As I am reading about the constant exposure of Pe******ia, I want to encourage you as parents to please teach your children how to be safe. We always tell our children to be safe accidents that can happen, but what about increasing their awareness of sexual abuse. I know that as a parent this is NOT a topic that we want to even think on, but the Lord tells us to be wise as serpents. Research supports that children are sexually abused by someone they know, not a stranger. So how can we bring awareness and protect our children? As early as their minds are able to understand, instruct them and teach them that they have PRIVATE body parts!! Give them the only people (safe adults) that are appropriate to assist them if something is wrong with their private body parts. For example, only “mom and dad” or “safe adult” can help you get a bath. “Do not show your private body parts to another person,” “if someone shows you their private body parts, tell safe adult immediately!” These are are ways that we can help instruct our children to be safe. We do not live in a world where people are generally good, the Bible tells us that we are all sinners, born into sin. As a parent of a child with Autism, this is exceptionally scary because my son may not understand or know. Also as a parent with a daughter, I do not want her to be susceptible to abuse because of ignorance. So let’s break the stigma, and realize that sexual abuse is real and it is happening to our precious children!! https://youtu.be/0I2gVdBmA-s
Research shows that talking to your kids about touching safety is the best way to keep them safe from sexual abuse. Yes, it can be uncomfortable and awkward....