Women's College Hospital (WCH) is committed to the health and well−being of all Indigenous individuals, families, and communities such that every Indigenous client at WCH receives high-quality, culturally safe health care that is free of racism and discrimination, and where Indigenous ways of knowing are respected and valued.
The Centre for Wise Practices Indigenous Health at Women’s College Hospital takes an innovative approach to mobilize and implement recommendations specific to healthcare and education from:
Report on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
Other key guiding documents include:
Bringing Reconciliation to Healthcare in Canada: Wise Practices for Healthcare Leaders
The Indigenous Health Primer
The Indigenous Health Values and Principles Statement
The Centre is working to close health gaps experienced by Indigenous peoples. The ongoing development of “wholistic” educational opportunities for learners and staff are inclusive of Indigenous ways of knowing so that all of our Indigenous patients and learners experience high-quality, culturally safe care:
Community−informed education, research, and clinical care that prioritizes Indigenous perspectives of "wholistic" well-being and healing (spiritual, emotional, mental, physical)
Indigenous−led relationship development that reflects the sophistication and diversity of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis communities
Advancement of Indigenous knowledge translation and advocate for wise practices, anti-racism/bias, cultural safety and trauma-informed training opportunities as prerequisites for improving the health and well−being of all Indigenous individuals, families, and communities
Nurturing and facilitating traditional First Nations, Inuit and Métis healing practices with western healthcare practices while respecting the diverse needs and sophistication of all Indigenous peoples
Senator Constance Simmonds, Elder-In-Residence
Métis elder carrying Cree teachings in her sacred bundle and is a pipe carrier who has joined the staff of Women’s College Hospital as our elder-in-residence on Wednesdays. Bringing over forty years of experience providing addictions, mental health and trauma counselling, outreach, and case management skills, Senator Constance is helping to ensure rights for Indigenous peoples to practice their diverse spiritual traditions under the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples are being met (holistic and spiritual care practices, i.e.: Point 11, Ontario Human Rights Commission → smudging, etc.) and that staff, students, patients at WCH have access to the guidance and counsel they may need in various learning and healthcare environments. Senator Simmond’s traditional knowledge and governance wisdom have been (and will continue to be) essential. She is also nurturing our sacred bundle and advising on the design of our learning and co-working spaces -- in particular -- the move of the Office of Indigenous Medical Education from U of T to WCH.
Dr. Lisa Richardson, Strategic Lead, Indigenous Health
Staff Physician in General Internal Medicine, University Health Network
Associate Professor & Vice-Chair, Culture & Inclusion, Department of Medicine
Strategic Lead, Office of Indigenous Medical Education (Faculty of Medicine), University of Toronto
Education Researcher, The Wilson Centre
Dr. Richardson is a clinician-educator in the University of Toronto's Division of General Internal Medicine and practices at the University Health Network. Her academic background is diverse and includes a Bachelor’s degree from McGill University with Majors in English Literature and Biology, a Medical Degree from the University of Calgary followed by residency training in General Internal Medicine at the University of Toronto and a Master’s degree in the field of Science and Technology Studies. Supported by the Indigenous Medical Education Investigator Award, she is a Centre Researcher at the Wilson Centre with a scholarly focus on integrating critical, Indigenous and other perspectives from the social sciences and humanities into medical education. She is the Strategic Advisor in Indigenous Health for the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Medicine and for Women’s College Hospital, an Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine and co-leads the portfolio of Person-Centered Care Education. Formerly, she was a site program director for the Core Internal Medicine Residency Program and was also its first Wellness Lead.
Currently, Lisa chairs several provincial and national committees to advance medical education and is an active member of the Indigenous Physicians Association of Canada. Her work as an advocate and educator has been recognized through numerous local, national and international awards.
~ We Are Women’s Report 2018, Creating a Place of Healing
Selena Mills (Lead, Health Systems Transformation)
Selena (Cree, French Canadian-Settler) is a direct descendant of the Woodland Cree peoples of Lac Laronge, Treaty 6. An interdisciplinary creative, who specializes in a number of digital media, healthcare and community-based fields; she provides leadership strategic communications and governance building skills, crucial to establishing institutional Indigenous cultural protocols, affecting cultural change, safety, and representation within. Collaborating on the creation of new policies, protocols, governance procedures, content creation, project management and brand development, Selena is also deeply connected to interacting with all departments, directors and allies at the WCH Foundation. She also supports education and workshop opportunities for cultural sensitivity training for staff and students of WCH, instrumental components to maintaining the sustainability and advancement of authentic institutional transformation. Other areas of focus include:
Ensuring consultation with Indigenous, First Nations, Inuit and Metis traditional practitioners, healers and knowledge keepers
Identifying overlaps or gaps in the strategic areas already being targeted and developed in various multi-pronged equitable healthcare projects for Indigenous communities serviced by WCH
Facilitate activities and Indigenous initiatives at the hospital
Strategic Communications (inter and outer org)
Develops outer-org partnerships and community-building engagement
Workshop co-facilitation and program planning for cultural sensitivity awareness training and diverse educational initiatives/opportunities
Dr. Cynthia Whitehead, Vice President, Education, Women’s College Hospital
Cynthia Whitehead is a Professor in the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Toronto; Director and Scientist at the Wilson Centre, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto at University Health Network; and the Vice-President Education, Women’s College Hospital. She has held many education leadership positions in medical education at the University of Toronto.
