TMA Tuesday Transit Report: February 14–21, 2023
This year, Valentine’s Day transcends the chill of its natal Aquarius Sun, thanks to a Sagittarius Moon in aspect to Jupiter, Mars, and Venus on this day of love. Sag wants to get outside and play, which is good way to avoid any potential contention from the opposition to Mars at 13° Gemini. Jupiter brings the fervid passion of Aries into the conversation, while Venus in Pisces beams out and basks in unconditional love. The Sag Moon applies to square Venus and Neptune, creating conditions for inflated hopes, expectations, and possibly some straight-up illusions around love. What goes up must also come down, and since the Sun is also applying to Saturn at 27° Aquarius, this inflation may be accompanied by a deflation.
On Friday, the late Cap Moon joins Pluto at 29° as the Sun separates from Saturn. This shows an atmosphere of great seriousness, where we may be tempted by the least optimistic outlook. Remember that in alchemy, the nigredo state of pure black precedes the albedo stage of purity. If you’re experiencing a dark perspective today, lean in rather than out, and follow the feelings down to their roots to purge them.
On Saturday, the Sun enters Pisces. We step out of the fixed mental perspective of Aquarius, into the relative snowmelt of the mutable and the watery. It is here that we dissolve once more into the cosmic womb of god, and prepare for the rebirth that the Aries ingress will bring.
On Sunday, the Moon joins the Sun just after 11 p.m. PT for a Jupiter New Moon at 1° Pisces, featuring a very sweet and deep conversation between Venus in Pisces and Pluto in Cap at 29°, a helpful emulsifier of Pluto’s brooding, retrospective mood with Venus’s exaltation vibes. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, and as such, it encompasses all the signs, and is known for its vast inner dream realm. It’s time to relax and reconnect with the divine in all things. Pisces season brings us back to the magic.
Lastly, Venus takes a bow, departs her exaltation, and joins Jupiter in cardinal Aries, Mars’s daytime sign. Love becomes a hunt — and much spicier.