaper/ PJs; feeding in a well-lit room; brushing teeth; books; song; place in the crib or bed; white noise.

You can do this!

During the fourth trimester, you may find that your baby needs lots of soothing, and that is totally normal! The best wa...

During the fourth trimester, you may find that your baby needs lots of soothing, and that is totally normal! The best way to do this is to replicate the sensations of the womb. Start at the top of the ladder and work your way down until your baby is calm or asleep.

💤 Swaddle- for best results, the swaddle should be nice and snug so baby can’t work their arms up toward their face, becoming frustrating during the process. Also- I recommend you practice the swaddle when baby is already tired and calm until you have it mastered!
💤 Side-lying position such as belly to belly
💤 Shushing, either verbally or with a white noise machine
💤 Swinging, rocking, bouncing. When your baby was in the womb, they moved when you moved. It’s a sensation they are very familiar with and find super comforting!
💤 Sucking, either on a pacifier, or on you!

Clients and expecting families often ask me, “what can I do to promote independent sleep from the start?” Well, here’s y...

Clients and expecting families often ask me, “what can I do to promote independent sleep from the start?” Well, here’s your answer!

Things won’t be perfect, and that’s ok! In fact, there’s no such thing. Babies aren’t robots and we can’t make them do what we want. But we can implement small consistent strategies to create good long term sleep habits.

Reach out today to schedule a prenatal call to get all the info, tips, and tricks for the fourth trimester!

Did you know that you can hand express colostrum during pregnancy and store it to feed your baby in the first several da...

Did you know that you can hand express colostrum during pregnancy and store it to feed your baby in the first several days of life?!

Whether you want to ensure that your baby is eating well, involve your partner or loved one in feeding, or prevent supplementation with formula, colostrum harvesting is a great option!

It’s ok to cut yourself and your kiddo some slack. You’re doing a new thing. New things are hard. But you can do hard th...

It’s ok to cut yourself and your kiddo some slack. You’re doing a new thing. New things are hard. But you can do hard things.

Silverette Nursing Cups are far and away the product that my clients share the most positive feedback about. The natural...

Silverette Nursing Cups are far and away the product that my clients share the most positive feedback about. The naturally antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiviral silver soothes, heals, and prevents soreness, whether you’re nursing or pumping!

Because my clients love them, and I’m sure you will too, I teamed up with Silverette to offer a discount to anyone who purchases a pair using my code!

Use code “Intuitiondoula” at checkout to get 10% off your pair!

Witching hour? More like hoursssss, am I right? If you haven’t yet experienced it, witching hour is a period of extreme ...

Witching hour? More like hoursssss, am I right?

If you haven’t yet experienced it, witching hour is a period of extreme fussiness lasting up to several hours, usually taking place in the late afternoon/early evening. During these episodes your baby may be inconsolable for no apparent reason. No amount of bouncing, diaper changing, burping, cuddling, or shushing will do the trick. 😭

Doctors aren’t 100% why the witching hour happens, but the most likely factors are overstimulation and an accumulation of tiredness. As your baby spends more time awake during the day, their tiredness compounds and they struggle to manage it, resulting in these hours-long episodes in the evening.

To prevent witching hour, do your best to help baby get adequate rest during the day. Encourage naps, especially the afternoon ones! Baby wear, take a stroller walk or car ride, do whatever is necessary to prevent overtiredness.

You can do it!

Have questions about what I do? Here ya go!Reach out for a free discovery call!

Have questions about what I do? Here ya go!

Reach out for a free discovery call!

Is your little one awake for hours at a time overnight? This is because in the womb, their day wasn’t governed by light ...

Is your little one awake for hours at a time overnight? This is because in the womb, their day wasn’t governed by light and dark the way it is for us on the outside, so they are born without their internal clocks set to be awake during the day and asleep at night. Use these strategies to help your baby resolve day/night confusion:

☀️ Spend time outside during the day, or in the cooler months, keep curtains and blinds open to expose your baby to sunlight

☀️Have baby nap in a well-lit room and don’t feel that you need to tiptoe around them. We want baby to learn that daytime is for activity

🌛 For nighttime sleep, keep the room dim and quiet. We want baby to learn nighttime is for sleeping

☀️ Cap daytime naps at around 2 hours. We want their longest stretch of sleep to happen at night, not during the day

☀️ Make wake time during the day stimulating and engaging.

