I had a waking dream this morning about placing painless retinal brain sensor implants using AI technology into newborns. The system implanted is meant to pick up immediately on any form of abuse that occurs to the infant with the goal of preserving their souls harm.
If abuse occurs an immediate Preservation of the Soul Police (PSP) are dispatched to the child's location, using an army of AI robots, then sending human spiritual teachers, to the point of interaction, with the goal to protect the child and teach the caregiver how to stop the abuse. Even to the point where an implant is needed into the adults brain to help heal their patterns of belief and reactions. To heal their pain.
The goal is to stop abuse. Imagining a more effective system supported by the people which supports loving kindness to self and others, carrying forward to the future, breaking the cycle of intergenerational trauma. This would lessen emotional pain to a great degree, so much so, we would have such minimalist amounts of homelessness, addiction and decrease incarceration, that jails and prisons are few and truly runs rehabilitative programs such as Norway does.
How is that for a dream. Science fiction? Or possibility? You decide what you want for our society. If they can create a vibrating pill that activates in the GI tract, why not develop a way to identify abuse when it is happening?
As a liberal, I would support such technology because of such positive outcomes.
We make laws for seatbelts, licensing dogs. Why not protect children by licensing adults who have children? Keep all abortions legal and safe. The morning after pill available in vending machines.
WHY does the right want to take us back and continue to fill our prisons without rehabilitative programs since they can't get enough staff to guard the prisoners. They are just doing damage control as it is in Salt Lake City. Let's do something more to help before it's too late.