"The Irresistible Allure of Cuteness: A Dive into Cute Aggression"
Ever wondered why a fluffy puppy or a giggling baby makes you want to squeeze them tightly? It's called Cute Aggression, and it's more than just a quirky response.
From the adorable laugh of a baby to the clumsy dance of a puppy, cute aggression triggers an overflow of emotion in our brains. It's not about harm but an intricate way our mind handles overwhelming joy or affection.
In my latest video, we explore this fascinating phenomenon. We'll dive into daily triggers, from memes to ducklings, and unravel why our brains react in such an exciting way.
Discover the science behind that irresistible urge to pinch chubby cheeks and learn how our brain maintains emotional balance, all backed by neuroscience and psychology.
Watch now and let's embark on this intriguing journey together. Stay curious, stay connected!
#CuteAggression #Neuroscience #Psychology #Emotions #CutenessOverload #BrainScience #EmotionalBalance #StayCurious #StayConnected #ScienceOfCuteness #MindfulAwareness #HumanMind
Stavropoulos, K. K. M., & Carver, L. J. (2018). "I want to squeeze you!": Exploring neural correlates of cute aggression. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 12, 300.
Nittono, H., Fukushima, M., Yano, A., & Moriya, H. (2012). The power of kawaii: Viewing cute images promotes a careful behavior and narrows attentional focus. PLoS ONE, 7(9), e46362.
"The Shoemaker's Lesson: Ultracrepidarianism in a Digital Age"
Ever heard of the word 'ultracrepidarian'? It originates from an ancient tale of a shoemaker who, while adept at his craft, felt emboldened to critique beyond his realm, leading a painter to remark, "Ne sutor ultra crepidam" or "Cobbler, no further than the sandal".
Today, in our digitally connected world, the phenomenon is rife. We scroll past countless 'experts', opinions hurled without restraint. But why this need to chime in on everything? Deep-rooted in our psyche is a desire for validation, a digital nod or applause. Yet, there's profound power in humility, in admitting the limits of our sandals.
Before you opine, reflect. Are you speaking from knowledge, or merely echoing the cacophony? Remember, true wisdom is not just in speaking, but in recognizing when to step back.
#Ultracrepidarian #Neuroscience #Psychology #DigitalAge #TrueWisdom #KnowYourLimits #OnceUponATime #ModernTales
Harari, Y. N. (2015). Sapiens: A brief history of humankind. Random House.
Kahneman, D. (2011). Thinking, fast and slow. Macmillan.
Tetlock, P. E. (2005). Expert political judgment: How good is it? How can we know? Princeton University Press.
The Biaes Dance
“Cognitive Choreography: Dance of the Biases”
Have you ever wondered why we make the choices we do? Why certain things catch our attention while others fly under the radar? 🤔
In our latest video, we dive deep into the world of cognitive biases - those unseen forces that choreograph our thoughts and decisions. From the car you bought recently popping up everywhere, to sticking to beliefs even in the face of opposing evidence, these biases shape our realities.
But what if you could be the choreographer of your own dance? With insights from neuroscience and psychology, we explore ways to recognize and navigate these biases, leading to more informed and open-minded decisions.
#CognitiveBias #Neuroscience #Psychology #DecisionMaking #Mindfulness #MentalAwareness #BrainFacts #Perception #UnderstandingBiases #NeurologicalNuggets
Kahneman, D. (2011). Thinking, fast and slow. Macmillan.
Tversky, A., & Kahneman, D. (1974). Judgment under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases. Science, 185(4157), 1124-1131.
Nickerson, R. S. (1998). Confirmation bias: A ubiquitous phenomenon in many guises. Review of General Psychology, 2(2), 175-220.
Why Worry?
Ruminative brooding, Why worry?
“Unraveling the Maze of Ruminative Brooding: A Journey from Doubt to Strength”
Have you ever left a party or a business meeting filled with joy and confidence, only to find yourself doubting your actions the very next day? Welcome to the complex maze of ruminative brooding, a psychological pattern that's as pervasive in social gatherings as it is in corporate environments.
In our latest video series, we delve into this mental loop that doesn't discriminate between fun and work. From laughter at a party to powerful handshakes in a boardroom, ruminative brooding can turn joy into anxiety, confidence into self-doubt.
But it doesn't have to be this way!
🔍 Recognize: Understanding this pattern is the first step. Awareness brings control.
💪 Navigate: Turn doubt into strength, anxiety into assurance. It's a journey we all can make.
🌱 Grow: In the corporate world, this insight can lead to breaking barriers, fostering relationships, and driving innovation.
