Animal Mystic Conversations and Interpretation

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Animal Mystic Conversations and Interpretation I am an animal communicator, a Reike master, a lightworker, and a second level EFT practitioner. Using EFT I work on emotionally charged behaviors.

I have always had a strong desire to impact animal safety, health and well being by giving them a voice. I realized at the age of nine that I could communicate with animals. Over the years I have worked with many animal friends to overcome problems. I have worked exclusively with whom I have a close acquaintance. This spiritual gift was little understood. I have now decided to share this gift thro

ugh this page in hopes of helping many understand their furry, feathered or reptilian friend.. I have added the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to my toolbox to further assist the animals and humans I work with. This is not a new technique. It was established by Gary Craig in the early 1980's. I feel it in my heart to add this to my practice to help as many as I can in as many ways as I can. You may call, send a message via Whatsapp, Messenger, text, or email to [email protected] to schedule a session. Price per session is $33.33 inclusive of conversation and the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to assist in clearing behavioral issues and emotional trauma.

When animals speak, I listen…A water trough hack to share.I really dislike going out to the horse pens and checking the ...

When animals speak, I listen…

A water trough hack to share.

I really dislike going out to the horse pens and checking the water trough I found a squirrel had fallen in. This has happened twice in the last 5 years. I found a bird in a smaller trough.

I began searching for ways to keep critters from drowning in the tanks. I found a net that people can hang on the side of a swimming pool, but it wasn’t long enough. I needed something that would be at the water level no matter how much water was in the tank.

I gave it some thought and decided to take three strands of hay bale twine and braid it into a long rope. I put a one-inch nut on one end for weight and dropped it into the water tank while it was empty and put the other end under the tank, filled it with water and had a “lifeline” for critters to grab onto and pull themselves out.

I never knew if it was used. I installed a smaller water tank for my miniature horse and placed a braided lifeline in it as well. Twice last week I found the lifeline had been pulled out of the tank and was stretched out across the ground. Apparently, a squirrel had used the escape and got its claws caught up in the line. Both times the critter was able to get free. Nice to know that the lifeline works!

It is easy to fix and can be made quickly. The twine is plastic and doesn’t seem to be bothered by being constantly wet.

January 30, 2024When animals speak, I listen…Pack rats!Most people living in the country understand that comment.  They ...

January 30, 2024
When animals speak, I listen…

Pack rats!

Most people living in the country understand that comment. They are the most obnoxious four-legged critter I must contend with. They get into everything, they drag, carry, or pull things into their hidey holes that would shock you. They chew the covering off wires, they get into the engine compartment of cars and manage to get inside a vehicle. I found a started nest in the glovebox of my truck.

Even though they are a nuisance, yet I cannot bring myself to kill them. A poisoned rat can kill snakes, skunks, owls, crows, hawks, coyotes, and other birds of prey. So, I have begun trapping them. This last fall I trapped 7 of these critters. After trapping them I haul them over to the national forest and turn them loose in an area that is suitable, in my mind, for them to set up a habitat.

Oddly enough, they are easy to trap if you have the right bait. I discovered that they like corn syrup, peanut butter, bacon grease, with a blueberry or a section of walnut spread on a piece of romaine lettuce leaf or on a section of tortilla. Ii place the trap in an area adjacent to their path of travel in late afternoon, early evening. The next morning, I find I have accomplished the trapping of the perpetrator.

When hauling the critter away from you home and into the woods you need to make sure that you travel not less then 7 to 10 miles away or the rascal will return. Another important task is to demolish their nest. I was able to demolish one. All the others were under structures and inaccessible.

The nest I destroyed contained dried dog f***s, alfalfa cubes, pinion cones, grass, twigs, a pair of ladies’ knicker bloomers, not sure where they came from, a funnel, a piece of metal pipe, a light switch plate, chole spines, and other debris. They collect the strangest things.

I now know what my dogs have been up to when they show up with chole spines stuck to their snouts or feet.
During the last snowstorm I was able to discern three more pack rat locations. I will be trapping them in the spring.

Please consider trapping rather than poison. They have two babes in a litter. They are solitary creatures by nature. They come together to mate then they are on their way. They are very territorial and will kill or be killed by an intruder rat. From what I have read their territory is about a 50’ circumference of their nest.

I have reduced the population around these 8 acres noticeably. Between my pups and my trapping perhaps I can gain control of this environment.

