The rule my house growing up was you can have as many Little Debbie’s as you want but don’t take the last Swiss Roll 😋 that belonged to my Dad.
Growing up, I was the girl other girls didn’t like. The girl that could eat whatever she wanted and not gain a pound….and I did! I could polish off a whole large cheese pizza then want to know what’s for dessert???
After I moved out my eating habits got worse. Having the freedom to eat whatever I wanted led to 90% of my diet being processed and fast foods. I didn’t like vegetables so I was not going to eat them!
Since I was “thin” I assumed that I was healthy.
The hard truth and slap in the face came in my late 20’s…. I was “skinny sick”.
By 27 I was diagnosed with two autoimmune diseases. Looking back and knowing what I know now ,I wish someone would have educated me on how inflammatory my diet was and the damage I was causing to the gut microbiome.
I looked to my gastroenterologists as experts but was told the opposite “it is autoimmune, it doesn’t have anything to do with food” so for the next 8 years I didn’t change a thing 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 and I never hit remission despite biologics and a bowel resection.
Now I’m shouting it from the rooftops…
Your diet has EVERYTHING to do with your (fill in the blank chronic illness) It has everything to do with quality of life!
You are literally made up of what you eat. The integrity of your gut lining is a directly related to the quality of foods you ingest! And the integrity of your gut is linked to EVERY single other system in your body!
🙌🏼 The best part is YOU have complete control over it! You’re the CEO of your health!
I still love Little Debbie I just love feeling good more 💙💙