5 Causes of Farting:
Low Stomach Acid: This condition known as hypochlorhydria can inhibit digestive motility and trigger digestive disturbances that increase bacterial fermentation. Under conditions of low stomach acid, food particles that remain undigested are metabolized by certain bacteria that can contribute to bloating and farting.
Constipation: The longer the period of time food sits in the digestive system, the increased risk you will have of bacterial fermentation and the overproduction of intestinal gas.
Abnormal Gut Microflora: Gases produced are dependent on the health of the gut microbiome. The composition of both supportive and harmful bacteria residing in the digestive system is different in every individual. This microbiome composition can make us susceptible to excessive gas production.
Gaseous Odor Build-Up: Undigested food residue that becomes trapped in the colon increases the fermentation of colon bacteria which in turn produces gas.
Aerophagia (Swallowing Air): This involuntary habit of swallowing air builds up in the stomach only to escape as flatulence. Air is vented into the stomach following muscle changes that have allowed the intake of air and ineffective attempts of belching to rid of the air. You will later learn how eating too fast and not properly chewing your food can lead to excessive swallowing of air