Greetings dear Everflowing friends! Its been a long time. As for many this has been a personally difficult year and it has demanded my full personal attention. I have taken an extended leave from my personal FB page however will continue to inform and post what's going on with Everflowing.
I have missed our connection and hope that your interest in what we facilitate in the world can be rekindled. We will continue to receive the changes as they come however for now our mission of Touch Awareness in healthcare for the dying is alive and well. The January newsletter will give you all the news!
For now I just want to express my gratitude to you for hanging in there with us through this silent period. You mean the world to me and all involved with Everflowing.
With shelter in place during this holiday season I wish you all cozy surroundings, loving family , nurturing friends in person or virtual and above all else a safe and healthy entry into the New Year. This isolation has been hard and I encourage you to do whatever it takes to return love and compassion to yourself. If you live alone like I do this is mandatory for grounding and well being. We all deserve it!
Blessings and Deep Gratitude