Take the time to relax, unwind, and breathe in some fresh air! Very grateful for the routine of walking the pups every morning and evening. Sometimes it the simple habits, rituals, and routines that can make the biggest difference!
Morning Rituals and Routines are so helpful in starting the day off on a positive note!
One of my favorite ways to start the day off is by a hot cup of matcha by @wearerasa, meditation, and then intention setting for the day.
What are some of your favorite ways to start off the day?
Check out matcha cloud at wearerasa.com and use code RASARX258529 for 20% off!
In the wild moments from this weekend! Spending time outdoors, in the wild(aka nature), doing what makes you happy is so important for health and overall wellbeing! What were your in the wild moments from this weekend? What kind of in the wild moments do you want to add more of in life??