Dr. Whitehead obtained her PhD from the University of Toronto and MD from McMaster University. Her program of research as a Wilson Centre Scientist focuses on deconstructing ‘truths’ of health professions education to expand our understandings of possibilities for change. Some of Dr. Whitehead’s specific content areas of research interest include globalization of medical education, accreditation, equity diversity and inclusion, outcomes-based education, interprofessional education, and the history of medical education. Dr. Whitehead is involved in teaching, curriculum design, curricular evaluation and educational administration. Internationally, she has provided education consultations and worked collaboratively with educators in multiple countries in Africa, Asia, South America, North America and Europe.
Theresa Kay, Director of Education, Women’s College Hospital
Theresa is currently the Director of Education at Women’s College Hospital in Toronto. In this role, she leads a diverse team promoting a Learning Organization that values equity and diversity; supporting humanistic education that integrates teaching, clinical practice and research to advance and innovate patient care. She has more than 20 years of Professional Practice and Education experience in ambulatory, acute and community health care settings. Theresa holds both a Bachelor of Health Sciences (Physiotherapy) and a Master of Health Sciences from McMaster University. She has lead an interprofessional team on a Cochrane Systematic Review “Exercise for Mechanical Neck Disorders”, and has published in the area of Physiotherapy and Evaluation.
We are in the seeding stages of building governance and educational frameworks and are currently guided by two visiting Elders, Knowledge Keepers and Traditional Practitioners who are recognized in their communities as Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee ceremonial leaders. These vibrant and spirituality activated advisors carry their bundles with confidence and are committed to our collective values:
Cultural Reclamation
Community Engagement & Accountability
Dedicated to First Nations, Inuit and Métis Nations
Kind Honesty
Capacity Building
Kahontakwas Diane Longboat, MEd is a member of the Turtle Clan and Mohawk Nation. She is a ceremonial leader, traditional teacher and healer. She has served as Elder for CAMH since January of 2013 and is currently the Senior Project Manager, Guiding Directions Implementation. At CAMH, Diane built the Ceremony Grounds consisting of medicine gardens, a Sacred Fire for traditional teachings and healing ceremonies, and a Sweat Lodge for the well- being of Indigenous clients. She also wrote the CAMH policies on traditional healing for First Nations, Inuit and Métis clients and patients that placed traditional healing as a standard of care at CAMH and part of treatment planning. Diane is founder of Soul of the Mother, a Healing Lodge since 1994 on the shores of the Grand River at Six Nations Grand River Territory, as well as, the founder of First Nations House (Office of Aboriginal Student Services and Programs) at the University of Toronto in 1986.
Diane is a professional educator with a Master's degree in education and has taught at universities nationally and internationally on the topic of traditional Indigenous knowledge systems and spirituality as the fuel for innovation. She possesses an in-depth understanding of Indigenous history, loss and trauma, as well as the resiliency factors that are embedded in culture and knowledge systems. She has published extensively and written numerous reports on Indigenous education and law for the Assembly of First Nations and the Chiefs of Ontario.
In 2017 and 2018, Diane was the Indigenous Education Advisor to the Premier of Ontario and to two Ministers of Education. She currently serves on the Dean’s Strategic Advisory Council for the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. Diane was Co-Chair of the Indigenous Peoples Program at the 7th global summit of the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Toronto in November 2018. Diane is recognized as an Evolutionary Leader by the Source of Synergy Foundation in New York City and is a faculty member for the Leadership Quest of the Earthwise Centre, Netherlands.
Banakonda Kennedy Kish (Bell), is Elder-in-Residence at Laurier University’s Lyle S. Hallman Masters of Social Work program, in the Indigenous Field of Studies. Her Indigenous name is Awnjibinayseekwe (Changing Thunderbird Eagle Woman). She is a Bear Clan, Third Degree Midewiwin, Ojibway Traditional Medicine Society, 1972-present, Traditional knowledge Keeping, includes Teachings, Ceremonies and the Medicines.
In addition to being an Indigenous Elder, she is also an Indigenous cultural advisor, teacher, curriculum developer, trainer, and Traditional Practitioner, serving Indigenous communities for over forty years. She has travelled to other counties, including Peru, Chile, and South Africa as a keynote speaker and workshop leader. She is a co-author of Case Critical: Social Services and Social Justice in Canada (2017, Between the Lines Publishers) and also of a chapter of Social Work Ethics: Progressive, Practical and Relational Approaches (2017, Oxford University Press).