The reason rats and mice eat wires is that the cable companies use corn syrup in the wire wrap to keep it pliable. You would think some petroleum product would work as well and be less desirable to these furries.

Note: I am an animal communicator if you have a pet that is experiencing behavior problems and would like some assistance in getting them on the right path I can help. You can DM me or leave a message at my page.

Here is something to think about when buying " bones" for your pooch.📸 Look at this post on Facebookhttps://www.facebook...

Here is something to think about when buying " bones" for your pooch.

📸 Look at this post on Facebook

This is the second dog in the last two weeks that we’ve had come in to our hospital with this type of bone stuck around it’s mandible. Separate companies but the EXACT same design.

Please do NOT buy this type of bone for your pup! It’s not worth the risk. Luckily for this patient, our technician was able to wiggle it free but our previous patient was under general anesthesia for nearly a half hour while we went through every tool in our arsenal to saw through both sides of the bone safely.
Both dogs are lucky that they did not end up with lacerations or broken teeth.

When animals speak I listen...The update on Teddy. He is a failed foster! Yep I couldn't send him on to another family. ...

When animals speak I listen...

The update on Teddy.

He is a failed foster!

Yep I couldn't send him on to another family. He loved being here and he bonded with Jeremy, my other recent rescue. Teddy is a long haired look alike to my short haired Jeremy.

He has gotten over his fear, he has some anxiety around children as they are something new in his life.

He does well with the horses and is a wonderful watchdog.

The three boys work well together when running the coyotes off the property. They divide and conquer.

He is loving, gentle, very talkative, and extremely smart. A great addition to our ranch

If you have a fur baby who is full of fear and anxiety I can help. Feel free to reach out to me for additional information.


Happy 4th of July.

Please remember to keep your dogs and cats indoors. Make sure they have your contact information attached to their collars.

Make sure your pasture gates are closed and locked. Keep an eye on your animals as this day is so hard on so many of them.

6/27/2023When animals speak, I listen…Teddy has been with me for six weeks. He has overcome his anxiety, fear and has le...


When animals speak, I listen…

Teddy has been with me for six weeks. He has overcome his anxiety, fear and has learned to trust. We are working on socializing. He has proven that he gets along well with other dogs.

Teddy loves to run, encourages zoomies from others even when they are a bit tired, he loves to romp and rough house with them.

He gets along well with the horses, the mini, and the mule.
He is the terror to lizards, squirrels, mice, rats, and gophers. I have come across so many holes dug in search of those pesky rodents.

I must admit my Lavender plant may or may not come back from the brink of death as all three dogs were after the same mouse that ran under the log next to where I planted my lavender plant.

Teddy, the rescue dog, has overcome many emotional obstacles. We still need to work on public socialization. He isn’t too sure about new people. My grandsons were over, and he didn’t know what to think about the smaller human version. He reluctantly accepted cookies but did not eat them. It’s a trust thing. He has not spent much time in the presence of kids.

All three puppies love their evening excursions. The air is heavier and apparently the smells are intoxicatingly mesmerizing. The boys love to be out this time of evening. I allow them out until 9 pm as it is dark and that is my established curfew for the star-studded trio.
Last evening the boys went out at 8:30. I called them in at 9: Both Denver and Jeremy made their way back and Teddy was MIA.

I called and he didn’t come, I got my bionic flashlight out, the one that allows me to see to the edge of my property and proceeded to scan all the open areas looking for the “shadow” dog. No luck. It’s hard to see black in the night.

It’s 9:10 and no Teddy. I call upon Denver, the alpha of the pack, to go out and find Teddy and tell him I would like him to come home. Denver dispatches to the front porch, lays down, and begins his nighttime surveillance. After 10 minutes he comes back in. He never left the porch.

About three minutes later Teddy makes an appearance, sees the open door, and passes the request to enter. He’s gone again. I wait 5 minutes, call him in, and whistle. I catch a glimpse in the distance trees of the “lanky shadow”.

This time I call upon Jeremy to get Teddy and bring him in.
(This episode taught me that I need to be more specific in my request.)

Jeremy disappeared into the dark, was gone five minutes, and came in a lay down on his bed. I asked about Teddy. And was told yes, I found him and let him know it is time to come in.

About a minute later Teddy sauntered into the house. His excuse was I found a rat!

It seems that need to work on my perceived priorities.

Teddy is doing well. He is a great dog and loves life. He asks that I share his endorsement of a fragrance, “Ode de la Horse Kaka”. A must for any gentleman dog.

