*Introducing the mirena*
It’s hard not to love this device as it has helped so many women with heavy periods (as well as provide really effective contraception). The importance of this post is that if your periods are getting heavier go and seen your obgyn. Many women assume that heavy periods are normal and do not seek treatment. It may be caused by underlying disease such as fibroids, polyps, endometrial hyperplasia, adenomyosis and more.
Visit heavymenstrualbleeding.com they have a great self test that will let you know if your periods are too heavy and if you need to seek heals and treatment. Too many women fail to seek treatment until their health is compromised or need blood transfusions.
Tell your girlfriends, mothers, sisters… protect your health!
*gestational diabetes*
It’s more common than we think and occurs in up to 20% in our pregnant population. The reason why we screen women because women may feel totally well and without symptoms. The condition can however have an impact on both mom and baby. For mom- there’s a risk of miscarriage, pre eclampsia, preterm labour, instrumental delivery, Caesarean section and traumatic deliveries.
For baby there is a higher risk of congenital abnormalities, large for dates, stillbirth, birth injury, neonatatal intensive care stay, difficulty in maintaining their own blood sugars and higher risk of diabetes later in life.
Many times we can manage the condition with diet and exercise and other times we may need medication. It’s definitely important to diagnose to reduce the risks to mom and baby listed above.
I have a previous post on what to eat in gestational diabetes that may help women in their choice of food.
Take care!
*thanks to anabel @tigermomsclub for hosting our chat on a woman’s pregnancy journey*
Had a blast with the IG live session this morning. One of the best things for me that has come out of social media apart from being able to share knowledge is meeting new people with such amazing stories and skills- so many thanks Anabel, and hope the sharing shed some colour on what a woman goes through on her pregnancy journey!
*thanks to anabel @tigermomsclub for hosting our chat on a woman’s pregnancy journey*
Had a blast with the IG live session this morning. One of the best things for me that has come out of social media apart from being able to share knowledge is meeting new people with such amazing stories and skills- so many thanks Anabel, and hope the sharing shed some colour on what a woman goes through on her pregnancy journey!
*N95 in pregnancy*
Healthcare workers have been required to wear personal protection equipment including N95 filtering facepiece respirators. With the recent TTSH covid cluster, many HCWs are donning the N95 mask to protect against viruses 🦠 spread by inhalation of particles <5 micron in size.
Pregnant HCWs have been coming forward as there is concern and anxiety regarding the use of the N95 mask during this time.
Wearing a N95 mask has many discomforts including an increase in temperature, humidity and facial irritation, headaches, acne and increased work of breathing, even for non pregnant women.
Pregnancy results in physiological changes in the respiratory system. Oxygen consumption is increased by 20% due to increasing metabolic needs. Breathlessness is also commonly reported by 70% of healthy pregnant women starting from the first trimester possibly due to a new sensation of physiological hyperventilation associated with pregnancy.
A systematic review 2020 (4 studies referenced below) showed that N95 use among pregnant women was not associated with increases in heart rate, respiratory rate, fetal heart rate or oxygen saturation.
There is limited evidence that N95 use in pregnancy is likely safe for short durations. The definition of short durations is not well defined and more studies are needed. For now rest from wearing the N95 masks every 1-2 hours in a safe environment may help with the discomfort in pregnant women. While N95 usage can be bothersome, proper use affords the best protection from respiratory viruses.
For pregnant HCWs I salute you and if you have concerns do approach your doctor to advise. For our TTSH colleagues I wish for you strength as your workload and processes once again heighten during this pandemic.
Am J perinatal. 2020 Aug;37(10):995-1001
*The contraceptive patch!* Have you heard about it? It’s like the birth control pill but in the form of a sticker 😍
*The contraceptive patch!* Have you heard about it? It’s like the birth control pill but in the form of a sticker 😍