Your food & cooking questions, answered! You’ve got 24 hours (I think?) to respond to my recent @instagramforbusiness “Story” clip, which includes a segment that you can type in anything your heart, mind, and/or bod yearn to learn more about.
My own health & Wellness has been a roller coaster of a guessing game, as I was raised by holistic healers and have lots of immigrant blood coursing through these veins. I’ve turned around my health, balanced my energy levels, and restored my fertility (TMI?) with a scientific understanding of my own plantrician intuition...and I’ve spent years and about a hundred thousand dollars studying human metabolism, advanced biochemistry, biostatistics, and therapeutic cooking to help myself and YOU. #askmeanything 🐝 @sheilamariehiggins • @tastemade • @food52 • @thechalkboardmag • @mindbodygreen • #tbbmademedoit 👩🏼🌾
#mealprepsunday #crossfitgirls #recipevideo #cookingdemo #eatmoreplants #keto #intermittentfasting #infertilityawareness #mamabird #womensfitness #personaltrainer #sandiegofitness #encinitaslife
Oh, hey; loook • #yogainspiration 🐝 @sheilamariehiggins 🤷🏼♀️
Magic hour moments 🙏🏼
#iphoneonly #timelapse #southernswells
Question: What do YOU do when you’re sure you’ve reached your patience threshold and the universe slaps you across the face? Stop scrolling (literally. STOP.), and stop watching this same movement clip (that I posted on Sunday) and pause. If you’re on your phone, you have the luxury to look up, peer inward, and actually “like” yourself. .
Take a moment to reflect on the ways in which you show up to yourself when you feel like the world is against you, and nothing is going as planned. .
What helps? What hurts? Comment below and tag a friend who could use a friend right now 🙏🏼 #askingforafriend @annashook123 .
#yogaeverydamnday #vailpass #altitudesickness #karmaisabitch #namaslay #yogisofinstagram #wellnesswednesday #travelwithme #huffpostwomen #weddingbells #bridesmaids #spirituality #mindfulness #movementculture #writingprompts #judgementdetox @yogajournal
Monthly goals: 16% body fat and lots of chocolate to keep this woman happy, healthy, and wise 💜
Personal victory disguised as an #igworthy Handstand hold; this was last week, after a Boot Camp class - one of the first times I let myself feel into bigger, more powerful, less cautious movements. It felt incredible to feel sweat dripping from my own body again, to be upside down with the weight of my world held in the trembles of my own fingertips. It didn’t last long, but that was enough. It’s always enough.
#progress #yoga #yogasix #yogaeverydamnday #practicalmagic #inversion #injuryrecovery #sportsmedicine #adidas #nikewomen #iwillwhatiwant #stronger #fitchick #humbleyourself #newbeginnings #balance #bootcamp #sandiegofitness
Let’s all take a study break to scroll and play a little game in the realm of exercise physiology and pathologies 👩🏼🏫 For my fellow 👁learners: I’m curious to hear your assessments, thoughts, and insights into these movement patterns - what symptoms do you think I might be presenting with? What feelings and sensations does this evoke for you? If you’ve got anything to share, I’d love to start a conversation going! Leave a brief comment, tag a friend or mentor, and let’s help this little lady get back on track 🙏🏼 .
#opensource #communityhealth #naturalhealing #sports #physiology #injury #gametime #sportsmedicine #crossfit #invictus #movement #fitness #healthblogger #publichealth #physicalmedicine @airbornemind @drirenetobias @bastyruniversity @womenshealthmag @crossfitgames @sluagency @adidaswomen #nikerunclub
Well I built a fire with both my hands
And watched it burn the land
I planted seeds in ashes
Just to see if it would grown again
Took a train to outer space
To see if I could find a place
Where I could watch the sweet sun burn the scars off my face
Hoping I would see the light
Well the rain came down without a sound
And flowers sprouted from the ground
How can I not speak of God when all I see is this mirage
#yoga #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverywhere #fitness #wellness #movement #movementculture #flexibledieting #strongwomen #intuition #flow #creativity #imagination #artistsoninstagram #sandiegofitness #acroyoga #gymnastics #strongnotskinny
“So know this, know that everything's cool
And yes I will be present on the first day of school, and graduation.”
(when your human is halfway across the world and you’re sitting in your car almost peeing your pants laughing at that face when Your Jam comes on 😭😍💜)
.#throwbackthursday #msjackson #outkast #baddizzle #travel #photography #wanderlust #memories #bae #baegoals #gradschoolproblems
How does your practice move you? Hush your inner critic and tune into your intuitive healing instincts - how does your body ache to stretch, to soften, to make shapes and sounds and space and stillness. And, equally as important, what is perhaps holding you back from exploring and expressing that?