If your furry has a need for assistance in overcoming emotional trauma feel free to DM me or leave a notification at my page. I offer healing in a very innovative and noninvasive way.

6/13/2023When animals speak, I listen…With Teddy’s third EFT session we worked on trust. Trust him to go outside and be ...


When animals speak, I listen…

With Teddy’s third EFT session we worked on trust. Trust him to go outside and be out as long as he wanted, trust to come to the door when called and to come in, trust that I would be there if he needed me.

Teddy is doing well. As the days have passed, he has settled into being okay with coming and going from the house, coming when called, and using the door to pass in or out comfortably.

Denver and Jeremy have done well with teaching Teddy to be a dog who can explore his surroundings, chase lizards, dig holes after the gopher, and to try to catch the pack rat and the squirrel
He has learned that the horses appreciate the dogs chasing the coyotes away. We have a mom and five juvenile coyotes from last year that come around frequently. The coyotes pop out of the trees and startle the horses.

If you have a pup who needs emotional shoring up, feel free to DM me for an appointment.

5/29/23When animals speak, I listen…We addressed fear in Teddy’s first EFT session. Prior to that session, he was so loc...


When animals speak, I listen…

We addressed fear in Teddy’s first EFT session.

Prior to that session, he was so locked up that he would not get up to go outside. I had to pick him up, locking my hands under his chest, and walk him to the door and outside. Once outside he would walk on his leash and would p*e.

After the session I no longer had to pick him up. He would rise as soon as I hooked his leash to his harness. When walking I noticed that his tail was up and not clamped to his underside. Progress.

Teddy also showed signs of interest in the other dogs. When they ran ahead of us on our walk he wanted to run too.

Clearly, he was not fearful of being out. In the house he engaged Denver and Jeremy and lay on the bed that he called his own.

When he was relaxed, we talked about how he felt and if he was ready to move onto another emotional subject. Teddy needed to feel safe. Our next session was to be on making sure he felt safe in his environment.

When I perform EFT with a dog I do not physically tap on their meridians. I haven’t worked with a dog who appreciates the activity of tapping. I perform the EFT session utilizing a surrogate process and speak directly to the dog. This process works and allows the dog to spend time cognizing the effect of the emotional release.

Attached is a photo of Teddy after his second session.

Feel free to follow Teddy’s progress.

If you are interested to find out about EFT or to schedule a session for your pet love of for you feel free to reach out. Reasonable fees apply.

When animals speak, I listen… Dear ones, I listen with my heart and with my mind. Everyone can talk to animals, they jus...

When animals speak, I listen…

Dear ones, I listen with my heart and with my mind.

Everyone can talk to animals, they just forgot.

Animals speak telepathically.

I have worked with animals in the USA, Canada, the UK, Holland, Spain, Turkey, Hungry, and Spain. I do not need to sit with the animal to have a conversation.

I have worked with pedigreed, rescue, and feral dogs. I have worked with cows, horses, hamsters, rabbits, and birds.

When asked to work with a client I ask for a picture and the loves name. I then connect with them and have a conversation to determine what is going on. I compare the notes from the humans to what the animals shares and proceed from that point.

My process works with the body’s subtle energy system.

Yes, we and all critters on this beautiful plant have subtle energy systems.

Energy work can help you value, explore, and transform your emotional reality – the thoughts, beliefs, and emotions one carries with them…critter or human. This energy work focuses inward to bring attention to an emotion in a current issue or problem. The intention of the energy is to receive healing by releasing the stuck emotion.

This simple process balances and re-energizes the meridian often in a matter of minutes. It often clears long-held blockages and dissipates low vibrational emotion in the process.

I find the most common blocked emotions in animals are all fear, safety, and trust related.

In most situations I have cleared the stuck emotion in two sessions.

If you are interested to find out more about this energy work or to schedule a session for your pet love feel free to reach out.

%/27/23When animals speak, I listen…I agreed to foster Teddy. A beautiful long haired, black/brown, Rottie and Border Co...


When animals speak, I listen…

I agreed to foster Teddy. A beautiful long haired, black/brown, Rottie and Border Collie mix.

As with all rescue animals Teddy came with problems associated with his short life’s adventure.

He was an owner surrender to the no kill shelter at 9 months of age. He went into shut down mode when left in a kennel. He would not stand or walk. This shelter has many volunteers within their organization, who collaborate with the dogs through direct training, walks and socialization daily.