☀️ Extend daytime wake windows as is age appropriate

There have been lots of new faces around here lately, so I thought I’d take a second to introduce myself! I’m Jaime (she...

There have been lots of new faces around here lately, so I thought I’d take a second to introduce myself!

I’m Jaime (she/her). I’m a certified doula, childbirth educator, placenta specialist, and pediatric sleep consultant providing compassionate, family-centered support to birthing and postpartum families, primarily in NY.

My passion for supporting families stemmed from my previous work as a full-time nanny. I loved being a part of that family’s village- doing everything I could to love on and teach their children while also trying to make the parents’ lives easier in any way I could. I found deep fulfillment from supporting them, but over time realized how many other families needed similar support, particularly during the most transformational, magical, yet challenging time of life: birth and postpartum. To me, there is nothing more meaningful than showing up for these families. Educating them, supporting them, empowering them, nurturing them.

When I’m not serving my clients you can find me cuddling with one of my (3) cats, making (or eating) some yummy food, or spending time outside. Also, I’m growing my own tiny human, due in August!

If we don’t already know one another, I’d love to connect! Feel free to comment or shoot me a message if you want to get to know me more or inquire about any of my services!!

Birth is a wild ride, that’s for sure! One that can’t be predicted!My client went in to the hospital around noon with su...

Birth is a wild ride, that’s for sure! One that can’t be predicted!

My client went in to the hospital around noon with suspected broken waters, which was confirmed around 2. She got her first dose of cytotec around 4:30, which by 9:30, had dilated her to 1cm. The plan was to start a low dose of pitocin around 11:15 to keep her contractions going, but when they checked her before administering, she was at 9cm! Baby was born at 12:18!

It certainly doesn’t feel great to miss a birth, but on the other hand, I am in utter shock and awe at what human bodies are capable of! This is certainly one for the books!

So happy to report that mom and baby are doing well, and that the birth was well supported by my client’s mom and best friend. I SO wish I could have felt the energy in that room and been there to encourage her as well, but hey, it just wasn’t meant to work out that way.

Once again, left in awe by the power of birth.

Say it louder for the people in the back 🗣️ Investing in better sleep is not selfish 🗣️ Sleep is a basic human function ...

Say it louder for the people in the back 🗣️ Investing in better sleep is not selfish 🗣️

Sleep is a basic human function and need. Without adequate sleep, adults and children cannot flourish. Our feelings of safety, love, connection, self, confidence, purpose, and meaning are compromised. Chronic or long-term lack of sleep impacts our immune systems, our hormone production, cognitive development, ability to learn and make connections, emotional development and regulation, appetite, overall health, and so much more.

Investing in better sleep for your family is an investment in your family’s health and wellness. It essential for your child’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being, and it is essential for you! It is not extra, not secondary. It is a basic human need.

It sounds weird to say, but getting adequate sleep can literally change your life. Physical, mental, emotional health. A...

It sounds weird to say, but getting adequate sleep can literally change your life. Physical, mental, emotional health. All of it! So happy to get to help others feel like their best selves!

Many of you probably know this, but if you don’t, now you do! I’m a certified pediatric sleep consultant! I work virtual...

Many of you probably know this, but if you don’t, now you do! I’m a certified pediatric sleep consultant!
I work virtually with parents to create a daytime nap and feeding schedule that helps get their little one sleeping through the night (when developmentally appropriate), teach expecting and newborn parents about safe sleep, coach parents through strategies for sleep training based on your unique parenting style, and help end bedtime tantrums and overnight wake ups! I work with babies, toddlers, and young children 🙂
If you or someone you know needs support in the sleep department, please reach out or share my info!

Sleep Consulting As a postpartum doula of several years, I of course had some degree of knowledge about pediatric sleep. And yet, over time, I discovered how utterly insufficient my knowledge really was. I could tell clients that babies sleep a lot, but couldn’t specify exactly how many hours a da...


Port Washington, NY


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