When we enlisted "Nutz and Boltz" to be our honorary campaign co-chairs this year, it was a slightly sardonic nod at the machines "taking over" and the excitement (and some dread) over artificial intelligence and the incredible new tools and technology available to us. But AI, in spite of the promise it holds, isn't going to be the solution to a successful campaign. It's going to be the generosity of good-hearted people...it's going to be you. Help us help others, help us make the world a little better, one pledge at a time. See the charities and please make your pledge today 👉 www.utmb.edu/secc
Happy Halloween from the SECC Volunteers, and Nutz and Boltz. Pledge today at www.utmb.edu/SECC
SECC is down to the final days! We have raised just shy of $300K due to the generosity of 989 employees. Can you 'do a little dance and make a little pledge' and help us hit our goal?
Thank you to everyone who has donated to SECC this year! We are close to the $300K mark and have a ways to go to beat last years record. It’s a financially, emotionally and mentally challenging time for many people. But music, like your financial support, can help heal, inspire and empower. Let’s make a little pledge and show a little love. 🤩 www.utmb.edu/secc
Have you had a chance to pop by our disco photos booths on the Angleton, Clear Lake, League City and Galveston campuses? If you do be sure to send a photo to [email protected].
UTMB less than $100,000 away from SECC goal
UTMB is now less than $100,000 away from raising half a million dollars during this year's State Employee Charitable Campaign (SECC), which supports important causes and charitable efforts in the communities where we live and work.
As of the morning of Friday, Nov. 15, campaign contributions from 1,716 generous members of the UTMB community totaled $400,745, an important milestone as the final days of the campaign approach.
We're very thankful for the support and appreciative of the progress we've made so far, but there's still plenty of time to give to help us reach our goal. For more information on how you can contribute, visit https://www.utmb.edu/secc-pledge/SECC_Campaign_Entrance.asp
UTMB's SECC Volunteers are here to help
Did you know elves work tirelessly behind the scenes to make SECC magically happen every year? OK, so maybe not. But there is a team of dedicated employee volunteers standing by to help you with any type of campaign-related question, problem or idea. Hear more below.