Teddy was paired with another dog to get him up and about. He progressed to the adoption stage and a family stepped forward to adopt him. After arriving to his new home he escaped, Teddy took off and was lost for two weeks.

He was humanely trapped by a gentleman who is very efficient in the process of locating lost animals and brought back to a foster who worked with him until a forever home could be found.

Another kind individual stepped up and offered Teddy a forever home. Although He was placed in a loving environment, Teddy was not progressing well.

He had no interest in spending time outside in the yard, did go on walks but was very timid and fearful.

After discussing the issues and meetings with the family a decision was made that Teddy should came to stay with me for socialization and some EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique aka tapping) work

Teddy exhibited fear, anxiety, and lack of trust to the point that would immobilize his engagement in outdoor activities or being around other people. He would freeze if you tried to take him outdoors for a walk. He lay on his bed and would not interact.

The first EFT session focused on releasing the fear that had him so locked up
The attached picture is after the first EFT session, and you can see that Teddy has allowed his tail to shift upward and be loose. My two dogs, Denver and Jeremy, are encouraging him to be more relaxed.

As I work with Teddy, I feel that that he needs at least three more EFT sessions to become a happier and more relaxed dog.

Please feel free to follow our progress. And if you have questions or would like to comment please go to my page.

When animals speak, I listen…I am sure most people enjoy watching birds’ flit about in trees and on the ground. I certai...

When animals speak, I listen…

I am sure most people enjoy watching birds’ flit about in trees and on the ground. I certainly do.

I have a feeding area under a large Juniper tree and a Pinion Pine. I throw out feed every morning as if I were feeding chickens. I try to broadcast it enough that all the birds can feed without feeling threatened by another.

I have Cuckoo birds, Robins, Pinion Jays, Morning Doves, Flickers, Rosy House finches, and Crows who come to feed daily. Plus, the hummingbirds who are fed at the front and back porches.

Three years ago, a pair of Mourning Dove flew in to eat and liked it so much they stayed in the area. I counted 16 doves in the flock this past Sunday. The dove can lay two to three clutches each season netting two hatchlings.

The other morning, I went out to change and fill the bird waterer and scared everyone off. And I noticed a hawk skimming the Junipers as it flew down into the trees beyond the house. I watched the hawk fly away noting its coloring and size.

I Googled Haws of New Mexico and found that there are twelve different species. The bird I saw was a Sharp-Shinned hawk. It is grey with a crem colored breast and chin. They live in mountainous treed areas so it appears it lives around here and will be a constant visitor.

The Sharp-Shinned Hawk is the smallest hawk of the 12 that reside here. The female weighs up to ¼ pound and the male is smaller. They weigh the same as an adult Mourning Dove.

Making my rounds I noticed Dove feathers on the ground which indicated to me a Dove had been caught and killed by a hawk. I must have been one of the new juvenile Doves as they are much smaller in size and weight. Apparently that Sharp-Shinned Hawk came back and finished what it had in mind.

Last year I had a Red-Tailed Hawk hanging around and who would catch the Doves. I stopped feeding the birds for about a week to dissuade the hawk. Not sure it will work with the Sharp-Shinned Hawk

I am Judy Rigg, Animal Communicator since the age of four. I have done a lot of work with rescue animals, helping them to overcome fears, anxiety, and other emotional/behavioral issues. If you would like my assistance with an animal feel free to message me.

My FB page is:

4/1/23When animals speak, I listen…I don’t know about you but when I see a dog scratching himself like crazy, I feel bad...


When animals speak, I listen…

I don’t know about you but when I see a dog scratching himself like crazy, I feel bad.

A few years ago, I adopted two dogs, an Aire-doodle and a black Lab/Wolfhound cross. I drove to Lubbock, Texas to adopt them and brought them back to Colorado. The Aire-doodle was seven months old and the Lab cross was 4 years old.

Both dogs had floppy ears. Knowing that floppy ears are prone to ear infections. I set up a schedule to keep the ears cleaned out on a weekly basis.

About a year later they both started having itchy ears. I cleaned with a vinegar solution, I used ear drops from the vet's office, I had their ears irrigated at the vet's office, I put them on yogurt, gave them Benadryl in the spring to stave off grass allergies, etc. I did everything I possible to keep the ears from itching. I was told they have floppy ears and that was to be expected.

