#tunedintuesdays with ROCovery. A video series intended to introduce you to some of our members and others in our community, and to be able to share the reasons we all benefit from more community and connection in our lives. We are committed to fostering a safe, supoortive and inclusive environment for healing and recovery. To eradicate the stigma associated with addiction and mental health challenges by lifting each other up and sharing in each other's joys and struggles and learing more about ourselves and each other along the way. #werecovertogether #getbusyliving #recoveroutloud
#tunedintuesdays with ROCovery. A video series intended to introduce you to some of our members and others in our community, and to be able to share the reasons we all benefit from more community and connection in our lives. We are committed to fostering a safe, supoortive and inclusive environment for healing and recovery. To eradicate the stigma associated with addiction and mental health challenges by lifting each other up and sharing in each other's joys and struggles and learing more about ourselves and each other along the way. #werecovertogether #getbusyliving #recoveroutloud
#tunedintuesdays with ROCovery. A video series intended to introduce you to some of our members and others in our community, and to be able to share the reasons we all benefit from more community and connection in our lives. We are committed to fostering a safe, supoortive and inclusive environment for healing and recovery. To eradicate the stigma associated with addiction and mental health challenges by lifting each other up and sharing in each other's joys and struggles and learing more about ourselves and each other along the way. #werecovertogether #getbusyliving #recoveroutloud
#tunedintuesdays with ROCovery. A video series intended to introduce you to some of our members and others in our community, and to be able to share the reasons we all benefit from more community and connection in our lives. We are committed to fostering a safe, supoortive and inclusive environment for healing and recovery. To eradicate the stigma associated with addiction and mental health challenges by lifting each other up and sharing in each other's joys and struggles and learing more about ourselves and each other along the way. #werecovertogether #getbusyliving #recoveroutloud
#tunedintuesdays with ROCovery. A video series intended to introduce you to some of our members and others in our community, and to be able to share the reasons we all benefit from more community and connection in our lives. We are committed to fostering a safe, supoortive and inclusive environment for healing and recovery. To eradicate the stigma associated with addiction and mental health challenges by lifting each other up and sharing in each other's joys and struggles and learing more about ourselves and each other along the way. #werecovertogether #getbusyliving #recoveroutloud
#tunedintuesdays with ROCovery. A video series intended to introduce you to some of our members and others in our community, and to be able to share the reasons we all benefit from more community and connection in our lives. We are committed to fostering a safe, supoortive and inclusive environment for healing and recovery. To eradicate the stigma associated with addiction and mental health challenges by lifting each other up and sharing in each other's joys and struggles and learing more about ourselves and each other along the way. #werecovertogether #getbusyliving #recoveroutloud
#tunedintuesdays with ROCovery. A video series intended to introduce you to some of our members and others in our community, and to be able to share the reasons we all benefit from more community and connection in our lives. We are committed to fostering a safe, supoortive and inclusive environment for healing and recovery. To eradicate the stigma associated with addiction and mental health challenges by lifting each other up and sharing in each other's joys and struggles and learing more about ourselves and each other along the way. #werecovertogether #getbusyliving #recoveroutloud
#tunedintuesdays with ROCovery. A video series intended to introduce you to some of our members and others in our community, and to be able to share the reasons we all benefit from more community and connection in our lives. We are committed to fostering a safe, supportive and inclusive environment for healing and recovery. To eradicate the stigma associated with addiction and mental health challenges by lifting each other up and sharing in each other’s joys and struggles and learing more about ourselves and each other along the way. #werecovertogether #getbusyliving #recoveroutloud
#tunedintuesdays with ROCovery. A video series intended to introduce you to some of our members and others in our community, and to be able to share the reasons we all benefit from more community and connection in our lives. We are committed to fostering a safe, supoortive and inclusive environment for healing and recovery. To eradicate the stigma associated with addiction and mental health challenges by lifting each other up and sharing in each other's joys and struggles and learing more about ourselves and each other along the way. #werecovertogether #getbusyliving #recoveroutloud
Tuned in Tuesdays! This week with Cally G!
#tunedintuesdays with ROCovery. A video series intended to introduce you to some of our members and others in our community, and to be able to share the reasons we all benefit from more community and connection in our lives. We are committed to fostering a safe, supoortive and inclusive environment for healing and recovery. To eradicate the stigma associated with addiction and mental health challenges by lifting each other up and sharing in each other's joys and struggles and learing more about ourselves and each other along the way. #werecovertogether #getbusyliving #recoveroutloud
ROCovery Fitness, the place where you can workout, dance around between sets, and have so much fun 🤗
Get your weekend plans going!
•Dungeons and Dragons 🐉 1 PM
•Conditioning with Joe (at the center) 💪🏼 5:30 PM
•Morning bootcamp ☀️ 💪🏼💪🏾 9 AM
•Hike at Durand 2 PM 🌲
•NA Meeting 6 PM
•Open Mic Night 8 PM 🎤
•NA Meeting 4 PM
Open Hours Monday - Thursday 8 AM - 7 PM, Friday & Saturday 8 AM - 1 PM
#soberlivingthroughfitness #getbusyliving #sober #community #connection #hopeliveshere #rocoveryfitness #risebyliftingothers #ROCoveryStrong #unity #service #warrior #ROCfitFam #crew #recoveryhappens
Salsa 💃
Salsa lesson this Saturday at 11 AM 💃 🕺 join the fun, let go and express yourself through movement and music 🤍 https://facebook.com/events/s/rocovery-salsa-lesson-beginner/297712069685006/?mibextid=RQdjqZ
This lesson is perfect for those who are new to salsa or want to brush up on basics 🤗
#soberlivingthroughfitness #getbusyliving #sober #community #connection #hopeliveshere #rocoveryfitness #risebyliftingothers #ROCoveryStrong #unity #service #warrior #ROCfitFam #crew #recoveryhappens #salsa #salsadancing
El trastorno por consumo de opioides es una enfermedad crónica que afecta a muchas personas en [Monroe County]. Como otras enfermedades crónicas, puede tratarse con medicamentos. Los tres medicamentos aprobados por la FDA (metadona, buprenorfina y naltrexona) para el #trastornoporconsumodeopioides actúan aliviando los síntomas de abstinencia, abordando las ansias psicológicas y reduciendo el riesgo de recaída y de muerte por sobredosis. Hable con un proveedor de atención médica sobre cómo los medicamentos para el trastorno por consumo de opioides pueden contribuir a su recuperación: [HealTogetherNY.org/Monroe].
Opioid use disorder is a chronic disease that affects many people in [Monroe County]. Like other chronic diseases it can be managed with medication. The three FDA-approved medications (methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone) for #opioidusedisorder work by relieving withdrawal symptoms, addressing psychological cravings, and lowering the risk of return to use and overdose death. Talk to a healthcare provider about how medications for opioid use disorder can support your recovery: [HealTogetherNY.org/Monroe].
From our friends at Strong Recovery. They are not only one of our 5k presenting sponsors but also a long time community partner and supporter of ROCovery Fitness.
#strongertogether #connection #community #recovery
#kettlebellworkout #savage #soberlivingthroughfitness #girevoysport #soberwarrior