“How I Make My Yogurt” series, Part 3 - The jars are alive...with billions of probiotics!
Incase you’re just joining me, I created a 3-step video series on how I make my yogurt because I want to show people it’s easy to make a healthier alternative to the typical product in stores, which is usually a sugar bomb!
I keep it simple and use just 2 ingredients: Fresh milk & yogurt cultures.
And mind you, that’s non-gmo, grass-fed whole cow milk, that’s be gently pasteurized at the farm and not ultra pasteurized (UHT).
To recap the series, STEP 1 was using fresh milk, taking it to the “milk boil” step in the instant pot, and letting it sit overnight with the yogurt starter cultures.
STEP 2 was taking the freshly cultured yogurt and straining the whey away, to get a naturally thickened product.
STEP 3 - this video - is to transfer the finished product into my mason jars, let further cool in the fridge, and then enjoy!
If you try making it at home, let me know how it turns out. Or if you don’t have the time, you can purchase Heather’s Yogurt, small batches made weekly.
How I make my yogurt series, CONTINUATION of part 2. Whey whey go away.
I button up my strainers and put them in the fridge and in several hours, I will have my finished product ready to bottle and get to you!
How I Make My Yogurt Series, Part 2. Whey Whey go away.
I take fresh grass-fed whole milk, culture it to offer billions of live probiotics per serving, then strain out the whey. Straining out the whey is what differentiates Greek yogurt from yogurt. Straight up yogurt is not strained, and hence is thinner, runnier, and just not my preference.
The result of straining is a delicious, creamy, naturally thickened, high protein yogurt, free of pectins, gels, emulsifiers, gums, or any added thickener.
Here, I’m taking freshly cultured yogurt and pouring it into my strainers so that I’m left with a naturally thick “Greek-Style” yogurt. Doing this means I don’t get as much yield as if I were to just bottle it straight as is, hence why “Greek” yogurt is more expensive than yogurt.
How I Make My Yogurt Series, Part 1.
Why does my yogurt taste so good?
Simply put, it’s all in the grass-fed milk, and I buy it as fresh as I can. My source farm often times delivers it’s milk within 24 hours of the cow being milked! They take extra care and attention to gently pasteurize, never ultra-pasteurize, their milk. And after all that care and attention, no plastic! Glass preserves the fresh taste, with the added benefit of protecting Mother Nature from thousands of plastic and paper cartons being dumped in landfills.
Grass-fed Greek yogurt offers the same high protein content of regular Greek yogurt but it’s higher in conjugated linoleic acids, or CLAs—fatty acids that can help you lose weight, keep your blood sugar levels steady, and even lower your risk of heart disease and cancer.
Why whole milk? Because the CLAs and Omega 3s are found in the milk fat. Whole milk (aka ~3.25-3.6% milk fat content) is what you want to choose when consuming high quality dairy. Plus, this fat content will make you feel full and satiated over low-fat or non-fat yogurt. Another thing to note is when companies offer a low-fat or non-fat yogurt, they often add gums and gels and/or other thickeners, - and oftentimes sugar! - to make up for the loss of fat and to give their product that same mouth-feel.
Are you eating yogurt from factory-farmed cows eating GMO feed, with no time on pasture? Try grass-fed and taste the difference.