Both of these fur babies have sadly passed.

About four years ago I adopted a Yellow Lab. Yep, another pup with floppy ears.

As he approached the age of three, I moved to New Mexico and in the spring, he started to get itchy ears.

I was determined not to have the problems with him as I had with the other two pups. I had begun my horses with Camelina flax seed oil for their coat, feet, and overall health. I read more on the benefits of flax seed oil and found it helped with allergies. So, I decided to give it a shot with my Lab.

We are now a year and a half into the flax seed oil feeding of one teaspoon a day. His ears are not itchy, they are a healthy pink, there is no scratching of his body, he doesn’t chew his feet, his coat is soft and silky, and his shedding is so minimal that you wouldn’t believe he’s a Lab. (Labs shed year around).

It has been brought to my attention by others that some dogs cannot tolerate flax seed oil and fish oil was recommended as an alternative.

You can buy flax seed under the name of Camelina (flax seed) Oil. Smart Earth, Big R, Tractor Supply, and most health food stores sell the oil. You can Google Camelina Oil and find suppliers on-line.

As a bonus it is great to put on your hands, takes a few seconds to absorb but your hands will feel nice and soft. You can add it to a smoothie as it will make your hair and nails healthier too.

Lots of benefits for man and animal.

3/24/23When animal speak, I listen….I lived in Colorado for 46 years. During that time there were many occasions where I...


When animal speak, I listen….

I lived in Colorado for 46 years.

During that time there were many occasions where I either read about or heard on TV about Spotted Owls. I Colorado the spotted owl is an endangered species.

The articles surrounding spotted owls usually included work, logging, tree removal in areas considered Spotted Owl habitat. And quickly whatever work was going on was halted due to the endangered status.

I never saw a spotted owl in Colorado while camping or while living in a rural wooded mountain area.

I retired in 2019 and moved to New Mexico.

Early 2020 I was out walking with my dogs on the 8 acres. When I started back to the house, I called my dogs with my whistle that I have used for years. Much to my surprise off to my left near the shared road I heard that same whistle.

I thought that was interesting, wonder if a neighbor calls their dog with the same whistle. The dogs came and we went into the house.

Fast forward about a week and it is 11:00 PM. The horses are restless, so I go out to see what’s up. The coyote pack is running and calling on the property causing the horses to be unsettled.
The dogs gave chase and are off into the night amongst the trees and brush. I hear them push the coyotes off to a safe distance and I whistle the dogs in.

Much to my surprise I receive the same exact whistle back immediately. It comes from the densely wooded 28 acres area next door. Startled I ask who is there and get no response. It’s nighttime, dark as heck, and I fast track back to the house.

A few nights later I am again out late at night checking on the horses with the dogs on high alert for the coyote pack. When I whistle the dogs in and get an immediate response from a tree, I am standing about 10 feet from. I flash my light in that direction to see eye light reflection up in the tree.

I Googled owls of New Mexico. Then I Googled the calls and whistles of these owls. Many Owls have up to twenty different calls and whistles.

I found that the Spotted Owl has one call in its cache of whistles that is the same whistle as I use for my dog call. I was overwhelmed with excitement to find that Spotted Owls were in the immediate area.

The other day at twilight I heard my dog whistle in the woods it was softer than my call but brought on such a pleasant thought that a Spotted Owl lives nearby and calls to me from time-to-time.

When animals speak, I listen…Hello Dear Ones,This is the time of year that people ask me for help as their cats behavior...

When animals speak, I listen…

Hello Dear Ones,

This is the time of year that people ask me for help as their cats behavior has suddenly changed.

If your cat has begun to be a little more aggressive when playing, maybe bites a little harder, starts tearing things up, starts making a lot of noise, screaming at the window upon seeing another cat, and tries to run out the door every time you open it blame it on the longer daylight hours.

Springtime is approaching and so is “cat season” the females come into heat about February and will each month through October.
This is the time of year that cats have an instinctual drive to be outdoors looking for a mate. Even if your cat is fixed it wants to be out there running around and meeting up with other cats.

They carouse, they spit, they fight, they scream at each other, and they mate, it’s their ritual. If your unaltered female gets out during this time upon her return plan on kittens in the next 63 to 65 days.

This is the time of year that animal shelters become overwhelmed by kittens.

