Winter can be the most beautiful time of the year for most people. But it’s also the time for the winter blues for many others.
Managing the symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder is one of the best things you can do for your health. You deserve to feel happy and well all year round. Help is available if you or a loved one is experiencing symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder. There are treatment options, including clinical research. You may reach us at (214) 396-4844.
What you need to know about the signs of schizophrenia. Treatment options, including clinical research, are available. Call us at (214) 396-4844 to learn more.
Happy Birthday to Dr. Johnson! May you have a great year!
Happy New Year! May you and yours have a wonderful year!
Welcome to winter!
December is Seasonal Depression Awareness Month. Despite the long, dark days, December can be the most beautiful time of the year for most people. But it’s also the time for the winter blues for many others.
Managing the symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder is one of the best things you can do for your health. You deserve to feel happy and well all year round. Help is available if you or a loved one is experiencing symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder. There are treatment options, including clinical research.
May you and yours have a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving.
Pillar Clinical Research was on hand at the 2023 CNS Summit in Boston, MA. In attendance were Nichole Gutierrez, Chief Operations Officer, Brian Craig, President of Translational Medicine, Scott Bartley, M.D., Curtis Ponton, Ph. D., Chief Science Officer, Ted Alford, Vice President of Community Engagement, Kim Myers, Vice President of Corporate Development, Adrienne Catalina, Vice President of Clinical Affairs, and Mallory Witham, Director of Business Development.
CNS Summit is a community of innovators and industry leaders who are not afraid to challenge the status quo.
CNS Summit was founded in 2009 by leaders in the life sciences as a community to advance the work of life sciences companies with a focus on innovation, collaboration and technology.
Our mission is to have an impact on patients by being a platform for driving positive change. We believe this mission is our ethical duty to the patients we serve by developing new treatments.
Through year-round events and our flagship annual event, members of the CNS Summit community develop collaborative professional relationships, richly diverse networks and insights into how to drive the future.
Adjusting the clocks twice a year in observance of daylight-saving time can have various health consequences due to losing an hour of sleep. However, the fall shift back to standard time may increase depression and affect your mental health.
There seems to be more depression, anxiety, and even suicidal thoughts around the time the clock changes, both in spring and in the fall.
As a reminder, there are treatment options, and it’s okay to ask for help.
What you need to know about acute schizophrenia. Treatment options are available and there is hope.
Call today to learn about the clinical study we are conducting for this condition.
(214) 396-4844
630 N. Coit Rd., No. 2200, Richardson, TX 75080
October is depression and mental health awareness month. Although these topics are not often discussed in our personal or work lives, mental health disorders affect millions of American workers. The purpose is to increase understanding, decrease stereotypes, and help educate on how depression and other mental health issues impact people. Awareness months give people affected by a specific condition a chance to share their stories. The goal is to help increase the overall understanding of depression or other conditions and help overcome stereotypes.
There are many types of depression and mental health disorders. From seasonal affective disorder (SAD) to bipolar to generalized anxiety to alcohol use, these and many other mental health disorders can be diagnosed and treated in their own specific ways.
There are some steps you can take to help manage your mental health. Still, these suggestions should not be taken as a substitute for seeing a medical professional and receiving appropriate therapy.
Join us as we build awareness of mental health and self-care.
If you've been diagnosed with schizophrenia, consider this.