Here’s what feels to be a relevant share for this real-time clip from my home practice last week: Memories and emotions (stress and joy and sorrow and ecstasy and fear and everything in between) are all somehow, somewhere, stored in the body. As one of our human instruments of perception, muscles (physical structures of the body that facilitate movement, create shapes, and establish overall structure) take on and hold A LOT more than we may give them credit for...good, bad, and otherwise. Sometimes, for me, little things from my past float through my awareness as I move. Sometimes, huge traumas that I had somehow forgotten come charging at my heart like a stampede of elephants as I finally find stillness. No matter the flavor of experience, each time I leave the mat I am changed. Each time I show up to practice I am participating in the un-hiding and subsequent healing of whatever it is that I have stowed away into these muscles of mine.
So, dear friends and strangers of this virtual world, how is your practice manifesting for you today?
#yoga #yogaeverydamnday #practice #fitness #wellness #healing #flexibility #balance #mobility #writingcommunity #spirituality #teachersofinstagram #selfdevelopment #lookinside #strongwomen #besoft #singing
I came across the following passage recently. I must say - delving into old literature with new words (and deeper experience) is inspiring me to shape my own perspective on some things that I thought I had closed a door to...stuff that I thought I should probably lock away into the corners of my mind, shut my eyes, and throw away the key. Welp, knowledge and understanding and listening and hearing are all at the mercy of, here ya go:
“A mind that is racing over worries about the future or recycling resentments from the past is ill equipped to handle the challenges of the moment. By slowing down, we can train the mind to focus completely in the present. Then we will find that we can function well whatever the difficulties. That is what it means to be stress-proof: not avoiding stress but being at our best under pressure, calm, cool, and creative in the midst of the storm.” #vedic #literature #theology #spirituality #yoga #yogaeverywhere #yogawithoutrules #experienceoverresearch #meaningful #movement #dancer #strongwomen #anxiety #selfcare #beauty
We operate in this world amidst layers of communication; we swim in waves and troughs of meaning (mine and yours and theirs), punctuated and influenced by assumption, expectation, and circumstance. Sometimes, we catch the rhythm - we are carried along the current, gliding and carving and leaning into the force of something(s) so much bigger than the container of the body, something(s) so much more expansive than the capacity of the conscious mind. (Yet, do we catch the wave, or does it catch us?)
Other times, we feel like that shy, tone-deaf child...forced to sing on stage in church choir. We don’t the melody, and all of the sounds that come out of us clash with the melodious symphony that surrounds. It feels like we’re upstream without a paddle, slowly circling the drain where we just might drown.
Sometimes, we sit down to write a silly caption about Bali and boyfriendz and kale and something totally unexpected sprouts forth instead. “Go with the flow”, They say🙃🌊 🤙🏼
#nature #gardening #healthyfood #eatyourgreens #kaleyes #love #surfing #indonesia #writing #writersofinstagram #california #style #lifestyleblogger #wellness #spirituality #inspirationalquotes
Earth calling, pilot to co-pilot;
Looking for life on this planet sir,
no sign of it
All I could see is a bunch of smoke flyin'
And I'm so high that I might die if I go by it
Let me out of this place;
I'm outta place,
I'm in in outer space, I've just vanished without a trace
I'm going to a pretty place now,
where the flowers grow.
I'll be back in an hour or so.
#gymrat #drugballad #crc #throwback #youdoyou #movementculture #healing #skindeep #womenwhodowhattheywant #crossfitstuff #iowaraised #jerseygirl
After-class playtime with my love ☺️
Weirding out the early morning tractor crew at George's Steakhouse with an outdoor practice. Fairfield, you're totally strange and altogether lovable. Yoga with me on the square every Friday morning from 7:00 - 7:45 am - FREE! Some mats available, all levels welcome :) #yoga #yogaeverydamnday #iowa #fairfield #yogagram #hyperlapse #startyourdayright #fitness #healthy #morning #yogateacher #vinyasa
Hyperlapse playtime before class :) I've been working with incorporating a few new little alignment tricks from Dice Iida-Klein into my inversion practice--flexed ankles and internal thigh rotation work to integrate the hip joint and help give you that extra little ooooomph to nail a handstand. Grateful for an adventurous group of yogis and some upside down class fun!