If your cat, male or female, gets out and returns take the time to go over inch of their body, head to tail tip, to make sure they have no puncture wounds or scratches as these become infected easily. A trip to the vet might be in their best interest if there is a puncture wound due to the bacteria present in a cat’s mouth and on their claws.
• Should you have any questions or need a session please feel free to contact me. You may leave a message on this site:

When animals speak, I listen...Everyone at some point in time have seen that cats and dogs have difficulty getting along...

When animals speak, I listen...

Everyone at some point in time have seen that cats and dogs have difficulty getting along.

You may have seen the heart warming postings on Facebook where a dog has adopted a kitten.

My dog Inky adopted a kitten. My black cat, Angel, adopted the nine week old puppy, Cocoa. She raised Cocoa to walk on narrow ledges and and taught her how to catch birds Angel would groom the puppy and snuggle with her.

After Angel left we eventually got another kitten, Dusty. Cocoa raised Dusty. She taught him to walk on narrow ledges and how to catch birds.

When I received a request from the UK asking if I could help a Frenchie named Ragnar be friendly to the family cat named Willow. I immediately said yes.

After two remote, telepathical EFT sessions with Ragnar he changed his attitude and aggressive behavior toward Willow, a beautiful black and white cat sporting a moustache and beard.

Ragnar, a pooch with a small prey drive, was able to overcome his behavior. The two sessions including working on fear, anxiety, and family love.

If you need help with your fur babies I am available. Leave a note here, on messenger or I can be reached through Whatsapp.

My Thanksgiving wish,I wish all of you a blissful day with family, friends, and acquaintances.I wish you happiness, joy,...

My Thanksgiving wish,

I wish all of you a blissful day with family, friends, and acquaintances.

I wish you happiness, joy, love, and laughter.

I am so glad each and every one of you was born.

I ask each of you to shine your light of love and peace so bright that it lightens the world around you.

I wish and pray for love and peace to permeate every person’s soul and every creature that flies, walks, crawls, creeps, or swims upon this beautiful planet earth, Gaia, our home.

I ask that peace and love fall like a soft blanket on all the areas seeing conflict this day.

I ask the light of the Creator to shine and surround all these places, raising the level of compassion and consciousness with intent and great hope of this ill-gotten strife to end.

Dear ones, I wish each-and-everyone to fill your hearts with joy, laughter, happiness, goodwill, peace, love, and understanding of one another today and every day for the rest of your lives.

Bless be and so it is.

When animals speak, I listen…..       Did you ever read the book   ”When you Give A Mouse A Cookie”?This story is about ...

When animals speak, I listen…..

Did you ever read the book ”When you Give A Mouse A Cookie”?

This story is about a pigeon. Not a Wood Pigeon or a Rock pigeon, Winston is a Fancy pigeon.

This bird appeared at my place toward the end of July. I supposed that he was displaced due to the fires nearby.

I took a picture and posted it on Next Door hoping that someone would claim their wayward bird.

He is mostly white with black and varying shades of grey, marking his body, wings, and head. Obviously not a wild bird.

Winston flew into my yard one day and took up roosting in my hay barn…uninvited. Truth be known, I am not a fan of pigeons they are a bit messy.

Since this pigeon showed up and seemingly took up residence, I decided to have a chat with him and let him know my thoughts. I explained that I wasn’t fond of his family group since they were so messy.

They lay eggs about four times per year. Each clutch is one to two eggs and within a year you can wind up with 10 birds in no time at all.

I explained to Winston if another pigeon showed up and was the opposite s*x he and his friend would be asked to leave.

I am guessing that the bird is male as he tries to befriend a juvenile dove and is dissuaded by the dad dove.

I named him Winston as he reminded me of a diplomat that I have great respect for.

All the animals have names whether they are domesticated or wild. The dove, the crows, the Pinion Jays, the coyotes, and on… I have a bird feeding area under some trees near the house where I throw out bird seed and they all congregate. The finch sock hangs on a limb.

I looked up on Google what it takes to keep a pigeon healthy… and found that they eat vegetables, and it was recommended that you chop up broccoli, lettuce, peas, carrots and such for them to dine on. They also eat fruit, but it was recommended that fruit be fed sparingly as you don’t want the bird to get fat.

They also recommend that I catch the bird and put him in a cage. Not happening.

Now we are into October and Winston is still here, it is getting colder, 22 this morning, and of course, I feel sorry for the bird.

I Google how they manage in the cold and find that they can withstand temperatures down to -40. However, they can experience frostbite on their beak and feet. Don’t want a toeless or footless pigeon.

