The primitive brain was not wired to value change, growth or flow. Instead the primitive brain also known as the unconscious brain or the amygdala, is engineered for survival above all else. The amygdala has served us all well when it concerns our safety, it was just a few hundred years ago when you needed to stay alert or you could end up being face to face with a hungry saber tooth tiger or a venomness snake.. This part of our brains needed to be more focused on negativity such as what could go wrong, be dangerous and so on. Historically it was the most cautious person who walked in fear and anxiety most likely to survive !.
The brains bias towards negativity impacts the physical body, when we feel fear, anxiety or stress. The amygdala sounds an internal alarm as soon as this happens the brain then instructs the body to start releasing chemicals, including the stress hormone "cortisol".
When cortisol is released the senses are heightened in the body making us more alert, and able to run faster, climb and perform any function to keep us safe and alive. When this happens the brain is not interested in creativity or problem solving, nurturing or digestion and so much more.
This then is known as the stress response or fight or flight response. So now you may be wondering what all of this has to do with anxiety and getting unstuck and making the change. Remember the primitive brain does not like change its primary mode is our safety. Well when we attempt to change or grow and evolve throughout life, the primitive brain rushes in order to protect us from potential threats. The amygdala fires off signals , telling the brain and body that it is unsafe. This is how the stress, anxiety and panic can all begin.
The Primitive brain can hold you back, it can stop you from enjoying life or living to the fullest or prevent you from feeling good or comfortable in your own skin.
The good news is that with tapping and its simplicity is available for everyone to use no matter the age and it can be used anywhere. With tapping I was able to help myself to move forwards with life and my newly diagnosed cancer, to say the least my body was in shock from the news. I decided it was time to change and to switch things up in my life. I wanted to accept my feelings and where I was at and the uncertainty and not knowing what the future held for me.
I decided to get help and EFT was the answer for me and I found it to be truly astounding. I decided to not tell my family or friends the news until I was able to digest it better myself and come up with a positive plan of action. It was not easy to do this when my amygdala was shocked at the news, however within six sessions of one hour sessions I was back in control. As you can imagine it was a very anxious time for me. With the help and most astounding results of EFT I was able embrace the unknown and accept the challenge I had. I have made a full recovery from cancer and went through a major operation and came through it all with flying colours and with the help of EFT i am fortunate to be here and I decided it was time for change, with this knowledge i am able to help you too. Whatever your challenge is and anxiety is not a pleasant feeling to have at all, it takes away all the pleasure of life all the good things in life for you. I use EFT daily now and i can honestly say it is a ground breaking technique it is also very gentle and yet so very powerful. You may want the changes and overcome anxiety and be back in the driving seat of your life but you may find your amygdala is in control and be causing you distress.
When you imagine change or embracing the unknown, do you feel excited? even energised or are you in a state of constant anxiety or even anxiety at random times. Maybe you know the reasons for the anxiety and maybe you aren't aware of the reasons. Are you finding life a real challenge is your primitive brain having a huge impact or any impact in your life?. You may find it difficult to make decisions?, maybe procrastinate?, possibly worry excessively? or something else.
Would like to take the first step a tiny step into messaging me and we can have a no obligation call, in which you can see how I am able to help you. With tapping we can begin to calm and quiet the amygdala or the primitive brain, and then you can strive to make astounding changes to benefit you and people you are connected to and around you by taking that tiny step forward , you can make giant leaps into a new way of being.
Please message me for more information or a no obligation call to see how I can help you.