Ready to explore your mind's hidden pathways? Join us now, and let's journey together!
#RuminativeBrooding #MentalWellness #BusinessInsights #EmotionalIntelligence #SelfAwareness #PersonalGrowth #CorporateCulture #Innovation #Leadership #Mindfulness #psychology #party #self—doubt #thoughts #negative-thoughts
Nolen-Hoeksema, S. (2000). The role of rumination in depressive disorders and mixed anxiety/depressive symptoms. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 109(3), 504-511.
Watkins, E. R. (2008). Constructive and unconstructive repetitive thought. Psychological Bulletin, 134(2), 163-206.
Treynor, W., Gonzalez, R., & Nolen-Hoeksema, S. (2003). Rumination reconsidered: A psychometric analysis. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 27(3), 247-259
Pareidolia: When Your Brain Connects the Dots
"Pareidolia: When Your Brain Connects the Dots"
Welcome to the fascinating intersection of imagination and perception. Today, we explore the intriguing phenomenon known as 'pareidolia'. Ever seen a face in a tree's bark or a cloud shaped like an animal? Heard a phantom ringtone or thought you heard your name in a noisy crowd? That's pareidolia - your brain's way of recognizing familiar patterns in unfamiliar terrains.
From our ancestors discerning hidden predators or prey, to modern humans finding connections in brand logos, pareidolia is a testament to our brain's pattern-detection prowess. It's why we see celebrities in toast or hear voices in white noise.
So, the next time you spot something familiar in randomness, remember, it's just your brain navigating uncertainty, connecting the dots, and making sense of the world around us.
#Pareidolia #Perception #Imagination #Psychology #BrainFacts #PatternRecognition #SurvivalInstinct #MindPerception #FaceRecognition #VisualIllusions #CognitivePsychology #BrainFunction #PatternDetection #CreativeImagination #EmotionalResponse #Neuroscience #SensoryPerception #OpticalIllusions #SoundIllusions #EverydayPhenomena #VisualArt #AuditoryIllusions #HumanBehavior #PsychologicalEffects #UnderstandingTheBrain #InvisibleConnections
Liu, J., Li, J., Feng, L., Li, L., Tian, J., & Lee, K. "Seeing Jesus in toast: Neural and behavioral correlates of face pareidolia." Cortex, 2014.
Hadjikhani, N., Kveraga, K., Naik, P., & Ahlfors, S.P. "Early (N170) activation of face-specific cortex by face-like objects." Neuroreport, 2009.
Fong, A. H. C., Yau, S. S., & Ng, S. S. "Pareidolia in Parkinson's Disease: A Case-Control Study and a Neuroimaging Perspective." Behavioral Neurology, 2018.
Food's brain
“A Day in the Life of Neurotransmitters: How Your Daily Diet Impacts Your Mind”
Have you ever considered the fascinating journey that starts with your fork and ends in your brain? Join us on a captivating exploration of how the foods we consume impact our neurotransmitters and hormones, and consequently, our mood, emotions, and actions throughout the day.
The day commences with a refreshing jog and an invigorating release of endorphins. Your reward for breakfast is a serotonin boost from a scrumptious banana smoothie, lifting your spirits and making the day seem brighter.
As the morning progresses, a cup of green tea filled with L-theanine increases your dopamine levels, sharpening your attention and motivation for work. Anxiety over a presentation? Dark chocolate comes to the rescue by triggering an adrenaline rush, boosting your focus and energy levels.
An afternoon slump can be quickly combated by blueberries. Packed with flavonoids, they stimulate the production of norepinephrine, lifting fatigue and enhancing concentration.
Dinner brings warmth and bonding, thanks to grilled salmon, a powerhouse of Omega-3, which increases oxytocin levels and deepens our feelings of empathy and trust.
Finally, a glass of warm milk aids in releasing melatonin, guiding us gently into the embrace of restful sleep.
From dawn to dusk, every food decision we make shapes not only our health but also our emotions, actions, and relationships. Be mindful of your food choices, and you'll be navigating the vast neural network of your brain, one bite at a time.
#FoodandMood #NutritionandNeurotransmitters #MindfulEating #HealthyLiving #BrainHealth #SerotoninBoost #DopamineDiet #AdrenalineRush #NorepinephrineEnergy #OxytocinConnection #MelatoninSleep
Jongkees, B.J., Hommel, B., Kühn, S. et al. "Effect of tyrosine supplementation on clinical and healthy populations under stress or cognitive demands—A review." J Psychiatr Res. 2015.
Bryan, Janet. "Psycholo