So, I decide that this pigeon needs a box to roost/sleep in on cold nights. (Are you following the similarity to the mouse story yet?).

Now I need to figure out where to place the nesting “box” so that he can access it easily. I decide to place it I the rafters near where he perches.

I decide a big bucket with straw filled will suffice. I manage to secure the straw filled bucket in the immediate area of his roost.

Now let’s see if the bird will use it.

When animals speak, I listen …I really dislike it when my dog starts scratching himself or biting his feet because of th...

When animals speak, I listen …

I really dislike it when my dog starts scratching himself or biting his feet because of the itching caused by dry skin and allergies.

Then I discovered that Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids aka essential oils help overcome these issues. I found Camelina oil to contain these fatty acids and the Omega 9 fatty acid as well.

I have three horses, one mule, and two dogs. All my animals with exception to the mule are on Camelina oil.

I started my horses on the Camelina oil, in an effort to counteract inflammation. My horses are 26 years old. One has ringbone and another experienced hoof problems when we moved to New Mexico.

The horses have responded well are more relaxed since the addition of the oil to their food. They have been on the Camelina oil for about a year now.

I adopted the mini horse in August of 2020. I thought she was part “curly” as her coat was a bit wiry and curly. After being on the oil for about a year this past spring she shed out slick coated.

My mare who was having problems with her front feet has nice thick soles now and can still be barefoot. The mustang has the ringbone, and the oil helps with the inflammation associated with his diagnosis.

All three of the horses have beautiful shiny coats, manes and tails.
I decided to use the Camelina oil for the dogs to see if it would help minimize their shedding.

Both dogs would scratch, bite their feet and my 5-year-old Labrador had started scratching an ear. With that scratching usually comes ear infections.

Adding the Camelina oil to his food has stopped the itching, he was no longer is biting his feet, and his shedding became noticeably less.

My Boxer cross’ tummy would turn red when he spent time outdoors. I can honestly say neither dog scratches their body or ears, bite their feet, and the redness of Jeremy’s skin has completely ceased to occur. All of this I attribute to the Camelina oil.

Camelina oil comes from the oilseed Camelina sativa. Camelina sativa is native to Europe and grows well in cold and arid climates. It can also be found in Asia and in some places throughout North America, Slovenia, and Italy. Camelina, known as, gold-of-pleasure, or false flax, has been used in natural medicine for years.

Overlooked until recently for dietary use, Camelina sativa has many benefits for animals and humans alike.

Researchers became interested in Camelina because of its high level (up to 45%) of omega-3 fatty-acids. It is uncommon to have this level of omega-3 fatty-acids in plant based sources. Mainly comprised of polyunsaturated fats, cold pressed Camelina oil helps provide structure to cell membranes.

This helps improve exercise stamina, lower heart rate, increase s***m production, improve immune response, and help with responsiveness to insulin.

Lastly, Camelina oil contains vitamin E in two forms, alpha and gamma tocopherol. These compounds protect the oil from oxidation and rancidity, which makes its shelf life stretch to over 18 months. Together with omega properties, vitamin E helps improve skin conditions and prevent free radical damage.

Comprised of omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids, Camelina oil holds the necessary components for a healthy diet. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty-acids are known as “essential oils” because they are only acquired through diet. Meanwhile, omega-9 fatty-acids are produced naturally by the body.

What are the benefits of camellia oil?
1 Camellia oil is good for the Brain, Eyes and Nerves. 2 Antioxidants contained in the camelina oil help protect the hair from damage. 3 It is good for stomach ulcers, burns, wounds and eye inflammation. 4 It may help to repair damaged cells and is a popular choice for us in anti-aging creams, serums and balms.

Camelina oil has certain therapeutic and healing properties. 1. Antioxidant – Camelina oil is a strong antioxidant because of the high Vitamin E content. 2. Emollient – It moisturizes the skin. 3. Anti-Inflammatory – It strongly inhibits inflammation both topically and when used internally. 4. Anti-arthritic – Because of its high omega – 3 oil content,

Feel free to Google Camelina oil to read additional information and the research.

Where do you buy Camelina oil? Google “buy Camelina oil” you will find many suppliers selling the oil. You can buy it in a gallon size or smaller depending on your need.

My dogs weigh 55 and 80 lbs. I give them 3/4 to one teaspoon of the oil daily. My horses get one ounce daily.




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